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Mir Aug 2014
3 am
I lay awake
I ponder
Of the world and of the life I live
3 am is when
The most shadowed of thoughts arise
Crumbling my insides
Tearing me apart
3 am is for
The lonely
The ones who long for someone to care
Feel the ever apparent loneliness
The distance
Between you and the world
But we yearn for what we cannot have
3 am
Is not for the lovers sleeping peacefully beside
It is not for little boys and girls deep in their dreams
3 am is for the troubled
3 am is for me
Mir Aug 2015
I was jealous of the way he looked at her,
Envious because she got to stare into the beautiful gentle eyes
I craved the way he held her tight, slightly protected, stabilizing himself onto her
Dying for the way she clutched onto his arm, keeping herself steady on him
Obsessed by the way they clinged to each other
Wishing it was me
Wishing it wasn't her
Mir Nov 2015
I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed me
I'm sorry I let you down
I'm sorry you had to swim through your pain alone
I'm sorry I let you drown
Mir Feb 2016
Have you  ever met someone who smiles as brightly as  he does, oh no, that's because no one does
Mir Oct 2014
My motto? Be kind to everyone for if you read their story their isn't a person you wouldn't like a character you wouldn't find compassion for. Because we don't truly know the every details of someone's life, we only know what we see. But if we were to read their story, if we were to learn all their secrets and regrets and struggles, we would love them, the way we admire our fictional characters in books.
Don't hate, appreciate
Mir Jan 2015
Tell the people what they want to hear
Even if it's not what you want to say
Mir Jan 2015
Catch no feelings
Feel no pain
Walk alone
In your solo lane
Find a lover
Make it last
Forget your troubles
Of the past
Mir Nov 2015
"Distract me"
"From what?" he asked, looking into her dark pupils.
"My mind" she answered,  fixating her attention on scars englufing her broken body.
who knew a mind could be so ******* lethal?
Mir Jan 2015
Does this silence have a voice?
Does this darkness have a light?
Does this night have a day?
Does this loner have a fight?
is there good in a world full of so much bad?
Mir Dec 2015
When I close my eyes I see your deep blue eyes staring back into me
But when I open my eyes
You're not looking at me
You're looking at *her
Mir Dec 2014
I hate beginnings. I hate the awkward sweaty hand shake you do as you say hi, the stumble of your nervous words as you try to laugh it off. I hate the uncomfortable energy when you can't tell if they know you're joking or not. I hate the anxiety I feel as my chest compressed into a narrow passage way so small only a thread could fit through, and the way a cold nervous sweat engulfs my body. The way a fog creeps into my head so everything appears blurry as I spin on my heels, dizzy and lightheaded.
But I hate goodbyes even more. I hate the choking feeling in my throat when I fight back the painful tears, I hate the last hug which leaves you with an absent ghost haunting you, I hate the feeling that this is forever, the feeling that leaves you hallow and broken.
Introductions may be awkward and laughable, but goodbyes are painful, permanent, final. All things we dread the most.
Mir Jun 2015
Got so much love in her heart and all she gets is hate and malice
No wonder she believes heaven is a lie and hell is her palace
Mir Aug 2015
His eyes smile when he laughs; a glistening twinkle into a galaxy of imagination.
And when he laughs my heart races, for the sound is a symphony of its own creation.
And when his lips touch mine it's an electrifying passion,
For he is my universe, yet we are but a small peice of that faction.
Mir Nov 2014
I travel and search yet I cannot find
The one piece of myself I believe I left it behind
Is it my dignity?
My grace?
My smile?
No says I, it's the heart that was broken by the one that you loved
It was the missing piece in which you shoved
Away and away through ***** and beer
Until you were somewhere and not here anymore
Mir Aug 2015
But my heart broke
Because he didn't mean it
Mir Sep 2015
Home is a fire
And it's suffocating me
The orange flames dance the tango
As your favorite vase that sat by the window shatters to the ground
And the black smoke burns my eyes
I hear the tears in your voice
The house is shaking
It's going to collapse
And your voice is thunder
Your screams violent
Home is a fire
I'm suffocating inside
I'm crawling trying to escape
But I'm too scared to move
Because I'm trying to listen
To the secrets of the Flames
And I'm trying to figure out
What caused this fire
It's all murmurs
It doesn't matter anyway
There is a fire refusing to seize
And now it's left me here
I'm just trying to breathe
But home is a fire
And I'm suffocating inside.
Mir Dec 2017
I'm tired of existing
Tired of being in a body I hate
I am fat
I am ugly
Tired of having a personality I hate
I am annoying
I am introverted and awkward

