Two cups of coffee I had, and 4356 steps I took, just to catch another glimpse while I passed by you.
Planned what to wear the next morning, and of topics that you understood, an anecdote to gain your attention, pink lipstick to hold that look.
Scrubbed my palm dry roughly to have nothing between your skin and mine, because when you shook my hand, my heart fluttered, and did not calm for a very long time.
You are not mine, will never be, but when you gaze into my eyes, I see what my life would be like with your beauty, so those 3 minutes a day are more than worthy.
She stared back at me, with a sneer and asked, "Did you really think that was you, in the looking glass? Those wild curls so lush, and brows archly brushed a nose so fine, a quality it possessed! The grace that she spent in every silken way she went it left woman of the old gaping and the young men, breathless. And you with your spots, with a nose, such a blot! Hair that is smitten to the wind as aimless! Limbs so undefined, nary a skirt I can find, that would hide those wide hips and body - shapeless!"
And then I took a bow before a man and couldn't fathom how his presence I could digest I was repelled so - by him. But the looking glass wasn't far, at every turn I saw a mar and gave up my choice to see ... into a looking glass.
With a steaming mug of coffee in hand I watched: the sun fall, the wind shiver, the leaves stand and land roll, the birds swing, yellow beams dance, and people stride in woollen warmers. She plucked a flower in fool bloom, then ambled away with a bamboo basket. The clink of steel whistled through the air, rousing sleep in the grouchy ones saddled with books and a play toy in hand walking in step with a grown man. I walked there once, trying to keep pace clasping a finger as large as my fist. His snores now fall softly, circling the room while I stand by the window, wearing his shoes.
Its like having a song stuck in your head that plagues you at the oddest times, when you forget, when you forgive, when you are about to lose your mind. There are pieces which hollow out, parts which blare like a horn, and you whistle a tune, to cover the blanks, and keep repeating that song. You twist the words, to make it your own, hum the stretch which lingers, so much that you breathe in tune. And you play it over and over to comfort the oddest hour which peaks, because nothing really, is as comforting, as certainty. Even that of an annoying song.
The man I love is broken, my dark secret in the open, all of me is now revealed. Broken stars on a crimson sky I walked on glass bright as light towards a shadow I couldn't deny was a lie. Fate decreed, I hurt my feet, and waking up I felt relieved under the noon time sun my madness would ebb and I would set free. This yearning then wouldn't leave me trembling and glowing eyes in the dark wouldn't make me retreat. Yet there I go, the same room again where windows stand tall, and he with them, in moving shadows, my broken man, bends his head and stretches his hand and I stand still, watching all of this, while I'm asleep.
Blank face stares at a blank page there was so much to tell the thoughts whirling in space within that mind, confused, edgy, but nothing would spill. If the finger could be pricked, and blood poured, its dark mad rush could exhibit, the craving contained, but there was no puncture that could let out the rage, and let in air, that could whistle through the veins and fill the hollow gut that remained.
My constant. In valleys and cliffs, with a cigarette between lips and a hand wrapped around swirling spirits, my ever after happy end.
By my side, holding hands, in the most starkest of moments when I make outlandish demands the only one who can know the things I whisper when in shadows.
My eternity, my right hand, the ace up my sleeve, the winning hand, my confession box, my witless friend, the most cursed, my marching band.
When confronted by truth my resilient spine, I am my own ****** valentine.
There is a transient moment most profound and necessary.
It is that line which borders the sky and the water, the umimaginary, factual, tangible edge of reality and perception, past and future, mirror and reflection, which develops insight.
they're beginning to itch these new clothes that I've donned making me seem normal, as one of them, the paint on my face no longer forlorn
I can feel it writhe and move inside my head, hiss in displeasure wanting out, wanting to spread it is done with its leisure
the monster I carry that green eyed devil its been waiting to long to strike and ooze will my blood dark, clotted bile and with it I'll purge all these lies.
