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Miguel Ponton Jun 2010
Lines that find odd places to go on your face,
The plot we've revised and moments we'll hold
Not to waste.
How hard we've tried, sealing seconds
Covered in the disgrace...
A year in limbo, shouting guesses at a wall.

I can't know you, figuring you out kills me;
Every new bit of info drags me into
A chasm that makes short of my will.
Drowning further till no light can reach...
Shivering cold depths where the pressure
Crushes bone.
I've searched here for you,
Indefinitely at my expense;
Indefinitely against my will...

For love too tight, the grip doesn't wane
'Til sanity can arrive, it even short circuits the brain.
The folly of man is that we allows this to happen
Dying slowly every second until we no longer exist.
No tombstone for our memory
No memory of our resting place
Dust and air, is all that remains
Holding so many meanings, it means nothing at all.

But I got out.
The way the light reflects on the surface of ocean waters...
Divine, truly...nearly drowns me above the sea.
Never falling, almost standing but missing the ground.
To a place where stone can bear my name,
To a place...where I can be remembered...
And not the shell of something else desired.
Miguel Ponton Jun 2010
Sulking decay that brought me dismay...
Know that I address you not:
Not by the sun that glistens
Or the skies that gleam...
But simply due to the epitome of discontent.
I am not your slave,
I am not your toy.
I am thinking man.
A man quite capable of life,
Life, that you seek to rob so many of.

What you are, is something keen;
Something vile and agile that roams the earth.
Demon? I can't say...just all things wrong
That beckon heaven to resent it
And even hell to spit it out.
You are obstinate.
You are warm.
You are comfortable
Because you are death...
Standing still in fear of life,
You tempt humanity to join your plight
But I see what you are...
I've felt you crawl down my spine...
I've felt your gentle hands caress
This face I've asked the shadows to hide.

No...I won't bear your plague,
I won't accept your reality;
Dear, Bitterness, you are not mine.

— The End —