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1.7k · Nov 2014
My Name Is Crystal Meth
Misschivious66 Nov 2014
I destroy homes, I tear families apart, take your children, and that's just the start. 
I'm more costly than diamonds, more precious than gold, 
The sorrow I bring is a sight to behold. 
If you need me, remember I'm easily found, 
I live all around you - in schools and in town. 
I live with the rich; I live with the poor, 
I live down the street, and maybe next door.
I'm made in a lab, but not like you think, 
I can be made under the kitchen sink. 
In your child's closet, and even in the woods, 
If this scares you to death, well it certainly should. 
I have many names, but there's one you know best, 
I'm sure you've heard of me, my name is crystal ****. 
My power is awesome; try me you'll see, 
But if you do, you may never break free. 
Just try me once and I might let you go, 
But try me twice, and I'll own your soul. 
When I possess you, you'll steal and you'll lie, 
You do what you have to -- just to get high. 
The crimes you'll commit for my narcotic charms 
Will be worth the pleasure you'll feel in your arms, 
your lungs your nose. 
You'll lie to your mother; you'll steal from your dad, 
When you see their tears, you should feel sad. 
But you'll forget your morals and how you were raised, 
I'll be your conscience, I'll teach you my ways. 
I take kids from parents, and parents from kids, 
I turn people from God, and separate friends. 
I'll take everything from you, your looks and your pride, 
I'll be with you always -- right by your side. 
You'll give up everything - your family, your home, 
Your friends, your money, then you'll be alone. 
I'll take and take, till you have nothing more to give, 
When I'm finished with you, you'll be lucky to live. 
If you try me be warned - this is no game, 
If given the chance, I'll drive you insane. 
I'll ravish your body, I'll control your mind, 
I'll own you completely, your soul will be mine. 
The nightmares I'll give you while lying in bed, 
The voices you'll hear, from inside your head. 
The sweats, the shakes, the visions you'll see, 
I want you to know, these are all gifts from me. 
But then it's too late, and you'll know in your heart, 
That you are mine, and we shall not part. 
You'll regret that you tried me, they always do, 
But you came to me, not I to you. 
You knew this would happen, many times you were told, 
But you challenged my power, and chose to be bold. 
You could have said no, and just walked away, 
If you could live that day over, now what would you say? 
I'll be your master, you will be my slave, 
I'll even go with you, when you go to your grave. 
Now that you have met me, what will you do? 
Will you try me or not? It's all up to you. 
I can bring you more misery than words can tell, 
Come take my hand, let me lead you to hell.
If you care enough, please forward this profound poem and share the deadly outcome of this drug that is killing our young kids young and old...
Misschivious66 Dec 2014
I  was so proud of our little girl
It was her very first day of school  
we walked with her to school that day
And she held his hand all the way
They walked together quiet and sad
A little girl and her loving mum dad
Into the school her parents led
But we almost cried when she said
Daddy, mummy  please don't go
Don't leave me here all alone
I'll miss you if you go away
Misschivious66 Dec 2014
It was the first time that they met,
They didn't have a clue,
The future that would await them,
The feelings they never knew.

It was in his eyes that she had seen,
They were brown and dark as night,
It was the girl's friendly smile,
that was his first sight

It was the first time that they spoke,
And no, it was no myth,
That while she stared into her eyes,
he was the one she wanted to be with.

Even though he felt the same,
But this girl, she did not know,
That she  loved him  with all her heart,
But the  feelings she did not show.

So after many hopeless days,
The girl no more believed in fate,
That was when the guy realized,

then the guy had a dream
that included this girl
and fate now came knocking on her gate

He came back just in time,
To steal that poor girl's heart away,
She forgave and she forgot,
All the nights she layed awake.

