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Miss Ohio Aug 2020
I'm still bleeding
From all these wounds
Left by
Hungry wolves;
Wanted a taste
Of something sweet
And I'm too weak
To say no.

Could you
Say you'll stay...

You aren't mine.
We've both always known.

But maybe-
You could save me anyway.
Miss Ohio Aug 2020
Most days
Old photos
Don't hurt.
But i stopped
This morning  
And stared at you.
So I could
Remember the feel
Of your cheek
Under my lips.
Of your skin
Under my touch.
Of your heartbeat
Under my ear.
Of your hand
In my hair.

I tried to remember
But all i could see
Was the way you're loving her
The way you used to love me.
18 years.
Miss Ohio Aug 2020
Navy eyes
And curly lashes
I stared into
For lost
Aimless hours.
The stubbled-sharp
Of your square jaw,
I placed my kisses
All along.
The tan shoulders
I ran
My fingers across,
Leaving prints
Of hope
In our love dust.
Your fingers,
Around mine...
Eyes closed,
And you snored
Cuddled from behind,
My big spoon.
This ache
Laid upon
My breast bone.
Right where
You laid
And I kissed your forehead.

And now..
You're a picture
I scroll by,
Smiling into a lens.
And that face,
Those memories,
Haunt me,
Wide awake,
So I'll never forget.
Miss Ohio Aug 2020
Of all
The things
I could have given
This son,
Grown in my womb,
Growing in this home-

I wish
The way I love-
Til I break myself
Into shattered bits
And broken
Wasn't it.

If only he had gotten
My green eyes instead.
Miss Ohio Aug 2020
Borne in the shadow
Of his
Imperfect view;
Cream sweaters
And freshly baked cookies
And hidden tattoos.

Broken free now;
And the world
Will know-
Inked it on my skin,
I've got wild oats to sow.
Miss Ohio Aug 2020
I was sunshine
And he was fire.

We collided-
Now burned memories
On our sticky skin.
Singed fingertips
And bruised lips.
I'll take it all
Just to feel the heat
Of him
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