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We're supposed to move forward
It seems so simple
Until you have a past
Nestled in
Did it all fall apart
Nothing right
Always left
Cry about it
Never helps
On the inside
What I see I cannot describe for another
You will never see what I see, I will never see
What you see

Do you agree?
The body speaks
And so we meet
Time fades, nothing matters
Our colliding lives, passionate
Souls creeping through the eyes
Where we lie
Being, beginning
Being and end
Words begin again
To bend
Loving, fighting
Breathing, believing
Time again, and again
A gain
My dream
You are
What are we
But tiny depictions
Of what we want to be
Having a love is a magnificent feeling
Having a lover is a brilliant thought
Making room in your world for such beauty;
His soul

The truth comes out, as you are falling
love conquers all

You start to notice the small things
His eyes, so mysterious
His smile, draws you in
His laugh, paints a picture of the future
His touch, brings you somewhere, you never want to leave
His everything, is everything that you want

More than anything,
I love you
More than anything,
You are

My one and only
It's us against the world
He gives you a reason
To smile
To live
To love
He gives you a reason,
A reason to be

Yourself is all he wants, you are all he needs
no make up necessary, no styling of the hair
he will not judge you for your scars
nor your mistakes
Your past, it does not matter
Your future, in his eyes
He picks you up, into his arms
holds you closer than ever

“I love you more than anything,
more than the stars love to shine,
more than the sun loves to blind
more than the earth loves to give life,
I love you more than anything,
I love you, I love you and all of you”


2013 - Miranda Mack-Jackson
Behind these eyes,
there is a story.
A way in.
A way out.

Breathing silently through closed doors,
we enter our minds at ease,
bringing the balance to play.
Look at me, and wonder.
Listen closely for I do not speak,
there is but a simple beat.
Follow, desires.

Feel that?
Gently glide through the motions,
paint a picture.
With your mind.
I feel you,
You feel me.©

2013 - Miranda Mack-Jackson
I look up at the stars at night, and wonder why they’re all so bright.
I look up at the stars at night, and wonder if they have to
fight, have to fight for all their might, for their special place in the sky
Oh my, I wonder why, oh why they have to die.
How many could there be in the dark night sky,
how many could there be in the humans little eye.
I try to count yes count them all, the souls
of the fallen, I hear them call, to their
families the ones in their homes.
All their voices go at once, all their voices quiet and mute.
They fall, and fall, and fall at last, they fall and fall, fall so fast.
The difference I kindly see is that they only
want to be, with their families safe and
sound, but sadly they are tightly bound.
It’s wrong to say they’ll be okay, It’s 1855
you see, when all the blacks were sent to sea,
to work as slaves they didn’t want to be.
So look up at the stars tonight, and wonder
why they’re all so bright, because you see
they’re all the souls, of the ones you wrongly chose. ©

2009 - Miranda Mack-Jackson
I had this published 8 years ago, my freshman year of high school.
Breathe me,
Feel the pounding through my veins
Live through my eyes
Never let me go©

2013 - Miranda Mack-Jackson
I listen to the soft gentle flow of your voice,
Your words touching deep inside my soul ...
Intensely searching, longing to feel
the rhythm of our hearts beating as one ...
Time stands still for the love we have suddenly discovered,
the sunlight has cast our shadows side by side for eternity ...
As we journey through life's passage,
the depth of our love is unmeasured.
But for a few brief moments together,
we long to explore and trace patterns of our love upon our souls,
writing memories of once penned thoughts
and emotions for the eternal bliss of a lifetime as one ...
I love you for who you are and for the
tenderness of your love that completes me
Without you I am a painting
Without a story
A sad song
Without a beat
A heart
Without meaning
Without you
I am a planet
A cold planet
Yet to be discovered

Without you
I have no home
Without you
I'm lost
Living in a world where you're to blame
Constant reminders
Hurting the ones you love
Trying to run
From yourself

If there was time to breathe
I would
Listening to everything you say
I freeze

If there was time to think
I would
But I will
I'll try
Doing everything in my power
I will

I'm waiting for your love to be everything that it was
I'm afraid its not all there

I'm afraid
Because I love you

And I'm sorry


I want to feel you
Beneath me
Hold you
In my heart
Hear your surroundings
Drown in your bodies
Listen to your working bones

You keep me
You lift me
Caress me
What an odd creation
All to satisfy your minds
What a tease
Listening to them rant on about being late
Life is short
Take your time
What is it
Take your...time
It just fits
But its not right there's so much we're not seeing
Because of time
A distraction from reality
Fall asleep
Never wake up
They're destroying you
You know

