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Apr 2011 · 572
He'll never know
Miranda Cruzen Apr 2011
He'll never know
the moment I heard the door closed
I left a present for him
In the form of tears on the doorstep

He'll never know
I thought of him today
I spend my nights with someone
Else that I care for, but not as much as him

He'll never know
That I smile at the sound of his voice
And that the butterflies inside
Are just begging to be let out

He'll never know
How much I wish I was her
And how much I wonder what
would be different if I had stayed

He'll never know
How often I want to feel his comfort
I still sleep the same
As I did when I shared his bed

He'll never know
Just how much of an echo
his presence leaves in me
and how much it hurts to miss him

He'll never know
Just how much I'd give up for him
And how helpless I feel when I think
of the possibilities

He'll never know
Why I was so eager to be with him
In hope that somehow I'd have
a reason to stay

He'll never know
How much it hurt to see the color
Fade from his eyes when
Our lips touched the last time

He'll never know
When his fingers laced with mine
He was not the only one
Who felt at home
Apr 2011 · 575
Back When
Miranda Cruzen Apr 2011
i just want to smile like
I used to in the darkness
when you ran your hand
up my spine and buried
your fingers in my hair
and pulled my mouth
to meet your waiting
lips in a kiss that set
my soul on fire. i want
to feel your hands on
my skin as they leave
burning trails across
my lonesome heart,
like a tattoo or a secret,
something forbidden,
something wanted with
everything conceivable,
available, tangible. i
want to have your heart
in my hands, against
my chest so they can
beat as one. i never told
you how at home i felt
as i lay there while
we slept, your warmth
against my back, your
face buried against my
neck. your hand was
upon my stomach, but
i felt your fingers on
my heart, your lips on
my soul, the fire in your
eyes as we exposed
everything to each
other. i feel the sand
slipping between my
fingers; time does not
cease, even if one begs
and hopes, nor does it
reverse itself to the whim
of the broken hearted,
we can only pursue that
which is worthy of our
proclamation, and if we
can remain strong enough,
and endure the hardship
of loneliness, then perhaps
time itself will cease for one
blissful moment and life
will finally seem to be on
our sides.
Apr 2011 · 735
Walk with me
Miranda Cruzen Apr 2011
Walk with me in the Cyprus trees
as their leafy fingers wrap us round
quiet like, down the old creek road
where reality and all our dreams meet

See with me where glories bloom
their sweet nectar on our tongue
the early scent wafting in the breeze
rustling the daring buds of noon

Hold my hand as we stroll on down
to meet the cool creek's water edge
to dip our toes in the thick mud bog
and to strip on down to take a swim

Laugh with me as the cool wind blows
and sends the glories' buds to flight
as the ****-eyed crow upon the branch
will humor us with his sweet calls

Watch with me, the fireflies
as the sun melts into night
a new made playground opens up
for our young hearts to find

Walk with me, down this dusty creek road
to where the water's clear and glories bloom
where the mud is thick and the grass is green
our hearts can sing with the lonely heron's tune

Feel with me, the Cyprus trees
feel the earth beneath your feet
the pounding of your own heartbeat
the heat of my hand in yours
as we stroll down the old creek road
Apr 2011 · 1.1k
Doves and Crows
Miranda Cruzen Apr 2011
Lest not forget the finely sharpened lore
Of eyes so clear they tame the crystal sea
Of quarrels dreamed but never fought before
Of broken hears, the cause is blamed on thee
Dream not of things that shall not be again
So calls the crow upon the evening's brow
As for the memories which still remain
There is no need I see for penance now
Be my escape, so cries the lowly dove
As he sits idly upon the ground
I've lost my way to fly because of love
And no, I claim, there is none to be found
So from the doves and crows we now can learn
Love is best when it is felt in return

— The End —