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2.8k · Jul 2013
Rudolfs misfit toys
Tear down your home
Live life like a garden gnome
Watching the grass grow
Observe snow melting
Your metamorphosis
Into a misfit butterfly.
Star gaze during the day
Let your dog take you on a walk
Marry the same gender
And color with white crayons
Wear flip flops on a snowy day
Start a fire by rubbing two ice cubes together then
Burn churches and wait for the rain
But remember, Be afraid of the light
Oh, don't forget
Sell you soul to Lucifer
Because second chances are overrated
And happiness isn't
Strike down Zeus with a thunderbolt
**** Hades with kindness
And drown Poseidon
Just to prove its okay to get carried away.
2.6k · Jul 2013
The perfect person
With love in your mind
and kindness in your heart
Always there for me at every turn
My love for you burns
Like a blistering inferno.
In my life you are to me
Nothing less than a ray of sunshine
shining brighter than any other.
I feel bad
for those who are sad
because i've found something
they don't have
Pure, sublime, mystical, happiness.
That will last an eternity,
so long as its spent with you.
2.5k · Jul 2013
Subliminal cryptogram
I sleep in pitch black rooms and wait
for candles to light themselves
Thoughts the same shade of dark.
Counting sheep as they hop into  slaughter houses of gluttonous, avaricious men who trade their humanity for pocket change.
While satans minions work with circumspectivness to reap what their slave-like bourgeois  have sewn living with a motto of
Yesterday is history tomorrow is a mystery
In the Meantime fribble prodigal sons of the privileged ponder their inheritance
While the daughter of a currier burns her fathers letters because something's are best left unknown
and the candles remain unlit.
But beauteous animals still roam free in the wild,
little kids still smile.
There's hope in the heart of each child.
Sitting in seclusion and coming to Ambiguous conclusions is always productive
So When did the key to success become failure?
*when wasn't it?
2.2k · Jul 2013
Bound by something special,
perhaps spiritual?
like pieces
Of some fragmented soul
that are drawn to one another.
Things seem to have fallen into place
For this ancient being.
together we synthesize thoughts,
I once thought only I could constitute.
Energies that bounce off one another
leading down multitudinous passages
helping to emphasize my Existentialism
As one we create the most primordial bond.
with the third part of this fragmented soul
we shall call for Lunar Diplomacy's
and shake the very fabrics of the universe.
Because who's to stop us?
free from all judgement's in each-others presence
anything is possible.
1.5k · Jun 2013
Binding agreements
empty promises
from birth
put into a system without choice
those who ask questions are shunned
those who give the answers are praised
those who break their shackles
No one knows.

~a work in progress
1.5k · Jul 2013
Magnificent Obsession
Midnight dream
inconceivable desires.
The denizens of a simple town
In a world of complication.
I want, I need to find
a primitive land far beyond.
Far-fetched, chimerical.
My decree, to search
high and low,side to side.
For a place where I can be free.
From stipulation that seems to be
A birthright, a curse made out to seem like
a gift, as though we asked for this?
oh Mortification, all I ask is to be
unlatched from this leash
the world so generously strapped
around my neck. That is my
Magnificent Obsession**.
1.4k · Jul 2013
Wanting to reach out
I can't grasp just any hand
so i can refrain and grab my own
schizophrenic anarchy is always my second choice.
So i tore rose pedals from the flower and yelled to the ever so guilty skies
She loves me not!

I must have been a sociopath in my previous life
to quietly deal with all my strife and dissension with the acquainted

A wise woman once told me some people aren't content with their thoughts
so they don't like to be alone

I lied and replied I AM
with all of my polar opposites I am more alone
than ever before, I can just blame the moon
but i know that I need my ray of sunshine.

