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Aug 2020 · 154
Warsaw as a plaything
Mike Arms Aug 2020
This. The button. The parent of all ills.
Connected and fed by rampant mouths.
Or by holes made by war.

This motion made perfect in
a court of infants on ruins

paper star and starlet
no time in a blaze
for the movie of your minute
Looking at notes and scratchy verses from years back.
Aug 2020 · 141
Revisiting Isaac
Mike Arms Aug 2020
Isaac Dust
Born from the cold binary dust and
with no song or sigh returning to dust

He just has daughters and its a blow to
his pride since heirs inherit the
mortal remains and titles

But this isn't that kind of song
not now not when your stood trying
the locked box of fatherhood

He returns to the fire just to escape
a capitol offense flowing like morning
youth yawning your birth

Isaac remains still as dirt
guilty as bone and blood
assembled for horror and nuance
Dec 2015 · 470
love and winter
Mike Arms Dec 2015
My life a cloud of
Blood and pity

All the most beautiful
Words I will say to
Myself in quiet rooms

But to you
Nothing but the
Awkward garbage
My mouth finds

I stretch my mortal
Membrane into time
I have not bought

One lash stomps
A false move and
Harvests a mania

Broken falls ****
That let me fall I
Do well from below
Oct 2015 · 591
young mom
Mike Arms Oct 2015
she says my mom thinks she is young
with etiquette that stems from a long
birth against being watched

long drives in the city to the country

sleeping in the car with empty stomachs
painting the next town on our teeth
like orphans of privilege

giving birth against books
perfect time given the nature of
all orbiting satellites
Oct 2015 · 577
I is Other
Mike Arms Oct 2015
a new job in a new city

while the purpose of not being
your Father sparkles like a new penny

the girls are there
the boys will fight
the weather is right

what is it like
to watch myself engage
the living land

every time I walked I
did it like a professional
of myself

and to step out of that
is the other time
where I count my

minutes and seconds
Sep 2015 · 873
Surprise Bat
Mike Arms Sep 2015
bat flies out of the night into
my headlights
loops in draculan arc

it is 4 o clock in the
dark in the maze where my
heart knows no clock

the radio is singing a lesson in
lost love where the wires
buzz and intersect

animal notes in the streets

metal on the field of my tongue
hijacks your signal
like a surprise flight of bat
Jun 2015 · 371
Actual June
Mike Arms Jun 2015
the end of Henry Miller paragraphs
blow out the *** end of my pop song
which I cling to

however this thing has expired
and the treasure is sunk expertly
an ecstatic kinging

brings me what the devil decides
because I want June at all times
Now and more
Jun 2015 · 444
Mike Arms Jun 2015
i want an anti chariot
to repel
i stand
But for June
I declare ruin
to clear the destroyed
mess that poetry got

i get put into a time and place
where U get Your ****** place
put to You like time required.

Jun 2015 · 508
Mike Arms Jun 2015
ruminating about the death of Lorca
I **** time in the void of biology

I try to imagine the executions of
the revolutionary

The Innocent
try time
Apr 2015 · 416
Mike Arms Apr 2015
I can't act or teach this way
they all fall and it is not my fault
they perish

I commit to weird wanderings
testing and stretching life like
they do in books

I should have been many men
over many lifetimes
but one man against time
Jan 2015 · 805
Sister Locust
Mike Arms Jan 2015
A lost cohort of arms folds improperly into itself
the hands red, mangled form spiked plumes
in the snow, on the rubble and pebble

Locust arrives white hot, blinding who
leaves a flight of magma terra
in her milk there is no puzzle and

each puzzle consumes its own waste
of perspira pursuing the next shoreline
of scalded blood and answers

Each convolutes by command to an
epoch of gaude and ***** where she
weaves a beaming scaffold
Jan 2015 · 426
Mike Arms Jan 2015
This is a very difficult, detailed explanation
there is no one left alive and the survivors
have destroyed minds and will **** you

but, to be quite honest with you, everything
is on fire it's a right mess

my skull is history
Jan 2015 · 459
Mike Arms Jan 2015
you cough your fake blessings
on paste paper targets

word execution
we watch the city strata
die in it or die by it

my own hand in accord
with your hand burned
I abide.
This one is mine, with a great edit by Chintan!
Dec 2014 · 770
Mike Arms Dec 2014
the able body
is a fable

im watching television
in the future
the past is better

you can't spell my name today
but thats ok
Futurist spellings disregard all futures
Nov 2014 · 1.9k
Mike Arms Nov 2014
In gentle cursive the song written
on the white arched neck of the
artificial swan

