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 Jan 2014 mini radebe
Calls her

What do you want?

(I want to love you the way you're father should've
I want to love you as much as my ashtray endures the company of marlboro buds

I want to touch you the way you described the way you want it in your tweets about an imaginary lover that makes so much sense to you

I want to dissolve myself in your virginity, take it from you, eat your inoccence out,quench my lust for the taste of the pigment of your pink matter, confirm your place in the realm of the vanity case locked with ****** deviance

I want to confess to your holy alter that I will sin and that you are the sin and speak in tongues down your alter till it confess too
I want to humble myself with my hands together as you feel my genitals with your sacred crimson lips

I want to grab your hips tightly and have conversations with you, using nothing but my eyes,my tongue and my ten fingers
I want to fervently follow this routine like your my own beautiful ten commandments
And the 1. Clearly states in italics --  *thy shall quench thirst

I want to show you that...)
Hangs up

*Commits suicide
Its a bad religion to be in love with someone who could never love you
 Jan 2014 mini radebe
 Jan 2014 mini radebe
You have to find the right distance
between people.
Too close,
and they overwhelm you,
too far
and they abandon you.
The first time you
Said hello,
I didn't know whether
To freeze at the fact
That you were acknowledging my existence
Or to freeze at the ******* fact
That YOU were acknowledging my existence.

She was a writer
and I fall inlove **** easily.
Her metaphors, similes, sonnets
on Sunday mornings.
but she never
wrote about me

"I loved you (past tense)
but you never quite loved me"

Concrete would crack
and grow  old before
you ever admitted that you needed me
and at the time I didn't think
much of it
Because my mind
Was 3 years ahead,
contemplating on which
apartment we should call
but  I should've seen the signs
and listened to my fragile
but accurate heart.
I chose not to,
Because who would?

(Nothing good ever comes
from listening to the voice
Inside your chest)

This poem is about you,
but it is also not about you.
Because if I leave you under
the impression that it's meant for
somebody else,
I might be able to salvage
my barley-breathing pride

Or I could swallow it.
In hopes that it doesn't claw it's
Way out of my mouth
And whisper the words
'I still love you'

That would be awful.
i know sometimes you forget that i still exist when you’re not around.
i forget that sometimes too.
i know that no one has the right to rest their happiness on my shoulders
and i know that if i can't count on someone
i don't have to make sure they can count on me
and my fingers are the only ones i ever count on anyway.
i give because i don’t know how to take.
i pour out because i don’t know how to let you in.
and mostly it isn't even feel real
it doesn't come from my kindness,
it’s just all i know how to do.
it's automatic.
even if i don’t care about you,
i want you to feel cared about.
it’s like the less loved i feel,
the more i try to make sure other people feel loved.
because i can't control how people treat me
but i can control how i treat them.
i just don’t know if i can do it anymore.
i’m wearing thin and it feels like there’s not much of me left
and i feel like i have to save whatever leftovers there are for other people.
i always come home empty.
so i’m done feeling like the heels you keep in the back of your closet,
because you can’t just put me on when you want to feel better
and take me off when you’re done.
i'm not the porch light you forgot to turn off
and i'm not your one-word text message
i'm more like your right hand,
like you don’t even realize how important i am
until i’m too broken for you to keep using me.
i’m not here to help you **** time
and i don’t just exist when you need something.
i'm not your morning coffee
you can’t just pour me out when you’re done with me
because i pour out so much already
and i’m exhausted and you're not around
and i'm stuck cleaning up your mess
so that i can ignore how much of a mess i am.
it's like i'm last the last domino  
people fall back on me but i don't have anyone to fall back on.
i expend because i don't want to be expendable.
but if you were giving something back
i wouldn't mind giving so much of myself to you.
 Dec 2013 mini radebe
Sublime wildflower.*
My Soul.
Each time my voice box stretches.
Each time my stomach decides to make sounds like it’s angry.
Each time my heart beats twice as fast
Each time my blood moves at a rapid rate.
Each time my body body shakes, causing a tremor to my mind
Each time my soul screams
Each time the sounds passing through my ear,can’t be heard.
Is all the times I think about you.
How the sands of time fell each time I felt closer to you. Losing myself in, in someone who just was never there. My mind likes the thought of you, while my heart turns black at from hearing your name. My soul hates you since it has some of you in it.

