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Sep 2013 · 872
Lawddd Jesus Be My Savior
MJ Smith Sep 2013
I stay up waiting for the day that I never wake up
Hoping that I just open up my eyes and see The Lord standing right in front of my eyes but who knows when that day will come I just
So I just wander
Looking for a path I got good intentions man I swear I do
Some people just won't understand the things I do
So I pray God help me find the way...
This long cold road and I always stray away just young that's tryna get paid
Lord I notice you've gifted me with the ability to see the things that the blind can't see
For the blinds ones see the wrong things and they don't see the good in me and when I do sin they all on me
So lord forgive me I ain't perfect but I think this aint worth it no mo...
Why the poor man struggle the white man can't stay humble the black man can't stay outta trouble
It just ain't worth it to me...
Why can't the blind man just see
Lord you shouldn't have blessed me to see
Because I always deceive
The things that me the most to me
For I am simple man not tryna play with no gun in my hand but I'm possessed by some demons that always got me scheme'in....
So God send Jesus to me I wanna believe again that soon one day I will  live with no sin
that the blind will see
And I will be free.......
May 2013 · 703
It's O.K.
MJ Smith May 2013
You honestly have no idea who the ****  I am and you don’t know a thing about me and probably  never will

I will never open up to you
May 2013 · 2.7k
MJ Smith May 2013
“an earnest or strenuous attempt”
I put alot of effort into things…
I put effort into school, relationships,family,sports, and more… It’s gets STRENUOUS! 
But I keep pushing because I know sooner or later I will reach my goal and sooner or later there will be some to carry this load with me
She may not be perfect but she’ll be perfect for me…
My Effort has been challenged more then once it’s been challenged often actually but I can’t quit there’s ppl that depend on me 
Like my lil brother he looks up to me he needs me he needs someone to set him example or he would mess his life up
Me I have father he isn’t the greatest but hell tell me the truth sometimes it’ll hurt but I needa hear it…
He didn’t have the best father figure but to be where he is right now is amazing he could’ve fell into terrible things…
I promise ill be better then him i have the EFFORT to handle that…
School is starting to wear me down but I can’t give in I have to struggle to get these grades I can’t give in or ill fail i don’t wanna be a failure i wanna be far from that I have goals that are bigger then ****** dreams!
That’s why I call myself i_dreambigg
Because no one dreams bigger then me but I’m different imma make a dream a reality ! 
Best believe that !
I never hold something against somebody ill always forgive 
You could **** me over a billion times ill still come through for you cause im that guy 
Ill treat those how I want to be treated…
Mar 2013 · 831
MJ Smith Mar 2013
Why should I try?
When all it does is lead to lies!
And then later I just cry
I want it to stop
So I can chill with my pops
Maybe he'll stop kicking rocks
And moms will put down the pills
Then my brother will be a chill
Cause trying is hard and loving is harder
And trying to love someone who doesn't love you will leave you ill
Wanting to take pills
Because u cannot chill
So u start kicking rocks lik ur pops
Oh Boy don't  you want  it to stop
But just lay there and cry
Because that person lied
Mar 2013 · 808
I'm a soldier
MJ Smith Mar 2013
Yeah I love you but u take advantage of me u take all of my love for granted like im nuthin to yah...
It hurts hits me straight in the heart but I shrug it off likes its nuthin cause imma soldier I gotta be this world would eat me up i had to grow up fast where came from the streets is tough boy
Words from grandpa
U never kno what's out there for u never kno what's in store
I used to wear my heart on my sleeve so I went n bought a jacket so these ****** can't hurt me...
I just wonder why the love of my life does it to I hand her the gun n she basically shoots me in the back but Ill take the Bullet cause lik I said imma soldier !
Feb 2013 · 539
For my moms
MJ Smith Feb 2013
I dream of the day I can see you smile with no pain hidden inside
I can't wait till I pull up to your 8 bed room mansion
If I could only have the chance to give back the same amount of love Back to you

We use to stay up late laughing about the struggles we've been through
I'm praying my wife has atleast one of your skills
Feb 2013 · 1.2k
MJ Smith Feb 2013
Just let me adore you bae is it that hard
I just wanna hold you
Kiss you ill do anything to please you
I wanna spin you around and show everyone your beauty
When I look into your eyes it's like looking at the stars at night
I want you now and forever
Ion need no other dont you see your my one and only
Your looks are a distraction I get lost in your beauty
Your all I think about
I day dream about you all day
I strive for you....
My goal is you
Darling you shouldn't have to work a day in your life
Your body is my temple
I cherish your every touch
My weakness is you...
Nov 2012 · 1.7k
MJ Smith Nov 2012
The greatest gift
you can give to someone
is your time
because when you give your tim
you're giving them a portion of life
that you never get back Ive given u so much time baby  ;)
I know nothing last forever
and may be we wont always stay together But I am glad
every morning when I wake up
I still have you in my heart always and forever but
I'm sorry Sweetheart. .
But Sometimes,
I get jealous thinking that someone else could make you happier than I could
I guess its my insecurities acting up Because I know
I'm not the beautiful smartest or most fun and exciting.
But I do know that
No matter how long you'll never find someone that loves you like I do.
Being in a relationship
Its not about the labels or becoming official.
Its about getting to know someone well enough to GET a genuine feelings for them
Its about being understanding and forgiving when situations are at their worst.
Its about loving someone not for what they have to offer but who they are.

