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Mir Dec 2017
I'm tired of existing
Tired of being in a body I hate
I am fat
I am ugly
Tired of having a personality I hate
I am annoying
I am introverted and awkward

I am tired of existing as me
I want to exist as someone else
But if I try
Then I'll discover that perhaps they are tired of existing too
That we are all just tired of existing
And that's oddly comforting
Mir Dec 2017
It's been a while
Actually it's be a long long time
But here I am
Still in love with the green eyed boy
Whose lips I miss
Whose voice I miss
Whose body I miss
Whose kindness I miss
Who I miss

Who I want back

This world is bizarre
There's a stigma about telling someone you having feelings
How dare you tell the boy you like that you have feelings
How dare you try to have a healthy mind and not keep it all inside

But if I keep it all inside
How did I get him back
How do I stop missing the green eyes

What if I never stop missing those green eyes?
Mir Sep 2016
I loved him more than he loved me and it killed me inside
Mir Jul 2016
He's older and he says he's into you and he wants to go farther. Wants to go farther. You tell him you too, but do you really? He kisses you so intensely that you never want it to end, but then he says "it's not a big deal" but you know it is. Then you look into his eyes. Can eyes be that green? Is it possible that they are more beautiful than the moon and contain more depth than the ocean? **** how do I feel? Why do you consume me so much? He puts his arm on my back and pulls me in. He kisses my cheek again, but all I can think about is how we didn't go farther, and how the sprinkle of his light brown freckles didn't move into a smile when he said it was fine.
Mir Jun 2016
His lips brush against mine
And I feel his hands running through my hair
The green of his eyes illuminate the darkness
The moon hangs in the sky
His freckles dance as he smiles
His teeth are so white
He kisses me again
Softly whispering absanities for only my ears
I kiss back
There is laughter
But we shush each other
We cannot get caught
you're beautiful he whispers, running his hands along my arms
come here I smile
The stars are beginning to shine in the sky
We both look up
I lean over and kiss your cheek
Tonight is perfect
Tomorrow is hell
Mir Mar 2016
They say that eyes are the way to the soul, so I suppose his Iris is passage into an abyss of icy universe, a galaxy alienated to me. He remains an enigma, so hard to get into. Once you've chipped away for a while, to your disappointment, he's just ice, and his blue eyes never thaw
Mir Feb 2016
Have you  ever met someone who smiles as brightly as  he does, oh no, that's because no one does
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