No, I'm not afraid, I was just confused, while waiting, that I could be one of them I am never, I will never be I reside only in the sidelines with a butcher knife to parry.
we are duly taught when moved from one to another spot what was will longer be and soon things will turn to memory and that fondness will gladly lurk on the shoulders which will soon shirk what was then, but isn't now it is the way things turn about
Too many voices in my head too much noise when things are said and I struggle from word to word, to string together all I've heard but they're relentless, these thoughts of mine have no reason to subside and so they scream, and mutter, and breathe their putrid venom into me, seeping down like angel dust, into my soul and veins and thus wanting me to give in, or rise, how am I to know when my mind is in flight? from rage to silence, from passion to death I am seeing, and feeling the mirage is to burst and in a million little pieces I have been blown apart, in a million little places i have been set to blast
I'm afraid I shall never be that butterfly which burst into flames of color and was adored every hour it lived its flitting life, I am too wise, to know I'm the caterpillar that crawls through nature in pain, it is never vain to realize, the day it is most treasured, is the day when it dies.
Impish foam that rests on the brim of a thing delicious to fade away in one gentle swipe of an invisible tide. The crusty bits that sweeten a bitter concoction drown under the burden of a dark swirling mesh but remain a heady delight. Stirred within a diameter is trouble with joy and laughter unrestrained.
Sipping a hot mug of coffee incites thoughts, that vagaries of life and coffee, are perchance, the same.
the play of light and shadows on swinging plains of green a whole lot of meaning they carry as they beam into the stream that bids hello and goodbye, simultaneously to birds flying high the sliver of white on pools of blue like diamonds that are found anew and all this I watch, and feel a clench, for my heart knows, what it is to be content.
Like the molten embers of a dying fire, the last crumbs of a meal, we give ourselves in appreciation of a lie; the cold and hungry.
For the makers don't always choose wisely, and the survivors lose patience to keep seeing beyond horizons and find only the salty grace of the waves, building sand castles gets tiring when all that is written gets swept away.
The comfort is dwindling that of a candle in the storm, wavering, unsteady, unlike the ashes which consume, then linger, a potent reminder that even hope dies, even restraint ends.
Sometimes it is the delusion of a happy ending that keeps us alive.
It is like watching a plane land while you're in it, by the wings, seeing the end drawing close and feeling the ... feeling, in the pit of your stomach in the edge of your toes and you clench, well, everywhere, bracing yourself (as if that'll help) for a rough landing that'll shake you, startle you, but what you really fear is what comes after the jolt, for it is momentary, sometimes absent (when artfully done) but sometimes the jolt only begins the turn for things to go worse and go wrong and for the ground to slide from beneath you and for the plane to slide and fall...
I took a detour, gave in to the allure of the bending road half in shadows beckoning.
Full bloomed flowers draped the ivy that fell from the sky surrounded by mystic elements of a natural life, I thought this is the place to be.
And I walked away from the constant to the foretold, from the legends to the myths, wanting to relish the myriad phases that in a darker place exists.
But, it was a detour, not my decided road, for though the journey is what they talk about; they are mostly, lost souls. I am for that one goal I set off to first find, I came off the detour, to leave the glory behind.
It takes a different kind of courage to survive hope; to resist the call, of the bottomless pit, to refrain from the comfort of an always full glass, to stay put on the ledge when the wind nudges, and all things to come seem worse than what has passed.
It takes a different kind of stupid to deny despair; to embrace the notion of affording second chances, to echo the chant that some things are meant to be, to take solace in knowing there are better possibilities, and keep telling your worst you haven't yet seen the best of me.
I have no reason no reason to claim, I know the secret the secret to joy, But I hear the mystery, the mystery of love, Is to forgive and be forgiven be forgiven for distrust, So I know my lacking, my lacking of love, Is my yearning to pursue, to purse, my joy, When I should be empty, be empty of claim
You don't hear the shrill screams inside my head, or hear the broken music box I haven't set aside. You don't see the shadows flit pass my walls, or bear the pinch of broken dreams under your feet.
You only know of the colors I wear on my sleeve, and the aches I confess of the things that keep me from sleep.
You only tell me what I must, should and can, without knowing the doors I pray will remain closed behind.