Its never about blaming your partner  for not treating you like how you want to be treated
its about how hard they try to keep you around.. !
And baby I try so hard!
Nov 2012 · 606
I need that
MJ Smith Nov 2012
When I am without her the sun doesn’t shine as brightly.
When I am without her the clouds are dark
When I am without her the birds don’t sing as sweetly.
When I am without her the walls close in on me.
whispering her name sustains me.
But when I am with her she lifts me up.
When I am with her I have the strength to move mountains.
When I am with her I can withstand anything.
When I am with her her smile warms my very soul.
When I am with her the angels sing her name.
When I am with her I fall in love all over again.
Nov 2012 · 887
Picture perfect
MJ Smith Nov 2012
You ever get a feeling where ur heart warms up
Butterflies are all overflowing inside of u
Everything slows down...
Then ur face just perks up
And you can't stop
Well that's how I felt today I could stop smiling
My mood couldn't be killed
All I wanted to is be next to you
I everytime I kissed you time slowed my heart beat skipped n my mind ran free with no limits
No Problems
No Fears
I could take on the world with you
and I would have no doubt in my mind we would win
The things u do to me are unreal I'm wrapped around ur finger
Girl  ur my everything I love you just the you are  ain't gotta change Nuthin?
U n mr are "Picture Perfect"
I love you baby
Stay true to you
Nov 2012 · 6.1k
You Deserve The Best
MJ Smith Nov 2012
I want you to get what you deserve And thats the best
And I times I don't give you my best and you deserve better then that But I  promise I'll give u my best from my heart !
I know times get rough between us n I know I can get overactive but  u deal with that with your best effort I guess what  I'm tryna tell you is tht your the BEST BABY and I want nothing but u all I want is YOU! I want all of YOU
And I don't wanna share it with anybody :) I wanna care for you  and take you to a place where your always gonna be safe
This **** right here is long term
People say we're too young n stupid
But I don't  think so we've gone through things that a lot grown ppl have gone through
So I smile and think me and my girl is something real cause we've already have gotten through tough things whats gonna stop us
you and me are a team that can't be beaten !
Yesterday I told you get deja vu a lot and I had this weird vision of you older in this white dress
and then I woke up from my nap
I was scared n couldn't stop smiling I was scared that I might mess this up but smiling cause I was like tht dream was amazing until my mom called :/
So when I say "I love you"
I really mean it ! I can't go a day without talking to you or and I struggle when I can't see your beautiful face
So listen when I say this Reina
And you are the BEST
Nov 2012 · 1.2k
It's Not Easy
MJ Smith Nov 2012
No one ever said it would be easy. but I'm willing to work through our lows. and cherish them as much as I love our highs.
our love is like a rollercoaster. we have our twists and turns. and we have our drops and rises. but we make it through all of them.
yeah things get hard , but I'm still
thankful that God has blessed me w you.
you are the one who will love me through anything. you can deal w me at my worst and you cherish my best. we
deserve each other.
w out the other , the two of us would be completely different.
there would still be this missing part inside of me that you filled
when you stepped into my life.
they say that the best relationships are the ones that you've built a bond before it started.
this I believe we did.
that what makes our love so unconditional.
so as long as you stay w me , I'll be riding w you.
Nov 2012 · 723
Her.... Part 2
MJ Smith Nov 2012
When I am without her the sun doesn’t shine as brightly.
When I am without her the clouds are dark
When I am without her the birds don’t sing as sweetly.
When I am without her the walls close in on me.
whispering her name sustains me.
But when I am with her she lifts me up.
When I am with her I have the strength to move mountains.
When I am with her I can withstand anything.
When I am with her her smile warms my very soul.
When I am with her the angels sing her name.
When I am with her I fall in love all over again.
Nov 2012 · 2.5k
MJ Smith Nov 2012
Maybe I've become to attached Maybe I fell for u to hard
Maybe I'm just overreacting
Or maybe the spark is gone
I've been thinking lately
Maybe I whine to much
Maybe I'm just a loser
Maybe her love for me is gone
I could just be overreacting
But all the signs lead to this
Maybe she just doesn't want this
What could I be doing wrong
Maybe I love her to much
Maybe I annoy her
Or maybe there's someone else..

