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bright lights
deafened by the silence
senses failing
fearing the unknown
we live this everyday
this hell we call earth
or is it somewhere in between?
it's fun being the living dead
isn't it?
i loved you
i loved
your skin
your eyes
your lips
I loved your soul and your mind
and especially your heart
but i was wrong
for your heart is black
non- existent
a lie
the jack of spades
the joker
I will not be yours
for I am not Harlequin
I loved you once
but never again
it always starts the same
we fell
i love you
i love you too
be mine
i'm yours
behind closed doors
don't worry baby you're the only one
but what about her
pay no mind
she's nothing compared to you
i love you baby
baby i love you too
i feel a chill
is that you i say
no answer
but i know you're there
i feel you
you seem to know when i need you most
no one believes me but i know
deep in my heart
you said you'd never leave me
but you left this earth
i couldn't keep you
although it happened so quickly
so suddenly i couldn't believe it was true
but when i look to the sky i feel you
when i see a butterfly i know you're there
it's comforting yet sad
sing my beautiful angel
just like you used to
i thought you were the one
my neo to your trinity
i guess i chose the wrong pill
because you're in the matrix
and i'm in the real world
staring at the clock
3:30 am
seems to always be
can't sleep
all i think about is you
no wonder
but you're not in my dreams
lipstick drips
cigarette on my lips
caressing me with your fingertips
kiss my cheek
but nothing more
for as you once said
i'm just a *****
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