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Jan 2016 · 398
A Hunger
Misfit Doll Jan 2016
In the shadows I consume them
In that dark corner of my mind, where my demons hide in waiting
That's where my hunger lives

The need for human flesh
A humane experience
Here in the twilight of morning
I kiss, I feel, I consume them hole

And when the afternoon sun hits my terrace
It's time for them to return to their everyday lives of mediocrity
But after a night with a beast,
it's always comforting

And I lay in my bed alone
With dreams of his arms around me
And his protective glance to remind me
I am safe
I am loved

I am wanted for the monster that I am
Jan 2016 · 439
Bad words
Misfit Doll Jan 2016
Such obesity to be expressed with such pure intention
How something so beautiful can sound like glass breaking to my fragile ears
And yet the dream of him being real is so tempting
How wonderful it could be to know something so pure

I love you. He said.
Nov 2013 · 751
A prayer.
Misfit Doll Nov 2013
why is it your never there when im standing on the edge.
waiting for you to save me?
instead i find myself clinging to the edge,
hoping ill have the strength to pull myself up yet silently praying i dont.
Oct 2013 · 1.1k
Misfit Doll Oct 2013
He was a slow burning candle
that took years to blow out
His love came  from time and shared experiences
My love for him was built on friendship
So even when the flame
of our romance dwindled
the wax that was our friendship

But You.
You are a forest fire,
Struck by lightning.
It all started in a metter of moments
You held me and I knew
The flame was ignited
Roaring through me
burning away my griefs and disappointments
Leaving behind the ashes to a new beginning
Our beginning
You came swiftly and without warning
And like that raging forest fire
You burn bright & beautiful to me
Much like the phenix you bear,
You are my rebirth
Feb 2013 · 860
silly little girl
Misfit Doll Feb 2013
Silly little girl
She grew up with fairy tales
One day your prince will come
they said
That never quite stuck
Why can't a princess come instead
Why cant she be the one to save her
Silly little girl
Still she believed that fairy tales
Just might be true
Silly little girl
Believing sweet nothings
Whispered in her ear
That little girl has grown now
Yet she still believes in Fairy Tales
Silly little girl
Misfit Doll Feb 2013
I refuse to believe that demons
Know only hate
Thus why they wreak havoc on humanity
I choose to believe that they
Once loved
Loved with all their being
And their love was lost to them
So they wreak havoc on us all
In hopes that
By making us suffer
Their pain may in turn
Be deminished
If only for a moment
The day they loved & lost
Was the day they lost their humanity
And a demon was born.
Feb 2013 · 1.6k
Misfit Doll Feb 2013
The darkness is here
It is all around me
As it has always been
My constant companion
They lurk inside
My demons
I sit in my dark corner
I try to keep away
But they wait for me
The ticking crocadile to my Captain Hook
They have a taste for me
For my cold blood
As it has always been
My constant ally
Against myself
Its almost a comfort
Having them there
Even if they do haunt me so
They are here to ravage my soul you see
The cruel reality is
I am not a real girl
Just a ***** little ragdoll
Fraying at the seems
Feb 2013 · 2.8k
My Goddess
Misfit Doll Feb 2013
It was chemistry
Like cloning
I could feel our souls recognizing each other
This wasn't the first time
We've met before
I was your slave in ancient Egypt
Your sister as we burned, accused as witches
I stole you from your bethroved
As we sailed away on my pirate ship
Over the centuries we have found each other
As sisters
More than often lovers
Today they'd say we were
"Meant to be"
While poets call us
Jan 2013 · 930
Misfit Doll Jan 2013
I hear you taunting me
The bottle of pills in the drawer
The bag of grass in my purse
The line of coke on the table
The pint glass at the pub
The naked flesh in my bed
I hear you calling

The open window
Daring me to jump
Jan 2013 · 910
Dark Croner
Misfit Doll Jan 2013
How many synonyms can I find
for my darkness
Does it beat?
Not a sound
Does it feel? It is numb
there is nothing left to feel
Loneliness. Nothing.
A slave to  my emotionless pit
Yes, a pit
Not a heart, no
There is nothing there
He's taken it
Taken it against my will
I searched, searched every corner
"Love does not live here anymore."

That's all she said.
Jan 2013 · 1.2k
Misfit Doll Jan 2013
Sometimes I wonder
What if I woke up with amnesia?
What if I forgot everything?
Who I am
Where I've been
Who I've ******

I wonder
If I could start all over again
Without the darkness that follows me

Would it still be me?
Would I not make the same wrong turns?
Or would I become someone completely different
Someone happy

Are we not all just victimes of circumstance?
Our experiences
Our virtues
They mold us into the people we become
And if I were to forget all that?
Could I not then become the person people think I am

I wonder if I forgot
Would I be happy?
Or are the demons and I but
One and the same
Jan 2013 · 7.9k
Misfit Doll
Misfit Doll Jan 2013
Would you take a second Look?
At the girl who dances on table tops
And dresses a little too ******?

Could you love a girl like me?
the girl everyone's had a taste of
I am like that first slice of bread
everyone's touched it
but no one really wants

The party girl
the free spirit

The Lost soul

Could you love a Misfit Doll?
Jan 2013 · 1.7k
Look at Me
Misfit Doll Jan 2013
I sit here
Red Coat
with your *** on my breath
Do you see me?

High heels
Lace stockings
Silk bra
Big lips
Can you see me?

Danced out heels
Ripped Stockings
Push up bra
and a croocked smile
Who do you see?

— The End —