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minx Sep 2015
You're a dreamer. Lids like lamp lights. Flickering on and off. Lofty ideas lifting lids heavy when you would sometimes rather dream the day away. Cheeks like pillows balanced by a moon crest smile. Whispers of hair woven at the peak of you to keep your thoughts warm. Body waxing and waning, rising and falling, ever expanding like the dreams you are dreaming. Dream Visions vividly painted. Etched in the lines in the palm of your hand. Where your hand meets with mine.
minx Aug 2014
I wish to be like a quiet morning in a shaded room, sleepy eyed; the smell of green and the steady drip and hum of the outside world after a soft spring shower. A cool calm, a sleepy warmth, and the energetic pulse of the day to come, all at once. A place for you to lay your head and dream of dreams that wishfully come to.
minx Oct 2013
With the first bite of the frost you come to me
Quiet and cool as you awake from the warm haze
I watch you dance in the shadows
I embrace your light
Watch it drip off of you like fire
I taste you on my tongue
I feel you in my breath
You are vibrant
minx Sep 2013
There was the summer I lost myself in the uniqueness of you.
Then, reunited again with the warmth,  I discovered myself in the uniqueness of me.
minx Sep 2013
He said he likes the way I see the world
How I frame my mind
Flecks of silver in my eyes
Childlike with wise reflection

Count the quiet sequence of the days
And illuminating ways
I light up with the feeling of
The sun holding in its hands my face

When I stretch my limbs
And fall right in
Catch the rain drops on my spine
And taste his skin
Fade into the earth
Connect, find rebirth
Let it fill me from within
minx Feb 2013
Like a bed of flowers,
Each always extending itself further than the other,
I want to be the one that reaches the sun.
minx Feb 2013
Gaze at the turn of events myself lost in translation
A purging of the mind
A long awaited *******
that leaves me breathless
with little sensation
but a warm body
with coldly felt inclinations

Turn over repeat
Thighs apart take the heat
Turn over repeat
Want of lust
Love the sheets
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