The ankle bells
give you away
the sweet echo
of your bare feet
on the cobblestones
the clever fountains
bauble as always
while they are
still good keepers
of night time
Nov 2014 · 584
Mike Arms Nov 2014
Over which radio cannot cross
She stands on a school desk and declares
Each color
bled from my mouth and made my gene
code racist and illiterate
We broke a Black Glacier and a swollen son
melted our
gallant entropy
Nov 2014 · 399
Mike Arms Nov 2014
Yes I mostly destroy things
Mostly myself
But that still is not enough
to satiate my lust and
weird Roman pride.
Old Gods.
Bring blessings on every member of my family.
Give them passage.
Nov 2014 · 474
Mike Arms Nov 2014
I have been destroyed and reborn
The Religions you have offered me
Have failed every time.

Oct 2014 · 571
Mike Arms Oct 2014
banjo strings frayed by broken fingernails
fistful of downers to sleep this night away
i open my eyelids out of dream, singing ladies'
eyes downcast thru fear & tobacco smoke
wake up, roll joint, get this day started.
BY  David Badgerow & Mike Arms
Oct 2014 · 934
Mike Arms Oct 2014
I own one eye a known
Wanderer and an insolent

Its twin
Formed from the first’s
Forgotten breath is as

Static and wide as
Our very Pacific

One eye set upon the tropic
The lizard mineral surfacing
To embrace salt laughing

One then upon our Arctic
The axis eternally poised
To blast and bristle

Our iris unbending gravity
Secreted within ridicule

Eye the Equator as She duels
The very patient curator over
Aqua Photo Helio Fuego
May 2014 · 864
Mike Arms May 2014
They say it's deer
Deer that change shape
An ancient Whitman
they say
caught one once

The woman who would not wear fruit
to hide herself like Eve on stage
refused to wear the shoes a
hermaphrodite gave her

She ran thru front yards she
ran thru bedrooms the
shadow she gathered from
the oak will keep her

sanity so long as she holds
the right note in her chest
This is a poem by Chintan Shelat and Mike Arms.
May 2014 · 502
Daily News
Mike Arms May 2014
My rush is a broken bottle on the freeway I can't
remember when I have people who I cannot ****
I conjure highways and canyon walks

Extinct species invade your bedroom and
**** your expensive pillows gently like
an extinct Artist

The way you decide to move is way too
loud for my broken security system and you
will be questioned

This is like the Daily news, read and
Mar 2014 · 426
those gods ...
Mike Arms Mar 2014
those gods like rotten meat
end up in a dump
buzzed over by

scratched and left over by some canine

'cause his master said
"don't eat that rotten **** you fool!"

there are worms
they don't think like that
if they think at all

but be modest, Charlie

give'em some credit

for they never complain for
making a fertilizer

now will you  look down that bridge

there lay a dried up whale
exploding boiling organs all around

and there hides
the entire city
behind the stink

now we wait, Charlie, 'cause we are patient

wait for some Kublai Khan
to interpret as he wishes
'cause, Marco Polo does not speak the same language

the language, the illusion it is.

and god is still
an ever rotting meat.
by Chintan Shelat
Mar 2014 · 972
Mike Arms Mar 2014
the weight around absence of might
will slowly bury collapsed matter out of
our style

the entrenched wretched waste of verb
is sewn hastily to this fray
out of sight

the pale adventure will pause on a petal
resuming criminal affections of
the retina

one phosphorous bible verse thread
invents one stone knot end
ad infinitum
Mar 2014 · 795
Mike Arms Mar 2014
the end of one nail becomes a
play only once on one white parched

she imagines a wire to reach her fixed
point against novice chance chalk

with care we invent the bones as we go
one turn the last of what spit may mark
Feb 2014 · 739
Paper cut
Mike Arms Feb 2014
Out hot executioners
ribbons in our wake
sensibility thru the vents
A paper doll cuts the clouds

