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Feb 2011 · 449
go away
ml collins Feb 2011
pain,pain go away
come back another day.
i think will
i think i might
come back to slice tonite.
razor deep.
tearing flesh.
take your last
painful breath.
pull it in.
drag it out.
watch my blood flow out.
unseen feelings.
unheard screams.
god this knife means everything.
what if he finds them?
what if he sees?
will he understand
the release i need?
pain pain go away
come back another day.
Feb 2011 · 619
in a nutshell
ml collins Feb 2011
Tonite was the first time. To feel the knife tear my skin. See my blood bubble then flow. Flush with a painful glow. I cant scream or yell or throw my pain away. I let it flow. My crimsion release.

— The End —