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Mike Essig Aug 2016
Dulce pomum quum abest custos.*

He loved her
like his own death.
The one thing
he could hold onto
when all else
went away.
Mike Essig Aug 2016
Night of no moon. No twinkles. Poet time.
Murk of morning not yet become. Stygian.
Sky of two minds. Janus of covering clouds.
When does when begin? When does then end?
A dash of light tips the balance. Revision.
Syntax of the soul at 4 AM. Garbled images.
Why do bards embrace the darkness? Home?
Shades of past lives stumble in the gloom.
Portals to worlds lived and lost. Open.
Lovers with forgotten names once more whisper.
Friends long in graves stir and grumble.
Every single thing lost names itself found.
A slow sharpening into definition, detail,
becoming what those They insist is real.
   Wake to a world that’s barely now,
   live in a now that’s then. Somehow.
Mike Essig Aug 2016
I have heard rockets and mortars fall,
the screams of wounded men, heard it all.
In my deepest sleep, still those soldiers creep
into my dreams and beg me recall
that they once lived and still they exist
as more than names on a dusty list,
but each one a soul, though no longer whole,
whose memories must always persist.
Mike Essig Aug 2016
The universe has
a millions signs
that say no,
only a few
that say yes.

Everything is fragile
except the rope
around your neck.

Just another
day in paradise:
exciting as a
hole in the ground.

Please send me
a difficult woman
with a mind
like a razor
and a kiss
like a shotgun

If you think
with your ****
expect a few

All the world's misery
is caused by people
who wear suits.

Sometimes, you must
must open a window
in your soul
just to let a little
oxygen into your life.

My anscestors
marched to war.
I flew.
Maybe there is
such a thing
as progress.

Why do we
fall in love
instead of
rise in love?
Because there's
no such thing
as a rise with
a thud at the end.

Cat's know everything
but divulge nothing.

Death waits
patiently as
a dead cat.

Enough now,
I am moving to
Lake Michigan
where I will
hunt wolverines
for a living
and learn
to eat ice.

Have to flee,
there is a warrant
out for me for
everything I
never did.

So difficult
some mornings
to face the
ugly emptiness of
the sober page

a future
a perhaps.

If you turned
wine into water,
made the living dead,
and called in demons
would these
be called miracles
and you hailed as
the new messiah?
Might be dangerous.
Listen: the sound
of hammers and nails
calling your name.

The Law is the Law;
**** is ****;
do the math.

Try not to **** away
your life on nonsense.

While I wasn't looking,
the whole earth was
zoned commericial.

There is always
another corner
around the next

Never let clocks
control your life.

Waking up
every day
is another
chance at

Wherever you go
you carry along
all the places
you've ever been.

We are
breeding people
who will
have no place
in the world.

It takes
a life's work
to recognize
the mystery
of the obvious.

Much that you see
isn't for your eyes.

Exactly how long
does forever last?

I keep waiting
unsure of what
I am waiting for.

Sometimes, you walk
through doorways
in you mind
and can't get out.

When you are sure
you can't stand more,
the worst is just beginning.

We must learn to appreciate
our fatal savagery.

Don't disrespect alcohol.
It provides consolation
for the inconsolable.
Not a small feat.

Sometimes, art must be foul
in order to scrub the soul clean.


There are no
brave, new worlds;
just this one,
over and over,
until seen clearly
at last.
Mike Essig Aug 2016
It is hard
on your soul
to admit
how often
you have
been full
of ****.
Mike Essig Aug 2016
One more same same morning.
Ah, but there are perks to poetry.

A flick of imagination and I am gone
to a warm country, green, with beaches
and castles and four poster beds
in one of which I am just now
waking to a vision of a lovely lass,
ready for a dash of dawn plunder,
to open a day of azure skies and heat.

In some ways, poetry doesn’t pay well,
but in others, it can make you rich indeed.
Mike Essig Aug 2016
She holds the cards
of your heart:
aces and eights.
No woman more
alluring, deadly
or desirable
a difficult woman.
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