Look at the sky
Look around you
Just see
Longing lingers
for the feeling that
I belong

This suit
Touched by your sol
Sinking into your words
I’m left with nothing
But the intimacy you provide
In the visions we designed

I can feel your pulse
Shivering desires

Take me to a place
We can lose our minds



There is never just one light
Just one smile
Just one spark

There is always more
Just keep moving
Keep looking forward

Remember the past
Don’t live there
Life on the side,
we look inside our minds,
We flinch with the thought of success.
It's unfamiliar. Doesn't seem right.
Open your eyes,
let it sink in.
Believe you can reach the light.©

2012 - Miranda Mack-Jackson
When darkness is introduced
One can appreciate all that shines
Sitting, waiting, breathing
wanting someone to understand
Where am I?
What does this mean?
Realizing things over and over,
I wish there was something else
These thoughts are overwhelming me
I feel so alone

Can anybody hear me?
I'm here
I'm here

Clawing at your back
I peel away the suit
Let's be real

I'm scared
without you, I feel like I'm walking without my senses
Is this what you wanted?
Keep going back, you're facing the wrong way
Look up and be here
with me
Come back

Without me
I'm walking backwards
I'm facing the wrong way
I'm scared
I can't look up
I'm alone
I'm falling
I'm lost
Where do I go from here
Come back, Miranda

Come back..
The sun burst the sky
My eyes
Become tiny remnants of your star
I am alive
I am warm
A little scary

Time goes on
One step changes
The other too
Smooth dance

Sometimes no touching
Just close
Finish the tango
Your movement strikes me,
my weakness is you
your heart beat, it's steady
I love you, I do

We danced to no music,
that night in your room
just silly, and innocent
our love in forever bloom

That look in your eyes,
It's love that I see
you're perfect and amazing
All for me

The future is closer then it seems
with you forever, in my dreams
I hold you close to my heart
you're the best piece of art

To be your wife
a dream come true
Oh man, I really do love you
You're on my mind everyday
I can't wait to hear you say
“Miranda, will you marry me?”
Forever and always is what we'll be

Growing old with you
I see it now
Together we made a special vow
To love each other forever more
It's you that I very much adore

Paul, I love you with all my heart
I made a promise from the start
To love you always
and only you
My answer to you is that
I do

© 2013 Miranda Mack-Jackson
You and I alone tonight
Holding one another tight
Warmth against the cooling night
Waiting for the morning’s light.

My lips touch your lovely face
Passion from our first embrace
Pulses which begin to race
Thrilling from the hectic pace

Fingers now caress your skin
Actions speak the words within
My mind, my soul begins to spin
For it is you I want to win

Feel the beauty that is you
Feel how good it could be, too
Let go today, surrender to
The magic that is me and you
Without your touch its cold
I feel myself losing,
its hard to push through
My life just keeps spinning
Out of control
Its my fault...
It's my fault, though

Please don't go
I love you so
Your body
And your soul
I'm loving you and only you forever and always
I swear to you
My soulmate is what you are
My darling you're the brightest star
These sparks I see in your light
Divine and precious
What a sight

My love, my life, my everything
That's exactly what you are
The air I breathe
The blood in my veins
Its you
I ******* swear to you
I love you
I do....
For him..
Hearts beat
Rippling earth beneath our feet
Waiting, watching, falling
Wanting more
Nothing less
Kiss me softly, off to rest
Oh, how the days go
In between sentences, gone
No more of this
No more
Falling from the skies, snow
Oh....oh no
Cold sweats,
waking just to see who may be watching,
it was only a dream
you're alone

A dream turns to a nightmare with one mistaken thought
Toss and turn,
I wish you were here
holding me in your arms telling me everything will be okay
but again you are, alone.

What a life style it has become
a feeling only mended by another being
Only you

It was always only you
it will always be, only you

2013 - Miranda Mack-Jackson
To remember someone with your mind is simple, human condition.
To remember someone with your soul is otherworldly.

A single tear was shed,
and embrace
No words
Just love
Remembering from the past
Before this life
Random encounters
Picked out of a crowd
I remember
Good bye
Did I drive you away?
I know what you'll say,
You say, "Oh, sing one we know",
But I promise you this,
I'll always look out for you,
That's what I'll do.

I say "oh,"
I say "oh."

My heart is yours,
It's you that I hold on to,
That's what I do,
And I know I was wrong,
But I won't let you down,
(Oh yeah, yeah, yes I will)

I say "oh",
I cry "oh".