That they had their first kiss and caress
ill see you tomorrowI promise you this
he didn't show up this day or next

So every night she tells him
Before she turns out her light,
Those three little famous words,
I love you and goodnight.
after waiting 1 yr I  finally got a break then by fate I lost him... SENTANCED TILL APRIL I GUESS
557 · Dec 2014
Happiness is all I seek
Misschivious66 Dec 2014
In a hot seated seat.
an argument you cant beat.
its a constant feat.
and its no treat.
only nothing you beat.
nothing whole do you keep.
Everything inside turns weak.
love and happiness is bleak.
The things you cherish and love
Begins to reek.
and its merely happiness I seek.
535 · Dec 2014
My Daughters Daughter
Misschivious66 Dec 2014
My daughter’s new daughter
How precious and sweet
Beautifully perfect
From her head to her feet

Ten tiny fingers
And ten tiny toes
All dressed up in lace
With a cute button nose

I look at her face
And I see her bright smile
I have to admit
Takes me back quite awhile

I remember the day
Brought my own daughter home
More precious than anything
I’d ever known

My daughter’s new daughter
How precious and sweet
Beautifully perfect
From her head to her feet
530 · Nov 2014
Green & Blue
Misschivious66 Nov 2014
Heart n soul minimal,
almost criminal,
Sanity sought.
Green eyes thinking only of lies.
Thinking you are FOREVER denied.
That all you hear are lies.
It’s only you.
Where did TWO US the WE go.
You make me feel so low.
Green is my eyes.
Blue is your heart.
Will we end up apart?
Will love and life depart?
Jealous and Blue
358 · Nov 2014
Shadows of Illusion
Misschivious66 Nov 2014
Illusion, Confusion
Inner self doubt

always questioning what life’s all about,
feeling like
I want to scream and shout.

Self-affliction personal addiction,
my own conviction,

Delusion accusing
never improving

heart and soul loosing.
Another one choosing nothing

I feel I'm proving.
Illusion confusion
only myself I'm loosing.
Written in 1990s about Myself
342 · Nov 2014
Is It Me?
Misschivious66 Nov 2014
Is it something I did or did not do?
Your lack of simple faith amazes astounds me.
You're a hard one;
You only end in hurting you.
I wish I you the time is way overdue.
To find something in life that's whole and true.
Maybe your spirit did not grow?
And I'm better than you.
Better than you think or know.
I'm many ways your my foe my woe.
As you treat me make like a cheap two bit ***.
Do you know?
What's in the long run will?
It is fun or fated down the barrel of
a loaded gun?
Only you knew?
Is it something real or is it UN true?
Is it me is it you please tell me who?
I Think Its You
336 · Dec 2014
Politics & War
Misschivious66 Dec 2014
Kings and Queens
Dukes and Earls

Liberal or Labour
They make the rules

We there slaves
there followers like mules

pay our taxes for the leaders to use

The day will come when the button they'll push
and the bombs will fall to end us all

if your lucky you'll die as they drop from the sky
or you'll walk this earth like never before

Babies are crying Dogs are howling
death is prowling

As the sky is falling
no new dawn dawning

its humanities warning
The screams the pain the blood drenched cities
who is to blame who is to gain?

While somewhere out there the politicians and such
are boarding a shuttle to somewhere out there above

There leaving us to die leaving this earth
turning there backs

We left here the torture and pain
who will you vote for next election day?
Just a thought
323 · Dec 2014
You Say
Misschivious66 Dec 2014
You say you love me,
But your actions say not,
You'll always care,
Is what I thought.

But now you're gone,
I can't believe,
That you'd pack up your stuff,
And then you'd leave.

I'm still in denial,
In case you can't tell,
I gave you my heart,
All you gave me was hell.

I don't know how long,
I'll be in this place,
It's like my heart stopped,
So did time and space.