You only see the smoked mirrors I show you, because some truths are kept from you, And I'm kept distant, from you.
give me a memory, any memory, where you are happy, and it can mask, the worst thing ever said, the meanest thing ever done, the crudest thing you ever saw and I'll not write anymore.
Let us dream how else does one tolerate reality? And dream to not aspire but to deny every falsehood promised for eternity. And dream so large and so long that you
There is nothing but the swirling amber rising and falling like a sleeping ogre’s chest, numbing the sense of trepidation that swims about aimlessly, catching the beacon of the lighthouse. In the dark we dispel all our inhibitions for who is wont to notice? But in the face of their stares and processing brains we stumble, afraid of them knowing what to us is unknown. And whilst we play this game of cat and mouse there is the swirling amber, charming the enduring soul with its potion of surreptitious logic and potent healing magic, we drain.
enough with the paltry sum returned to all the pleading I did with a bowl in my hand I walked; shiny eyes watching, seeking, craving, while they all walked past, without a glance; some with pity in their eyes.
enough, with the clanging church bells beckoning those who fell arousing feeling of hope, silly girls throwing away coins in wishing wells.
enough, of waving my hand around, decorated to appeal, these cobbled streets I called home will never my shadow feel
enough of this disappointment making way through my body that hollowness, that shallow hurt of knowing somethings aren't meant to be.
All those stories about love forget to write about the poignancy of silence; of the waking dawn, muted sunlight, balmy evenings, brushes of skin in the kitchen, over the whir of the motor in the car, because it is the silence that carries the true magic of ever after.
Why do we catch fireflies in jar? Why do we carry a net and chase butterflies? Why the need to capture beauty then gawk while it dies seeps away like the dwindling pleasure which gets replaced by something wild.
Why do we blind ourselves from our intricate dark side? Why do we attempt to disguise our malice under the robe of the 'civilized' when we are id, we are insane we are the cutters we are the chained and we drown while we bury and we crumble while we push
in layers and layers we carry the agonizing truth
monsters we made, in mirrors we see evil isn't another, is it underneath.
It whips you in the face or carries a flighty leaf like the tide of the wind it varies
sometimes enshrouding is its twisted volition aftertimes a soothing caress most times, which comes amidst the debris of guilt and trepidation and fear
and this is not a measure of Richter but the abyss, which is carved deep and has the potential to acknowledge the possibility fervently, that this is not an existential anomaly.
It is fear that chained my feet, and here I thought it was my past, when it was my future made me afraid, how foolish, knowing that it is only on me, and not destiny, that I lost faith.
my knees have grown a little brittle, my feet, a little worn, my elbows hurt from tucking them in tight, my neck hurts from not holding it right, my shoulders ache for the burden, is sometimes just too great my heart is weary and often forlorn, my soul is silent I think it too feels that, it can't bear anymore.
There are no words I can rote to eloquently convey what I can with the rise of one finger whilst on the stage under the spotlight and the silhouette'd audience titled.
Someone smoked a pipe too long and dark tufts filled the cyan expanse, then they rumbled and thumped too loud startling us below, enough to crane our neck and look above. They must have sneezed, and excuse them please, for the rushing wind could have stolen their mumbled apology. And amidst the puffy mist, there could have been adrift, a downy, now wet, handkerchief.
bludgeoned to believe in ever after stories by the endless yarn of lies I wear in pride, eyes shining in glee wondering... when does the mirror break and the witch call an end to my dark fairy tale? I shall referee, just to gainsay, I'm afraid, that I continue to leap from ledges. And flee.
smile; stretched far, felt deep, without effort, in much speed, across layers of emotion, cognition and soul, in effect after, and before, true confession, quiet storm, honorary silence, dishonest calm, fragmented, prosaic, maimed, the untold story, that love game.
It doesn't take much for a smile to turn mocking, or much time for betrayal to come knocking, or much effort for trust to slay and dig up past mistakes. It doesn't take much for friendships to sour, for the bell to chime and ring the end to happy hour. It doesn't take much at all for memories to be mistaken and for all those severed ties to be called all but forsaken.