And I saw sparks,
Yeah I saw sparks,
And I saw sparks,
Yeah I saw sparks,
Sing it out.

La, la, la, la, oh
La, la, la, la, oh
La, la, la, la, oh
Sparks - Coldplay

Our song....
A little rough around the edges
I'm feeling so dry
My mind runs in circles
You're driving me wild

I know, you know
Everything will be alright
Feeling alive and free
Its you and me, tonight

Feel the radiant energy flow through you
You know what you have to do

Don't you?
Feel the laughs
The light

In sight of what is real
And what's not
You're all I've got
On my mind everyday

I have nothing more to say
She sings to use the waiting,
To ease the pain of her soul,
To gratify all needs

She sings words you'll not understand
You'll only hope to grasp it

Singing brings peace to her, she hums a little too
Songs you maybe recognize
Maybe not

Not for an audience
People make her nervous
Her room is her studio,
Her stage

She sings to her aching heart
she sings to her eyes
she'll sing to her morning, her night skies

She sings songs inside out
feeling it brew in her lungs,
from her belly to her tongue

Rolling from her lips
sounds are pure
her own

I sing to use the waiting,
To ease the pain of my soul,
And to gratify all needs

I sing songs inside out,
to my heart,
to my eyes,
and to my night skies

© 2013 Miranda Mack-Jackson
I miss my best friend
This feels like the end

I'm swallowing my tears
Reminiscing fears

Feelings are drowning
This must be a sign
I feel myself caving, but surely I'm fine?

Its true
I ******* need you
Pieces are scattered
I'm losing my mind

Your soul
My eyes
Your smile
My cries
But joy
Tears of joy

When I see your face
So many memories jogging in place

You're so precious, so perfect
So sweet
I need to hear your heart beat
Again, for the thousandth time
Its so beautiful and mysterious and kind

I'm the one to blame
I know, its a shame
I need you so bad
Its driving me mad
You're everything to me
You're all that I see

In dreams
There are colors
They make me believe
You're something that I must achieve

I love you
And everything you do
Oh yes
This is true...

Come back
I said it
Come back to me
You're the only future I want to see

Besides the obvious
I need you, so
Do me the honors and give it a go
Come back inside
My heart is yours

Its all yours...
Within the paths of nothingness, there is light
I miss you quite terribly
I love you very much,
I can't wait to see you,
I need to feel your touch

Your kisses are so perfect,
your hugs keep me sane,
I love when we're together
and walk down memory lane

The day we met
I'll never forget, the way you looked at me
So much wonder in your eyes, it's all that I could see

You make me happy, you make me sad
at least I'm not completely mad
The way you are, is all I need
Your love, yes, yes indeed

It's sparks we saw that very first day
That, I am so proud to say
we made it through, against it all
I love you very much, Paul

Thank you for being mine
I'm glad I waited in that line
The application that started it all
You're the one that made me fall.

© 2013 Miranda Mack-Jackson
Feelings of uncertainty
Brighter colors surround you
Beauty captivates your mind

Blinking to refocus
We see the truth behind the blinds
Open your eye

Believe in the magic you create
No surprises

You know where the power lies
Open your eye

Take your place on the seat of the soul
I need a time machine
To warn you
Lost in the sensation
I succumb to your
passionate creation

My body on fire
I cling to your scent
Hunger feeding my desire

To taste
To touch
Your skin
Listen to the whispers
Promises made
Its all that happened, all that fell
Into the never ending thought of what has soon to be taught

When every single waking breath,
Has opened up to precious death

Nothing more to voice,
This shall be his choice
To lighten up the darkest hell

End this pain
This pain
Aching pain
And so he said
Maybe once
Listening to you,
I feel weak
at the knees
You're all I want
All I'll ever need

You make me feel
like something special
Thank you
for loving me,
it's us against the world.
it's us
us against it all

© 2013 Miranda Mack-Jackson
Fixation is like
Pressing against the matrix
White noise, tinnitus
You are my inspiration
The warmth of my love for you
Overcomes my body and soul and I drift;
Where you and I roam free
And we love
Like we've never loved before
When I awaken you are my first thought
My first breath of morning air
You are my nourishment

Like two peas in a pod
We are alike in the most precious of ways
Never before have I seen
The beauty of such a divine connection
I feel what you feel; I understand; I know
You are my most beautiful vision
You are in my heart

The moments that we share
Will last forever
Whenever I'm with you
The colors are more intense
The stars are brighter
And I am whole again

— The End —