*not self pity, autobiographical
1.3k · Jul 2013
Crawl sweet child
I'll pray
Each day
That your set free
And get to experience the world
Cup half full
1.2k · Aug 2013
How Evil am I
I am a serial killer of pure inhibitions
Innocence of blind minds are my trophy's
I left you all to die
And lived long enough to see myself become the villain
It was cruel
To force maturity upon happy children
And nobody will ever know how Evil I really am
1.2k · Jun 2013
Valar Morghulis
fleeting desires
childhood dreams
the harsh reality
of what it all means
finding solace in the fact
that all roads lead
To salvation
Valar Morghulis
1.1k · Jul 2013
Dance me a song dreck thinker.
Let the ocean wash away your thoughts of rain.
Understand scars are forever but so are diamonds.
And every night you'll dream again.
You'll never comprehend the dark  like the moon
Or the light like the sun.
Learn that only Monty python knows the meaning of life, and where the holy grail is.
So stop searching and just appreciate uncertainty.
Then sing me a dream because I'm tired of screamed night terrors.
1.1k · Jul 2013
What keeps me up this late is not a dream.
903 · Jun 2013
eyes blinded by prejudice
heart numbed by hate
vile idiocy is born
a World where indifference is acceptable
and being different sparks controversy
people strive for mediocrity
always with second thoughts
but no ambition
waiting for the lights to be turned on
but never searching for the switch
We live in a world of serendipitous failure.
887 · Jul 2013
They say the blade that waits
Hurts the most,
Be wary of my anguish because
oh lord am I patient.
As a rock sitting, and listening
with all its adoration
for things that grow
and prosper
as opposed to slowly degrading away,
awaiting the day
when it can seek its true revenge
on those who let it
Become a husk, a flimsy consciousness
left to fade away into an abysmal oblivion
the plane where its very existence is questioned
A place where no light can shine through
and no sound can be heard
Alone with its thoughts.
Permitted to become
That ancient blade in the crowd.
872 · Jul 2013
Praise the sun
Sun shimmering blue and cold
praise the sun!
Clandestine meetings of silver and gold
Mother of the fortunate child
Shouting the sounds of silence
Sitting and wondering what race is god!
While found and forgotten similes speak volumes
Into deaf ears
So we watch silent movies
Critiquing the way people looked
Cautious of the false deities that seek to enslave the sheep
In the same instant the bold and brave dance alongside the noble stars
Waiting for the cats and dogs to rise up
And inherit the earth,
With forsaken celestial beings
Disregarding their responsibility to salvage
All that breathes lies.
We can wait until today's tomorrow
Because theres more beauty in simplicity
than there is simplicity in beauty.
*of course
861 · Sep 2013
Right from the dungeons of summer
I'm a product of your betrayal
And the me you know died
Never again to be revived
For in this world of crime
I've come into my own
Learned the way of the streets
And all of its weirdos and creeps
At least to me they don't lie
But I'll be shot dead
And be remembered as a chalk outline
Before you ever hear me apologize.
854 · Jun 2013
A responsibility
The Flames
Meant to be shared between two
And only two
Once a tender leaves?
Together we must link the flames
the heat cannot be handled by one.
but thats where the responsibility falls
Desperately trying to warm others
with the flames unfathomable rage
reaching out for help
losing His humanity
But to no avail
Burning everyone in It's wake
the flame is eternal, but the fuel is not.
The tender becomes
A charred husk of what he used to be,
Nevertheless he keeps his great affinity for the fire.
He who was the king of sunlight
Is Now
The Lord of Cinder,
A scorched soul,
A forlorn epitome of disconsolation.
left to weep in the kiln of the flame He created
to protect us from the corruption of darkness
Only in a place like this
Can a new,
True spark
Be Born.

*Here's to the saddest story i know
829 · Jul 2013
A door doesn't decide what key unlocks it
Just as a tree doesn't decide where it will grow
And the poor beggar doesn't decide who dumps steel blessings into his empty cup

