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morning ***** tonics
white ****** cigarettes
Track 1: Intro
Track 2: Fingers Tapping Keys (Creating Words)
Track 3: One Way Conversations From the Driver's Seat
Track 4: Eye Contact
Track 5: Music From a Black Cab
Track 6: Poetry
Track 7: The Feeny Call
Track 8: Foreign Languages
Track 9: Secrets
Track 10: Heavy Breathing
Track 11: Rustling
Track 12: Tickled Laughter
Track 13: I Miss You Already
Track 14: Ambient Musicians
Track 15: Accusations
Track 16: Tears
Track 17: *******
Track 18: Hyperventilation
Track 19: I Miss You
Track 20: Biting Lip
Track 21: ******* (Reprise)
Track 22: Silence
Track 23: Static
Track 24: Wondering


Back dimples,

pg. 22-?
 Feb 2012 miranda
Jack Turner
I feel wheels moving
In my brain,
Spinning and rolling,
Never gaining traction
To put thoughts to paper.
Tension is static block
Of frantic attempts at thought.
I try
To no avail.
I can't get moving, no forward motion,
Drawing on emotion and experience,
Yet the page remains empty.
 Feb 2012 miranda
Jack Turner
From sun-up to sunset I find you in my head.
I sit and spin, thinking in circles -
None of which is of any benefit.

I long for your taste and I need your touch,
You in my life is a piece of luck.
I see your face burning in my vision,
I hear your voice singing in my ear,
I taste your body on my tongue,
But most of all I feel your grace upon my soul.

If I've ever needed a muse, it might be you.
Punch a pillow in one spot
          it explodes in another
Lay your head face down to dream
          pillows explode at the seems
Sleeping feathers on your tongue
         where spicy memories are still young
Itchy feathers mix in your lashes
         drowning in tracks of tear-burned rashes
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