Eventually I,
Will get over you,
And move on with life,
Yeah, I'll make it through.
318 · Dec 2014
Heavenly Light
Misschivious66 Dec 2014
My hand reaches out, infinate light.
My soul soars, takes to flight.
My dreams no longer
My thoughts no-more.
My heart free from pain.
My insanity sane.
My addictions past ways
My soul destructive ways sedated,cleansed
My inner peace, away from harm.
My i feel, i have died.
My heavenly father in you i abide.
My gratitude,
My thanks I was not left denied..
293 · Dec 2014
When Your Near
Misschivious66 Dec 2014
The angels sing when you are near
In your arms I feel no fear
You always know just what to say
Just talking to you makes my day
I love you honey with all my heart
Together forever never apart
Impossible it would be to adore you anymore
Ultimate you re for sure
Loving you , needs no cure
I feel alive I feel pure
Your simple allure is heaven to me .
I pray you agree with me
Misschivious66 Dec 2014
No amount of gold could ever compare, to the gift of love that my sons share
I've been blind and I couldn't see that all the love
I've wanted is right here in front of me.
He gives reason to get through another day.
Maybe it's how he loves me in his special little way.
And when it gets hard for me to sleep at night....
He wraps his little arms around me and says
God will make things right!
From sweet gentle touches to his bear hugs and a kiss...
He makes this hell on earth seem more like a peaceful bliss.
That great big cool-aid smile and the twinkle in his eyes....
Every time I look at him it makes me want to cry.
But they're not tears of sorrow; they're tears of pride and joy....
To know that all the love in heaven is wrapped around my little boys
my 3 sons
Misschivious66 Dec 2014
Do you know a life of loneliness and one filled with pain
living a life with nothing to gain.
Surrounded by darkness
Overwhelmed with shame.
A life without peace with no one to blame.

Do you know of a place unseen, a place that holds only shattered dreams,
A place filled with sorrow with no end in sight,
I am given this gift each and every night.

Do you know of a place so cold, this is the place
I call my soul.
A place without hope or comforting dreams, a life not worth living wouldn't it seem

Do you know of a life, that should have never been, and the feeling that today, this life has to end.
One more day of sadness is much too hard to bare,
I am tired of living a life of heart ache and despair.

Do you know a person with so much pain inside, or the feeling of loneliness when no one hears your cries,
maybe when the tears are gone, and I can clearly see, the only question left will be..

10 years more ago my husband left with my children thatI  didn't see for 8 months after that we are still seperated he just requested divorce
249 · Nov 2014
My Bridge
Misschivious66 Nov 2014
I stand upon my bridge and sigh.
I watch my tears run and flow as it joins the water down below.
I stand upon this bridge of mine and cry.
As my tear asks the question
Why is it I feel I'm denied?
Did I lie never confide.
Where and when did I die inside?
My Bridge part 1 of 8 about my struggles
248 · Dec 2014
Being With You
Misschivious66 Dec 2014
A million stars up in the sky
one shines brighter I can't deny
A love so precious a love so true
a love that comes from me to you
The angels sing when you are near
within your arms I have nothing to fear
You always know just what to say
just talking to you makes my day
I love you honey with all of my heart
together forever and never to part.

Saying "I love you" is a hard thing to do.
I have 2 versions of this this third one i found on a site under another's name be careful were you share your poems
248 · Dec 2014
Awake Or Asleep
Misschivious66 Dec 2014
In a state of confusion what is real or Illusion
In a dream time state am I awake or asleep?

My body so heavy as if piled in a heap
my eyes out of order no tears do they weep

Sanity I must keep

In a state of confusion what is real or Illusion?
Am I awake or asleep?
20 yrs ago
238 · Dec 2014
His Pet
Misschivious66 Dec 2014
There is simply just her
20 years old princess of all,
She rules his bed

His life his whole day right through
No room for I in his bed

No point in wishing to be wed
he is married to Billie till she is dead

Is it wrong to wish the day would come quick
It makes me sick when his feet she licks

She is matted and grey she ****** herself all day
The bedroom smells like a public toilet in
Never cleaned in the Bronx

