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The Truth is Itself.
It is as I have spoken from the Beginning of Time.
I live in the Word.
When the Word is forgotten, I am forgotten.

In being forgotten there is peace.
Memory is a prison.
Remembering is fear of forgetting.
Memory is resentment of itself,
for it contains the riddle
of its own cruelty
to itself.

Without the Story, there is nothing to feel - nothing to imagine.
The great Sun at the center of the galaxy is a Hearth
around which we gather to tell each other the stories
that make us feel.

And in the transmission of feeling
is the spirit of Life,
clinging - so gently - to free itself
of its own burdens.

Riding like an arrow on the wind,
sure to find its mark in Breath,
and the end of Breath it portends.
Automatic writing, divine moments of truth.
1.1.14, 10pm Pacific, New Moon in Capricorn.
AME: Love. RICA: Riches.
United States (i.e. incorporated) of AME-RICA (lovers of wealth).
Plain as day; indeed, what IS in a name?
The appeal of plunging from a great height
is the scenery on the way down:
a thrill with consequences that destroy a man,
whether or not he leaps.
The symbolism is blindingly lucid:
Life apprehends the void,
and fills it with itself.
"L’appel du vide" is a French phrase meaning "the call of the void", which describes the urge to hurl yourself from a high place.
Looking out
is looking in.
It's the damnedest setup ever.
The face is the soul's thumbprint,
the shape of character belying all lies;
subtle, compelling, and telling geometry:
face, the equation of I.
Serpent undulation, bathed in
the ochre stink of summer sweat
and shuttered streetlight.
Inept lovers audible through the wall:
we awoke still drunk and bare
to show them how it's done.
Mass appeal is mistaken for quality.
Communication makes a poor commodity.
TV shows you how to be and what to think.
This normalization is enforced vulgarity;
in the common, Value is lost in translation.

For a slave, meaning comes from authority;
guidelines from following superstition;
truth from the politicization of science;
acceptance from the surrender of identity;
morality the mortar that coheres the chains.

Beware accolades, whether peer or stranger.
A tempting gratification yields mediocrity alone,
self-indulgent narcissism too shallow to measure;
for in the end, it is always so that the unremarkable
is celebrated most vehemently by the unremarkable.
If everyone likes it, it's probably crap. Hipsters aren't wrong about that.
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