I am tired of existing as me
I want to exist as someone else
But if I try
Then I'll discover that perhaps they are tired of existing too
That we are all just tired of existing
And that's oddly comforting
Mir Dec 2015
I cried myself to sleep last night
For no one else could see
The pain in which I struggled with
Drowning inside of me
I cried myself to sleep last night
Tears burning and stinging my face
I cried until I feel unconscious
And realized I'm a basket case
I cried myself to sleep last night
It wasn't the first time
I held in my feelings till no one could see
I tell myself I'm strong and kind
I cried myself to sleep last night
And the world will never know
That they're the reason I cried myself to sleep last night
And the last four months in a row
Mir Mar 2016
They say that eyes are the way to the soul, so I suppose his Iris is passage into an abyss of icy universe, a galaxy alienated to me. He remains an enigma, so hard to get into. Once you've chipped away for a while, to your disappointment, he's just ice, and his blue eyes never thaw
Mir Jul 2016
He's older and he says he's into you and he wants to go farther. Wants to go farther. You tell him you too, but do you really? He kisses you so intensely that you never want it to end, but then he says "it's not a big deal" but you know it is. Then you look into his eyes. Can eyes be that green? Is it possible that they are more beautiful than the moon and contain more depth than the ocean? **** how do I feel? Why do you consume me so much? He puts his arm on my back and pulls me in. He kisses my cheek again, but all I can think about is how we didn't go farther, and how the sprinkle of his light brown freckles didn't move into a smile when he said it was fine.
Mir Sep 2014
I hate you
I despise you
We've been in this war
For some time now
Guns loaded
Hand on trigger
Aim precise
Only there is something holding me back
Something that won't let me pull that trigger
Maybe it's the fact I don't hate you
Or perhaps the fact that this is all a deception
A mare allusion in my mind
Because I've yet to say how I feel outloud
But when I do
That is when the bullet with soar
Mir Sep 2015
When did loving yourself
Become so hard?
Mir Dec 2014
To my darling, for who I lust, this ballad is for you, as I award you all my trust: I lust for the upward furrow of your lips, turning into that goofy laugh that warms my body as your hand grabs my hand to a grip,
I thirst for your calm and cool natural humor, for you act as solar and I am lunar, I long for you pacific to glint, if you didn't vision (I worship you), my darling, catch a hint.
Mir Dec 2017
It's been a while
Actually it's be a long long time
But here I am
Still in love with the green eyed boy
Whose lips I miss
Whose voice I miss
Whose body I miss
Whose kindness I miss
Who I miss

Who I want back

This world is bizarre
There's a stigma about telling someone you having feelings
How dare you tell the boy you like that you have feelings
How dare you try to have a healthy mind and not keep it all inside

But if I keep it all inside
How did I get him back
How do I stop missing the green eyes

What if I never stop missing those green eyes?
Mir Jan 2015
No words for you
My heart no longer bleeds for you
It's healed from your evil covered with armor and a shield
I am not letting you back in
You will not cross my path again
I will keep you Outside
You will remain isolated from my mind
My heart no longer bleeds for you
It yearns for something new
And that thing
It is not you
Mir Dec 2014
You said I was your world but ****** you were my universe. You were my sun sustaining life, but I was your black hole, nothing to you. If I was the plant you were the carbon, but if you were the magnificent tree, I wouldn't be your sturdy roots, or your nutritious soil, nor your quenching water. No. I would be your skimpy leaves, something tossed out when no longer needed or beautiful.
Mir Sep 2015
On the verge of
A nervous breakdown
Falling apart
I'm still
Faking that
******* smile
Mir Feb 2015
I don't care how much someone hurt me
I still don't want to hurt them
I know they caused me pain
And because I've felt that pain
Why would I want to inflict that on someone else?
I just don't understand why others don't feel the same
Feel pain
Spread pain
Live in a world full of pain
That's not how it's supposed to be
Mir Feb 2015
there is a part of me that I love and a part of me that I hate only it's the same part of me which I love and hate and they are contantly struggling to dominate
Mir Dec 2014
You could of had anyone yet you choose to have no one and that my dear, is the most poetic thing. You see the simplicity and the comfort of solidarity, the gracefulness and confidence. you choose to see the beauty of the world instead of the world seeing the beauty of you. You chose adventure over heart break, and friends over lovers. And that is poetic.
Mir Jan 2015
I knew you were poison yet I still drank your dark lethal blood, and now I'm slowly dying, my heartbeat steadily dwindling, pulse diminishing. You're venom killed my body, but your soul still warms my heart. As I take in my final raspy breath, my mind trickles to thoughts of you, and as my thick glossy eyelids close for the very last time, I gingerly glance your way.
you have captivated my mind
Engulfed my brain
You treated me awful
I should of known better
But I am weak  
And I still fell for your poison
Every. Single. Time.
Mir Oct 2014
There are times when I glance over at happy looking people living normal looking lives and wonder are you dying inside? Is your mind collapsing under the harsh reality of life? Do you cry yourself to sleep at night? Harm yourself when no ones around? and I wish they would answer, say "yes,I do" and I could tell them they aren't alone, and everything is going to be okay, and they just have to believe, because they matter.
Everyone matters. Everyone deserves to be happy.  
Everyone is worth living for.
I have many friends suffering from depression right now and I wish there was a way I could show them how much they matter and how much I love them
Mir Jan 2015
You were the earthquake who rattled my world
thrilling, exhilarating, perilous
But I was the flood that washed away the world
Not ready to let a soul in
So I swept them away with my rainfall of tears
Till they drowned of my sorrow
And I was alone again
Waiting for another tragically brilliant storm
I'm so trite using storms for personification lol
Mir Sep 2015
Grow up princess
This is not your kingdom to rule
Mir Nov 2015
I'm stuck in no man's land
Somewhere in the middle
I'm not white and not black
Not up and not down
Not friend but not lover
He won't let me in
He says he likes me
He likes me a lot
"but let's be friends" he asks.
My heart breaks.
theres no in between for friendship and love.
You can't have my body and not have me.
And you can't ignore me.
Either have me or leave me.
But I refuse to be somewhere in the middle
Mir Dec 2015
You make me feel like I'm pAthetic
Because you Lead me on
And thEn you go and get with another girl
My friend. My throat goes Xerotypic
My heart feels lIke it's stinking
I guess misery is denSe

