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76 · Jan 2020
Miranda Jan 2020
Today I sat on the porch
And I witnessed the start of the rain
There was lightning,
A thunderclap,
And then almost instantly,
The rain
One moment the air was still
The next, it was charged and began pouring
If I had blinked, I would have missed the start
We always look out the window,
And notice if it's cloudy or sunny or raining
But we rarely catch the moment it starts
The moment where the earth transitions
How beautiful is it that we live on a planet that can change so rapidly in an instant

75 · Jan 2020
Driving in the Rain
Miranda Jan 2020
I remember that day I was driving down the interstate
On the way to my hometown after a week of huge transitions.
Life was shifting in all ways all around me, and I needed to go home to get some stability.

It was 1 in the afternoon, but it looked like dusk
Because of the thick blanket of clouds covering the sky.
Rain began pelting my windshield so hard, it’s a wonder it didn’t break.
The sheer amount of water splashing started to blur the road and cars in front of me,
And the sound of rain drops cannon balling on the roof of my car was deafening.
I look in front of me, and I can barely tell the difference between what is road and what is rain.

But then I quickly glance out my window,
And I don’t know how,
But I can see what is going on beside me as clear as day.
I still see the rain, but it hasn’t blurred the picture of the moment of cars going the other way

I think about this a lot.
And how driving in the rain is a lot like life moving forward.

When diving headfirst into your unknown, it’s scary and you can barely see what lies ahead.
You look at others around you and can see their path so clear, and you wonder why yours doesn’t look like that.
But what you have to remember is that they are not going the same way as you.
If I looked out of the passenger side window, I would see others going the same way that I am.
None of us can see what waits on the other side of this storm,
But still, we move ahead
Because that is the only thing to do.



— The End —