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Miss Misery Feb 2013
After all the
Tears hurt and darkness..
Something beautiful was still able to come out.
They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder..
Does that mean I've finally seen a little beauty in what I've done?
A thought I realized was so foreign to me.
Could I possibly have a little sunshine in me?
So shy and scared.
But I can see its little head peaking through.

The happiness always gets bruised and pushed on its venture through..
Wildering thoughts and leaves.
A little bit of false hope does a great job in goal to deceive.
At that point its when it shatters.
Broken glass everywhere,
Pieces to small to see.
Or big chunks missing.
Like the emptiness inside that makes it all collapse.
Caving in.. To nothingness.

Few animals cries for help.

No answer.
Miss Misery Feb 2013
Why do I hold on so anxiously?
So unwilling to let go.
What do I know is worth holding on to?
Is there anything?
A teddy?
A blanket?
Or how about a kitty?
Should i let go of the sunshine even though I become so dark without it?
Should I roll around the world.
To surrender.
Like my arched back and bent knees, floating so effortlessly against the
ocean's grain.

Dark thoughts lurk, ready to **** anything precious and pure.
Should I let them take the driver seat?
Anything goes.
And if it all goes to hell...
Well I guess I'll just let it go..
Miss Misery Feb 2013
Food that is plentiful
But at what costs?
Poison here.
Filler there.
You are what you eat they say.

Lumpy sacks attached to our bodies like parasites.
Skin bubbling with animal pus.
Rising to the surface.

When did the American dream begin to look like this?
Miss Misery Feb 2013
Everyone always tries to get me to smile.
Why can't they just let me be?
Like a thought without reason
And a sky that sees its reflection just past the ocean's breeze.
Miss Misery Feb 2013
When you get older you start to attach yourself to your thoughts and you
don't let them just pass you by like a butterfly fluttering across the sky.
You hold on and sink.

Well I want to jump on and fly away instead.
What could lead me to mellow sounds and wispy thoughts?

Could it be... That the the answer was in me the whole time.
Could I really do this?

Why not?
What could stop me?
What do I fear?

Why must I let the fear push me away.
Is fear me?
Am I also the one that deems myself to misery

But think whatever you want of me.
In the end it doesn't matter.

Let me live my life and don't interfere.
Don't project your fears onto mine.
Don't live in lies.
Realize that we all really just live in tragedy.

Behind these masks we are all just crumbling inside.
To a few the crumblings do no damage because they are brainless with no
When yours meet mine I don't see hope, but I wonder how life made you
this way.

What are your fears..?
Miss Misery Feb 2013
I have fallen into my darkness again.
I hate everything about everyone.
Or at least it almost feels that way.
Sheer glimpses of good memories vaguely appear.
Magical, yet questionable.
They hold with them something heavy.
But it all just dissolves as the darkness prevails.

I think I used to be a good person.
But it feels so good to be bad.
Makes the numbness swell.

It has arrived.

Back to the poet's mind...
A realm which we both share.
A cast so glum, yet we don't care.
Maybe it's wise to retreat?
Or maybe not.
Who really knows.

My destined path screams tragedy I try to stray away
But somehow this force
it ***** me in
I always end up back in here.
A little more hopeless each time.

As dark and horrible as it all may seem.
The cave is where I feel the most safe in.
It's me running away from it that I fear the most.
But neither are the right place to be.
At least not now. Not always.
Miss Misery Feb 2013
What happens when the music gets put away?

The vibrations start fading and the lurking thoughts creep forward.
They quickly swell my mind with fears.
The idea of failure coat my hopes.

I collapse.
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