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 Sep 2015 Miranda Eckert
You're going to have to
try harder than that
if you're trying to push me away,
and run so fast.

You gotta try harder,
than what you're doing right now.
Because you're stuck with me,
just don't ask why or how.

This is who I am,
and I know who you used to be,
but you're still my friend
at least a friend to me.

Doesn't matter what we've been through,
because we give each other chit,
This is what real friends do,
this I have to admit.

I'm full of love,
living on that hype,
if you can't stand me,
I guess I'm not your type.

But that doesn't matter
because a friend for you
I am.
Try harder than that,
it hurts,
but I honestly don't give a...

Where has the time gone?
All of our precious memories,
it seems to me that you prefer to be alone,
your heart some where lost in the seas.

Drowning, drowning, your heart sinks right through,
you're so angry, cold and bitter,
you want companionship so badly,
but don't know what to do.

Well, if this is your way of showing love
and askin' for a bit a help,
you've sure got a funny way of showin it.
But hey, try harder, I'll take every single hit.

You're gonna have to try harder than that,
I'm doing all I can,
I'm waiting for you
right in the middle,
just reach and grab my hand!

Try harder, do more!
This is our fight now,
let's settle the score!
C'mon, c'mon! I need you as much as you need me,
just try a little harder, push past the wall of Ice and

That yes it's possible.
That you can finally be

So Try harder than that.
That's all that I ask.

Now Do.

— The End —