She says
Allow her one paramount chance
to steal your heart for this dance
Feb 2014 · 883
Matter Drone
Mike Arms Feb 2014
O. Pool raw island or line vineyards
action stripping the shifts in throat lobes

co operative fraction guillotine manual or
glandular matchstick subtracting certain

matching breeds already beneath accidental
mathematics in estrus clothed by fractions


Aural syringe laughing lineage captured
glass cultures Where I feel revered by newborn

lands of guilded dementia children from vapor
quartering off portions of soft cornered rockets

off soft dabs of round cornered minaret orders
I fire the buoyant mind with fractioned black butter


The hum of fans
the gunboats dealing broadsides
raw meat and bound feet
moon is withered grape
flys gnaw thru our cellophane
intent to devour our brain
The mythical hiss of salted throats
dissolving like fermented aphids
milk amidst the purr of confused
****** onlookers

The Princess of our burlesque
appears with her sun red triplets
Three clairvoyants asleep in their
eggshell bed each with three eyes
one just within the foreheads
Jan 2014 · 737
Mike Arms Jan 2014
I sink sleeping
in the worst place
All the cameras
have instant action

The gunshots
are a weary book
what can't boil
is a dead hour

You bind coincidental
cramps with piety
killed before the tower
at the Exclusive
Jan 2014 · 646
7 's
Mike Arms Jan 2014
the wishes of the masses
are a parade down a grey
launch site for cold war grandfathers
they are in your blood
the peace of September pales you

the next engineering disaster or
godsend has your signature smothered
in legal documents
the bomb is a breath as
children ruin the world

watch them line up in a crocodiles mouth
watch them birth the savior
you sleep while sound is pulled from the
quiet of your back
Jan 2014 · 1.2k
Mike Arms Jan 2014
the cue I have abandoned
proves hard balance and
will **** every blank note

That is why we fight and
forget ****** vanishing
in sight like Virgins
Jan 2014 · 559
Pop song
Mike Arms Jan 2014
I went out of my mind And
boiled My time into a Pop
Song and trashed it
Should I have not?

I can't write anything
and it's fitting since
who can read anyway
Why should they?

I thought it was OK
to burn Saturday
I was right

I scratch the surface
with perfect confidence
wasting everything

You want me to write this
Spelling mornings and fastings
from the window of your past
Jan 2014 · 1.7k
Little farce
Mike Arms Jan 2014
you work perfect farce like
your cards light in my hand singing
a jingle to slavery

you light a bourbon course
across artillery and *****
sworn to war
Dec 2013 · 945
One backward
Mike Arms Dec 2013
One backward leaf of
paper to assault my shade of
fey staircase

ink inside a lock of
hare in a black backward box
key for my clock

smoke without a whip's
narrow ghost backward of
a coal haunt

clever stairway it's own
footprint for hare escapes
my backward watch
Mike Arms Aug 2013
Wolves egg blood
turned over horses
blood burned butter

When the brink vanishes
the furnace swallows its
Mothers pastoral tongue
which is heard echoing
through 1000 years of
Dead mouths

Beauty flings its severed head
cavalier in fashion
over the overdressed mob
who are steel nippled
penised and toothed
maggots of war

Through my scratched window
about the black scaffold made
from my own insomnia
No ocean can rinse the blood
from that fabric
Apr 2013 · 840
Mike Arms Apr 2013
One particle has betrayed your wit
you are speeding into a single cell

Right below your memory is hollow
your past implodes despite your will
Apr 2013 · 1.2k
Locust report
Mike Arms Apr 2013
locust songs twist silver slivers
on the mattress on
the floor in the
fight to the death winding against
wet pink feathers

I turn my imaginary arm back
from cartoon space and We're
****** since arms are extinct.
Apr 2013 · 752
Broken Temple
Mike Arms Apr 2013
one hundred suns buried
in golden broken walls
mangled retinal mosaic
calibrated splattered traincrash
cutting through
featureless massacres

Everything on the table
burns and runs
molten copper into
drowned corners where
humanity falls in silence
Mar 2013 · 842
Mike Arms Mar 2013
disappear with her
and the bar room growls
while the wistful claws
force out into their homes
beneath the swelling sea
from the ruin
of my memory
We walk into Purgatory
the way two children dance to the fair
For minutes
We're there
innocence blesses the sky
our hearts made of white
Jan 2013 · 665
My Father
Mike Arms Jan 2013
Each cell winced a dream
the river's mouth at your back
the particle that was mine was turned