She is sneaky and sly like a Russian female or **** spy
I simply do wish she would roll over and die
Maltese Poodle cross 20 YEARS OLD She rules everything she is ruining my life ... she will probably  out live both me and him
230 · Nov 2014
Questions Of The Heart
Misschivious66 Nov 2014
It was 16 years or more
Oh the way you held me tight
We let the world pass by us
As we loved into the night
For reasons unexplained
Our hearts drifted slowly cold
The feelings slowly changed
The newness now was old
You looked at other lovers
I guess I did the same
She stole you from my essence
I couldn't bear the pain
I drifted towards another
I made a brand new start
He never had the answers
To the questions of my heart
Out of the blue I called you
I poured my feelings free
I tried to make you listen
I want you here with me
You laughed and told me never
We had to stay apart
I guess I couldn't answer
The questions of your heart
To The Love I lost
230 · Dec 2014
The Man In My Life
Misschivious66 Dec 2014
There is a man I know
That to me was loyal and true
If only he knew
Had just a clue
How at times he hurts me so

A decade ago when we first met
I thought little of him I must confess

He is stubborn and well set in his ways
He thinks he is always right
and we all must abide to his ways

17 years difference in age I think to him like a father
in to many ways

I've lost true love I've tainted the nest
I gave him his wishes his wants

Now I suffer the loss
Paying life's ultimate cost

There is no room for a third  in any ones bed
Never let it be said never be mislead

It never goes right its never fine your walking
on happinesses s thin line
I shared my love ... now its gone....
220 · Dec 2014
Take My Breath Away
Misschivious66 Dec 2014
You know I know our love was meant to be.  
Everywhere I go your always on my mind,  
Your my inspiration,  
can I say my sorry s in advance, for when we feel like giving up, it ain't perfect, we both know this.
But if not you how would I breathe?
So much I love you. I never stay mad at you.  
So it seems like I'm yours ,  

In your eyes sometimes I see through its disguise, I see the look of love that takes my breathe away,  
Have you ever loved anything so much you can't sleep at night, do anything ,  
I watch every action you make, as if its in slow motion.  
As you turn around, you don't need to touch me to take my breathe away.  
Always anticipating, always hesitating,  
I hear you say, as long as you love me,  
Loneliness will always be with me,  
I'm a grown woman , yet  I stumble I fall  
I know little nothing much at all .

I try to give you it all. I hear your voice when your no were near me. I don't know why,  
Every time we touch I get this feeling it's lime a static, so I try not to let go,
207 · Dec 2014
Misschivious66 Dec 2014
Love is like a lump of gold
Hard to keep and Hard to hold

Of all the guys I have ever met
Your the one I cant forget

I do believe that God above
created you for me to love

As he knew from all the rest
I'd simply love you the best

I had a heart that once was true
now its gone from me to you

so take good care as I have done
for now you have two and i have none

So If I die before you do
Ill await you by the golden gates

If your not there by judgement day
Ill know you've gone the other way

So Ill trade my wings and special things
So just to prove my love is true

Ill come to hell to be with you
I wrote this poem at the age of 16 it won new ideas poem of the month award that I received $10 back then
163 · Dec 2014
What If?
Misschivious66 Dec 2014
What if we were really true
And said everything we thought
Could we then stop feeling blue
Feeling every day that we just fought

What if we were really true
And showed just how we felt
Maybe then we could sail into
The sky and Orion's belt

What if we were really true
Would there be any depression then?
Would the world be kind and free from sin
No one wishing to flee within

What if we were really true
And showed what we really think
Could we then see the total view?
Of those around us who seem to sink

What if we were really true
And showed each passing day
What it really means to be happy
But only if we pray

What if we were really true
And looked God in the face
Never trying, never lying
Never wishing we were dying

What if we were really true
We did all things good and well
Can we become like Christ?
Only time will tell
If But And, And

— The End —