Can I just have all the pieces of my soul back already?
You can have them back as soon as my heart heals for you.
My heart/soul devotes itself to you
 Dec 2013 mini radebe
I love how all the constellations are named after Greek heros. It reminds me that, even though mortals, they have vices too. I love around 5am when all the lights dim, after the **** ones have become middle aged, in their 12hour life spans. When the glitter fades and rests, more like sad stars and gold leaf.

I love naked white sheets, how they work like paint thinner to remove last nights fresco, how they dry you off after soaking in a tub of room temperature lovers. I love the cab rides you take back into yourself, away from the still beautiful people who are all elsewhere doing impossibly beautiful things. When you arrive home, you will greet the mirror like a criminal in a line up, with premeditated sins armed with brass knuckles and all the good intentions buried far beneath the rap sheet.

I plan to be a sinner tonight. Could’ve been something else but looked way too good in my red dress to be anything Christian. I was talking to three different men in five different languages. I was twisting a blunt straw into page forty-seven of the coma sutra. I was dancing in an attempt to melt the belts off every man in the room, but I heard the truth that night. A Turk speaking Spanish, didn’t know me from Adam said;

“Tú creas en Dios pero tu haces malas cosas” You believe in God but you do bad things.

Suddenly I realized that I was in a place where all they play is house music, but can’t really say I felt at home in the barely audible, barely recognizable zone between having a good time and simply wasting it. I was a glutton with a grin, drinking warm gin, knowing no ones name but somehow I was everyones friend. I was standing in stilettos that made me 6ft tall but still felt small. I was messing up the shoes I paid too much for and still hurt to walk in and talk about conviction.

Truth is nobody believes me when I say I’m a ******. Truth is, the Bible didn’t see the inside of my face for a week while I was on vacation. Truth is, I’m not innocent, I’m just an abstinent fireplace that doesn’t wanna feel the fire kindle between her legs anymore. So don’t mind the ashes they’re just evidence of how brightly I can glow and I wanna glow hard like one dim star on an otherwise starless night that shines just to prove its fidelity and I know what you must think of me. “What hypocrisy!” but I don’t wanna enter prayer reeking of my addictions. Stinking of cologne. I don’t want God to smell another man on me, mistaking ménage á trois for the trinity.

So, so thank God! Thank God the stars don’t judge us for what we do beneath them. Thank God the stars don’t see the evil we commit under their names. Thank God for the silence, for the dimness, for nights spent alone. Thank God for friends who know more than just your bra strap. Thank god for cab rides home, cause tonight I’m gonna strip the spotlight. Tonight I’m gonna turn off Frank Ocean. Tonight I’m gonna take off the stilettos. I’m gonna take off the turquoise rings. I’m gonna take off the lipgloss and I’m gonna sleep naked, not trying to be ****, just trying to be me. A girl with a shaved head and with eyes deep enough to stand in, with convictions strong enough to stand on.

I’m finding the mercy of God right where I’m standing and its binding, it’s blinding, it’s forgiveness, most of all it’s mine. So, so tonight I’m gonna sit out on the fire escape eating an apple and I’m gonna nickname the view Eden and I’m gonna look up at those tragic stars and their pagan hearts full of mourning and I’m gonna say; What a fall, but what light, what impossible light.
By Alysia Harris
 Dec 2013 mini radebe
Sublime wildflower.*
I cut deep into my soul to derive words to describe the constellations you built inside my dark matter,
Inside the cave I bulit with insecurities and lustful thoughts of nights I thought would never exist

You delved into places I never knew existed, places I never knew my existence could ever fathom, you entered with nothing but subtle words and
your story

My life will forever drown in gratitide until my body finally lowers to the beautiful dark ocean floor you created within me.
(I will forever cherish the day you said you hate me/love me)

— The End —