*interpret that how you will
809 · Jun 2013
That familiar feeling
furious elation flows through your veins
with a hint of regret
and a touch of sadness
who am i to judge
who's anyone to care
787 · Jun 2013
thoughts on Life
The meaning of life is not to "give life meaning" as tumblr and other social media suggest. contrary to popular belief, there is no true meaning of life. This a violently controversial topic that is oh so misunderstood. There's no reason for anything, no purpose for anyone. Instead of trying to apply meaning to life you must take a step back and accept the unavoidable truth. That we are cosmic dust, sitting on a slightly largest spec of cosmic dust. the very foundations of our existence are based upon this lie of purpose, and an unwillingness to accept there is no purpose to anything. Life is to be appreciated, not questioned, so we should just sit back and explore the endless possibilities of the gift of life that some higher power has lent to us.
736 · Jul 2013
Weeping like a willow that's forgotten how to shed a tear
So lets drink heavy beer
Ignore the harsh words like weird and queer
As our brains degrade so will our hate
Sticks and stones will brake your bones but words you'll never feel
People have platinum skin
And bones of steel
I have not a care in the world
Cause this generations holy scripture states
the second messiahs name is Mary Jane
Her disciples burn away the pain
730 · Jul 2013
A pendulum work blue
I wake up each day
And listen to my brain say
what did I do to make it all go away

My only crime is caring for you too much
And for that my heart makes me pay.
We laughed at all the cliches. You were gonna be my best friend forever.

Unfortunately I let myself believe once again, that it was you and me until the end.

I guess it's time to pretend.
Like I don't care
But even with the few memories we share.
That wouldn't be fair.
And so I don't dare

I don't need big words or an overpowered intellect to get my point across. That your the reason my favorite quote's
hope's for presidents And dreams are for people who are sleeping

And now I understand why the grim reaper Is still reaping.

I pulled to hard and still all I have to say is

One yesterday you'll understand
722 · Jul 2013
The world
A sunny place for shady people.
688 · Jul 2013
A relic
From the age of ancients
The land of great lords
Don't fret
every journey comes to an end.

whether it be falling from the heavens
Or rising from the depths of hell
each peregrination is a story
worth being told
from generation to generation.

lost but not forgotten

No matter the size of the person,
The magnanimity of their act.
Marks made on the world are not a matter of size
Their a matter of depth.
every respective feat and chronicle.
It's really just if the indentation you make
is everlasting.

And leaves a mark
on peoples Hearts.
688 · Aug 2013
You always find a way
to slip between my fingers
660 · Jul 2013
I want to sit on your shoulders
And laugh at the earth
Just like all the stars
659 · Jun 2013
Only I can judge me
Looking through a magnifying glass
Trying to understand how I Function
Figuring if you can comprehend my thought process
Than you have me all figured out
I really do hate to disappoint but,
Your Wrong.
Your tongue waits
wielding mendacioness, ready to strike
Your words sting,
A miasmal plague on our holy essence is the bi-product.
But I do forgive, and i do carry on
For I am no fool
I know that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Only I can judge me.
610 · Jul 2013
uncertain sanity
epitomize thine-self?
I'm going ******* insane
or am the only one who isnt?
a mad man once asked his only pupil
595 · Jun 2013
On my way home today
i found a butterfly
I was the butterfly
You were me.

You saw that
My wings were broken
and swooped me up
off the ground
I offered no opposition
Appreciative of the help
You had to offer me
you picked me up
out of curiosity
and something else
But what?
were you curious.
Curious to see how the wings broke
and to see if you could fix them.
or curious to see if they had broken
in the same places
as yours.
In the end the question remains unanswered
because you don't speak the language
Of us butterfly's.
571 · Jul 2013
Midnight walk
Midnight walk
clear my thoughts
right from my head
the road looks clean
I walk there instead

Standing in the midst
Of what was a busy intersection
I think ill close my eyes                    open
Praising the sun in the dead of night
Why do i feel so alive?

Only now may I see
How acquainted the sun is with the stars
I used to think it must be so lonely shining up there
as a tree might feel
Towering above the grass in a large field

Or me lying in the street
praying these machines I hear
will just let me be
No matter what I do
This is what sets me free

Resting on my back
in a concrete jungle
yet somehow flying.
Oh midnight walk
this is not the end,

*we shall meet again
524 · Jun 2013
Superfluous sounds
Be silent
foul clock
I will conquer you

— The End —