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261 · Aug 2014
Slowly, You'll Understand
Lizzie Aug 2014
Lay out in the yard, just once, and stare up at the stars with me.

Just for a second. Slowly you'll begin to understand. Only a little bit, though.

Take me to the lake in your truck.
We'll put down the tailgate and sit, staring out at the water at sunset.

Just for a minute. Slowly you'll begin to understand. Only a little bit, though.

Take me fishing and you'll see how afraid I am of touching the fish.
I love it, though. You drive. I'll ride.

Just for an hour. Slowly you'll begin to understand. Only a little bit, though.

Love me the best you know how.
It'll hurt. That's who I am. I cause pain.
I hate it. I'll try my best for you.

For a lifetime this time. Slowly you'll begin to understand. Only a little bit at first, and then everything.
256 · Sep 2014
Lizzie Sep 2014
Every time I look at a picture of my mom and dad this feeling erupts inside me. I don't know what it is. I wanna cry both happy and sad tears. I want to both smile and grimace.
How can such an amazing man be torn so quickly from such an amazing woman? How?
She deserved him. He deserved her. I'm sure both would say they didn't deserve the other. But they did.

There is hole in my heart and a pit in my stomach. I want to yell and scream, but I know that it won't bring him back. I want to clench my teeth and put a hole in the wall, but I know I won't ever feel the pain he did when he had to decide to let go. I want to hear all about him, but I know I will never know as much as he could have told me.

They say pain goes away. I'd like to know their secret.

— The End —