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503 · Aug 2016
ero ego
Miklusha Mamin Aug 2016
blue sky
holo sky
gentle clouds
delicious sides
I look at you
and I see the water
through her excitement
transparent ghosts
reflective consciousness
on removable media
free hard drives
from sadness and longing
empty place holy
They lie on a torrent gifts
Life is made up of images
Music is Life
no mystery
all on the surface
423 · Oct 2015
experience of sadness
Miklusha Mamin Oct 2015
moon rises on the head
hey stop glide
you body so sad
selfie me babe
sun in may hands
a pain of smile
joy saddest sadist of life
334 · Oct 2015
cold ear
Miklusha Mamin Oct 2015
dear deer
are you here
do not breathe
on my nose
as a cold autumn
302 · Oct 2015
what I want to tell
Miklusha Mamin Oct 2015
add some odd ad
cat look at catfish
in my leafing eyes
I sought meaning
what I had meant
a poem of me
read eating leaf
in yours eyes
yamy you so tasty
in there
where's no me
my soul hates time
261 · Mar 2021
saving the word
Miklusha Mamin Mar 2021
The blackened world of a mad man's hate.
I don't see God, my eyes are sad.
Do I want to save this world in my sleep?
I watch in awe as the owl takes it away.
We will wake up together as loving beings.
246 · Oct 2015
the truth is trusted
Miklusha Mamin Oct 2015
I'm laying
and lying
I'm right
I exist
is it so?
I'm not lazy
I just do not want
to be a debtor of time
237 · Jul 2016
warm war
Miklusha Mamin Jul 2016
coward covered his shame to his conscience
the love in the soul burned to ashes
and warmed the house where people lived
single and happy
tender and cruel
we live together for ages
forgetting time
it does not exist
if you believe the scientists
227 · Sep 2015
dont leave me in love
Miklusha Mamin Sep 2015
wars raw
hearts art
I miss for the world
he rested in a peace
192 · Sep 2015
holy hello
Miklusha Mamin Sep 2015
**** poetry!
my loving enemy
words is lottery
93 · Apr 2021
temporary time
Miklusha Mamin Apr 2021
Well, melted my tears, Mr. Bukowski
Fill your glasses with sadness and let's drink.
Have you ever loved anyone?
You'd better ask me if anyone ever loved me.

— The End —