Idk maybe I should end it
Before my heart is broken
Maybe this is just argument
But how do I know
She says jokes to play with me
But what if their real
What if she thinks I'm soft
What if she thinks I'm small
What if she thinks I'm just another boy
But she'll know I've been all in
Since day 1
She'll know that I love her
She'll know that she's my world
She'll know that she's my favorite girl

This more then me just venting this is me pouring my heart to person who I don't know if they care anymore?

So I wanna hear it from your lips
I wanna hear u say it in my ear
I wanna hear u say it to ur mom
I wanna hear u say it to a friend
I wanna hear u say it to the world

That you love me and you'll never put someone above

I want you to be all in
I want you to show me that your foreal
I want you to prove to me that im yours
I want you to say to me that I'm your world

You know I sound like a ***** typing this but I don't care
Only a real man can show his feelings to a girl
Only real man can say he loves his girl  
Only real man can shout that he loves Reina Marie

So can u tell me do u love me ?
Nov 2012 · 1.2k
MJ Smith Nov 2012

I can never get my mind off her,
I wonder if she'd mind if i'd,
make her my own,
and never let her go,
hug her tight,
treat her right,
act all polite,
take her on a date,
make sure i'm never late,
kiss her on her lips,
talk about our kids,
Make her feel like princess,
living in a castle,
hope that is not too much hassle,
But i am so blessed,
hope i can be the best,
hold you tight,
have your Breast,
on my chest,
pass the test,
So now my heart can finally
Be at rest
Nov 2012 · 1000
Why I love you
MJ Smith Nov 2012
You give to me hope
And help me to cope
When life pulls me down
You bring me around

You teach me to care
And help me to share
You make me honest
With kindness the best

From you I learned love
With grace from above
It's for you I live
And I want to give
This love to the world and above

You are the reason
That fills each season
When I hear love I think of you
You are my world and best friend too

I love you because you are so kind, thoughtful and caring
I love you because you are so pleasant, lovely and sharing

You made me the man I am
Thank you
Nov 2012 · 796
Feel Me
MJ Smith Nov 2012
You say you love me
you say you care
But when you look into my eyes
I see and feel something more
I see your soul and you see mine
I feel your love, love words can't describe
You are the one, the one I'll always love
and the one that will always care.... my first love

This is first love
and it is young love
and we'll fly to the moon
I'll look divine
my brown eyes will shine
and our lives will be
roses and wine
because you are mine.
Nov 2012 · 2.5k
Future plans
MJ Smith Nov 2012
I pray at night wonder wats Gods plan
I wonder if I can ever  live up to the pressure that's put on me
So u see I gotta put the work in
Cause ever one gonna want my serial pin
I was born n raised a fighter the life of the underdog is my story
I was never chose to win
They said I'm just a loser but now im calling the shots
U can call me  a chooser
Never again will I be a loser
Till the end of time I will be remember as the ultimate underdog
I'm always gonna b overtop
Nov 2012 · 1.0k
What's life?
MJ Smith Nov 2012
Last night thought to myself wats the meaning of life? Praised God n spread his love right? Sure you'll meet some people that are mean n thn some that are Wat if u meet someone u love? Do I tell tht person tht I love thm or do bottle my emotions ?  Bt Wat if they ask me if I love them? Well god says never tell a lie even if the truth hurts! So tell her I love thn things get complicated bt hw shldnt they get easier ? Ig not but I was told tht if u love tht person alot u fight through some tough times n ignore thm n mental erase thm. So I do so cause I love her n things got easier  but thn wht if we get sick of each other ? U probly will I was told thn they said u gotta keep things new n exciting ! So I did so n it got even easier bt later it got hard again ! Bt it's always gonna get hard bt ur love for tht person should make it easy!
Even though I hate somethings since u love I learn to love. N I hope u do the same. So wats the meaning of life praised god n if u happen to find someone u Lik on the Way maybe u shld hold on to thm aslong as u can! Until the end of time
MJ Smith Nov 2012
The girl I always wanted the feelings I didn't show I kept them bottle up cause I  was scared to let u kno
we in relationships but there's feelings between us we both know
Let's keep it fun n call each other in need when we are having pleads with our relationships
Your my Lil boo thang yah keep it real when I need it the most I promise to keep real with u cause I got nothing to hide
To the girl I couldn't have ur not mine but let me remind u tht I'm always here
Promise me one day will give us a shot cause u n me always gonna b hot  
So let's stay as is till we both single then we can both mingle and it will finally be simple
If yah don't feel the same oh well I shldve saw this coming spend my money on girls who didn't love me
But then again your just something I always wanted
Nov 2012 · 690
Hey lover
MJ Smith Nov 2012
"Hey lover"

Hey lover, you know I see yah on the daily but I never get old of drivin yah crazy

— The End —