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Miranda Nov 2013
A beating so timed and rhythmic that it's scary.
What the heart wants, the heart gets.
You can't fool it.
Never stopping.
A comfort, but also a threat.
It'll keep you alive, but consume and want as long as it still beats.
Feed it your hate, and it will wither.
Water it with lies, and it will blacken.
Sow negativity, and almost surely it will show through in your actions.
But wait, there's hope.
Feed your passions and love affairs to the heart and it is content as long as you are.
Feed it your dreams, and it will set your path.
Feed it positivity, and you will see the effects all around you.
Are you aware of the life coursing through you?
Can you feel the energy you feed it influencing you?
I hope so.

Miranda Nov 2013
I swear the stars shine
Because your eyes taught them how.
I swear the sun rises everyday
Because you told it to keep going, no matter what.
I swear the clouds constantly move
Because you taught them to never let anything hold you back.
I swear that music sounds so sweet
Because it hears the words you speak to me when we're alone.
I swear, that even though you could barely fix yourself
You knew how to fix the world and me.

Miranda Nov 2013
Shakespeare once had Juliet say," but what is in a name, that in which we call a rose would still smell as sweet"
But this isn't true.
Because the mention of your name has brought me
Shakespeare had a way with words, but he never could make a word to describe how I feel when I hear your name.

Miranda Nov 2013
The sounds of summer are
Frogs croaking
Water splashing
Waves crashing
Music playing
Light breeze blowing
Crickets singing
Hearts fluttering
But the most prominent sound, is your heartbeat next to mine.

Miranda Nov 2013
He had eyes like the skies
Their vastness was mesmerizing
He had a smile like the sun
It could light up your world even if it was far away
He had a touch like electricity
The currents ran through your body at the slightest touch
He had a way about him that was like the sea
Always watching over the shore and never abandoning it
His words were like silk
You could wrap them around you and get tangled up in them
But the best part was his soul.
His soul emitted a light like no other.
A light that you wanted to spend your life observing.
A labyrinth that you wanted to get lost in.    
Miranda Nov 2013
I decided today while I was watching the sun set that it was time to let go of you.
My thoughts have been consumed by you and I'd rather be thinking of someone else.
I told myself that when I was ready, I would write the last poem with you in mind.
This is it.
It's not much of a formal poem, but it will suffice.
Up until now the thought that you would be the only one to bring out my rays has still lingered.
I realized that I can be my own sun.
That sunset reminded me of you.
Bright and wanting to be noticed.
You never made a big show about anything you did because you knew you would do it again the next day.
That sunset ended and with it so did the last feelings I had for you.
I've found people who bring me so much happiness and appreciate me.
I've grown and prospered from that night last summer, but you haven't.
I hope it isn't like that for you forever.
I have decided to be happy.
I am the only sun I need.

For the last time,
Miranda Sep 2013
It was spring break
The sun was bright
And the roads were congested
People raced towards paradise
A long car ride
Spent listening to music and talking to you
I asked you questions to know you better
I listened to your answers to understand who you were

I stayed up into the small hours of the night
and wrote until I had no more words to write or speak
The winds chilled my bones but my hands were warmed by the words I was writing
I watched the stars and the waves
I saw the moon brighter than she's ever been
And it was a reflection of myself
I was sinking in the depths and couldn't swim
But you came along just in time
I showed you my poems and things I wrote when I was alone
You showed me your stories
and the idea that you could be the one was planted in my head
You praised my being and my words
And I did the same in return
I was introduced to you in paradise
You were a haven yourself
When I came back home to the real world
You were my paradise

Over the course of 21 weeks
I have known you better than anyone else
And now I don't know you at all

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