In time and produced your crying children
reverberating and bleeding in dark bars
time clocks gouged your heart

You faced Death
That's enough.
Jul 2012 · 955
Mike Arms Jul 2012
she zipped back and broke that glass suit jacket
as a running youth
as grey months brake into the Atlantic

where the viscera is pinned to a dancefloor
one of my ears is a surgeon the other
is not here

her ankle turns above water which is
a piano turning in court
an apple in cold grass
Jul 2012 · 524
Mike Arms Jul 2012
the song on her phone sings me out of last night and off our bed
I'm only rising
not waking from a terrible dream like I wish

be weak be strong decide lead love allow
be nice be a monster
but I let her walk on me

run over me
take the last ember
open my arteries like a paper

I'm working on a headache that
should last a lifetime
while sugar falls and burns
Jun 2012 · 838
Roaming Continent
Mike Arms Jun 2012
one lingering arm will curl around
a fence of breath

formations appear against time in
orange arias

a remote nervous soundtrack tingles
ever silent
May 2012 · 2.2k
Cocktail hour
Mike Arms May 2012
your electronic memory of
Oscar Wilde collapses
just then the sun
the future like a gun
afloat in cream
bang film skin piano

your memory hangs in my
broken window like a saxaphone

forty somethings smoke and flirt
on a cruise ship floating
toward a blissful retreat
where time has lost command
and the radio has blown out
the morals of the age
May 2012 · 792
White Wall
Mike Arms May 2012
On the beige flanks the burning
white-bricked six O' clock sun
On roof and eve's tops
water boiling by the
who licks in and shifts
the walls of pure cobalt
Each of us is a
monster without fault

I will sit brooding for like half an hour
And do nothing
Like trying to ovulate into a jar
I'll blow smoke and stare at the sun
recite Russian poetry to insects
and do nothing
May 2012 · 1.2k
Mike Arms May 2012
123456789 10
111213141516171819 20
212223242526272829 30
313233343536373839 40
414243444546474849 50
515253545566675859 60
616263646566676869 70  
717273747576777879 80
818283848586878889 90
919293949596979899 100           End.
Computer accuracy is suicide.

Crash to stop in time, make any sense of it?
There's no one to blame

Lie, rot, consume ashes of burned thought.

123456789 10

Talking about it makes it worse.

Serious study ... ... ...

Action noise figures.
Equal to a fasting

Serious consideration ... ... ...

Excessive knowledge
Excessive explanation
Excessive detail
Excessive Interpretation
Excessive study
Excessive Excesses

Sharpen you bury yourself
ink pen
institution of barcodes
all is null
excessive null
in school
May 2012 · 1.1k
Lush, day 2, 03:
Mike Arms May 2012
She lives in a figurative cube of lard
A clear turmoil tunnel channeled like
a river of boiling fat filled with shards
of shining glass shattering her flaccid
memory lacerates each emotion or
turn into adipose gluttony

I wear my heart on her terry cloth robe
the brain she was born with is the
***** on her clothes
May 2012 · 970
Mouthwash (10 word)
Mike Arms May 2012
Bomb her mouth
morning never comes
for *** enhanced fluoride
This is absolutely ridiculous !
May 2012 · 1.2k
Ode to Jarry
Mike Arms May 2012
I am Ether
and it's hard luck these days
with nobody making you famous

There is a lead cloud pregnant
with memories worse than burns
raining like errant artillery

I have to bite with my best teeth
to rewind pleasure and fossilize
painful reputations

You put murderers tattoos on my
social membrane by a diseased loop
Obviously I run like a rabbit and

backflip and rip in half the sky
Anonymity boils
Jarry shoots his ephemeral pistol

outside the theatre at fictional
Paris of your half dream
these ghosts circle your nerves

bleeding christmas sugar
gasping kerosene charisma
atop the peak of repute
Apr 2012 · 521
Lush, day 2, 01.
Mike Arms Apr 2012
She's not like him, She likes to say
When the phone rings arises a crises
her speech is saturated like grease
behind her eyes
Apr 2012 · 597
White silence
Mike Arms Apr 2012
The naked black branch silhouette
Outside the glass is perfect
Against a church rooftop
Which is made white by
The brain gasping
For music in a million
Armed and eyed solitude.

It is fork synapse white like a billion
tongued Amazon drawing new
confusions over dawn's shock
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