Why do I Greive for you
When you make me feel so smAll
You took my heart and Broke it
RelEase me I beg you from your heart and grip
Mir Jan 2015
You're devastatingly spectacular and I'm impressively subpar. We are like the sun and moon, we cannot exist under the same sky in unison but rather a shooting star merely crossing paths under brevity as we soar in our solo sky.
Mir Mar 2015
Cause I'm not really sure what's happening
And I don't know if anything's begun
But throughout all this confusion
I knew it that you were the one
Mir Oct 2014
I am a warrior
Strong and brave
Fighting through life
In those most peculiar way
My attacks are silent
Sneaky if you will
But the impact is tremendus
It's one huge ****
So if I'm hidden in the shadows
Don't think I'm hiding or scared
I'm plotting I'm avenging
It is me who you should fear
Mir Jan 2015
Sometimes when people say things to me or text me I'll write down what I really want to say and then crumble it up and say something completely different because I know explaining how I truly feel opens a door of issues and that I no longer have the energy to deal with.
Mir Jun 2016
His lips brush against mine
And I feel his hands running through my hair
The green of his eyes illuminate the darkness
The moon hangs in the sky
His freckles dance as he smiles
His teeth are so white
He kisses me again
Softly whispering absanities for only my ears
I kiss back
There is laughter
But we shush each other
We cannot get caught
you're beautiful he whispers, running his hands along my arms
come here I smile
The stars are beginning to shine in the sky
We both look up
I lean over and kiss your cheek
Tonight is perfect
Tomorrow is hell
Mir Oct 2015
Your eyes are black
They're the tunnel to your soul
I feel a crack
I feel a hole
I feel my eyes
They're red and wet
I know your lies
I know my regrets
I feel us falling
Through the sky
I feel us crying
I feel me fly
I know it's late
It's 3 am
But I feel like I'm dying
As I transcend
Up and up into the air
And watch below as you all stare
I feel like nothing
Am I ghost?
Is this the exhilaration
I crave the most?
Mir Jul 2015
You look so pretty like a beauty queen
But you feel so ugly like a horror from your dream
And no matter how gorgeous you truly are
You're insides are rotting and leaving a lethal scar
Mir Dec 2015
Is there what a broken heart feels like? I never want to fall in love again
Mir Sep 2014
I love it when you hold me in your arms and block out the world
And it's just us, here, now
Mir Sep 2016
I loved him more than he loved me and it killed me inside
Mir Oct 2014
No fears
No tears
Just numbness everywhere
Mir Oct 2014
There are always going to be people that don't like you
And if you waist all your time wondering why
Then you'll never see the beauty of all the people who do like you
And that's the biggest shame of all
Mir Oct 2014
When I die I do not want people to remember me as kind or caring or nice. I want people to remember me as I was, I want them to say, "that clutz tripped over everything and spilled something at least twice a day." I want people to say, "we would laugh till our stomachs hurt and our eyes were filled with tears." I want people to know me, and not just generalize who I was. I want people to remember me in a way that they can say, "She impacted my life." I don't want anything fancy, no posthumous festations, but I do want people to celebrate my life by remembering me for who I was and not who they wanted me to be.
Mir Apr 2015
And all your words are just like a fatal ****
Cause true pain is reaching unyieldingly for the stars
And knowing you never will
And knowing you will never be
And that's truly the worst, at least,
It is for me

— The End —