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Miguel Diaz May 2016
You send your words,
Directed to my ears.
My eyes they read,
Somehow they fear.
I imagine the others;
how they'd react.
I wish not to retalliate.
If I can forgive you,
I should forgive myself.
That agony, directed:

in reverse: through reflections:
of infinity mirrors: with refractions:
reverberated light: quantum waves:
perpetual motion: unviolated entropy:

Let me hold that forgiveness,
Let me offer it to myself,
I want to take the hostia,
The sacrificial bread,
The holy communion.
Chanel divine grace
Into my inner being.
Give me utmost peace.
Allow me such union,
I will consume from the chalice.

spilled liquidity: ripples in water:
splashing kineticism: frequency oscillation:
oceanic dispersion: moistened vibration
wettened wavelengths: aquatic repetition:

Will it not dilute?
Will this spirit stay mine?
Will it not disorient?
Will this wisdom remain?
Will it not expire?
Will this solemnity be?

Give me the strength,
I implore my higher self
If it is to exist

That is.
Miguel Diaz May 2016
I take my knowledge from architects, medieval painters and galore.

I walk along the stretch of times, Read the Canterbury Tales from folks of yore.

I've written literature in my own dialect, through the beautiful English language.

I find awe in the act of creation, new etymologies where old writers anguished.

My words: symphonies of the beloved and dead Beethoven; like the arias of Wagner.

I am the high priest, the new catholicicist propogandising as your Cardinal.

I am the spiritual technology, provided to the ailment of what we call society.

I am the new Ghandi, the Dalai Lama deservedly inspiring your piety.

I am the Luciferous angel of life, breathing heaven through the cesspool of Earth.

I am the post-modern Romeo and Juliet, Warhol's 15 minutes of fame and worth.

I am the Alexander Mcqueen, the metaphilosopher of fabric illusions.

I am the lyricist of society, speaking through the castrated eunychs.

I am Stephanie Myer, inspiration of vampiric genius to adolescent impressionables.

I am Jane Austen, author of new age thrillers such as The Secret and Lesbian Misérables

I am the eclipsing of twilight, the post-mortem autopsy of a rotting cadaver.

I am Heath Ledger and Michael Jackson, legends inspiring a race of sleeping pill grabbers.

I am the Blockbuster, the Titanic Avatar, $4.9 Billion to children in poverty.

I am Gangnam Style, 2.5 Billion viewers of the Palestinian Bombings.

I am modern philosophe, the birth giver of Socrates, Plato, Nietzsche, Derrida.

I am Steve Jobs, terrible father, tyrant and billionaire technological reliever.

I am God, the predeccesor and successor of all eternal life.

I am Satan, damnation and strife.

I am Tupac, rapper of gangster warfare. Inspirational to first world degenerates.

I am Oprah, most powerful black woman with white hillbilly aesthetics of Ellen Degeneres.

Thank you, to world's only true Genius.
Hail Kanye West, our one and only revered Yeezus.
Genius is overrated. Knowledge is pointless. Everything is nothing. Yall should read Jane Austen Parody Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. Kange West guys! Come on! Give him all your money now!
Miguel Diaz May 2016
My strength and will
Does bend to pills
My self control stagnates

My might and magic
ends so tragic
Those whom I love end up in hate.

I dream I'll never
Be so quite as clever
My intellect now feels unfair

I'll run away
And hide today
I'l die within my nightmares

I'll muster up  
Some courage love
With an ounce of self betrayal

I'll trust you all
To break my fall
And blame it the nail

When I break my neck
As you would expect
My life's work was for me to be born to fail.
Miguel Diaz May 2016
The heart takes time to heal
No bandages will do
The pain significantly real
And blood's still seeping through
For damage done there are the clots that come
When finally washed away as healed wounds

Scabs appear but disappear
And leave their scars behind
No remedy exists to alleviate the final act
To cure the marks of defeat

The flow of life needs to travel to its destination. Reaching the crude road of veins which touch the human core and patiently trusting the arteries to breathe life in through the stream.

The heart takes time to heal
No catalyst to drive its
Recovery, the slow process
Of tender love and care
Crucial to refresh and cleanse the body
The clock does not unwind to the will of the one that distrusts his heart

We blossom
Miguel Diaz May 2016
Line me up in your infantry,
I’m a reluctant soldier ready for war.
I give up all of me,
to be one of you.
We need need each other,
we need one another
to fight the battles needed.
Victors and defeated
watch us, dominos fall
one by one, endlessly
disappearing. So
I’ll be forgotten, like the ones buried in dust.

Nobody dreams anymore
Ambition is for the lucky ones,
or the crazies..
I am uninvited to the party.
Left to be moulded by the brutality of them.
Strip away my stray paint
to smooth out this canvas.
Send these sharp edges to the realm of
This is bootcamp.
This is life.
The blunt reality given to the grateful ones.
No promises made,
no hearts broken,
because we are already.
Where are we?
The sparseness of this space is
overcrowded by voices screaming
out to be released.
The souls of forgotten children, abandoned by bodies of the mature.
Innocence lost, wisdom destroyed.

The battlefield is left with crawling ants,
corpses and cadavers writhing away.
Our lives are just pawns in this game.
Little, to be toyed with
until rattling bones are all that is left.

I am just as skeletal as you.
Miguel Diaz May 2016
This pathway is my life,
Behind, vehicles
In front, thorns
Rightwards are vast empty and endless paddocks

Fear overwhelms me, I can't control where I steer.
Paralyzed by anticipation of actions, pushed by gushes of wind into destinations unwanted.

Unwinding into a spiral of crashes, colisions into mountains of despair.
Avalanches of irresistable agony.

Death, the only way out.
Miguel Diaz May 2016
I'm open, I've opened for you
And I take you inside the depths of my heart
And I give you the treasures inside, That I guard
But you push, and I pull
The line that keeps us together tears us apart
And neurons remembers you, and nostalgia beckons you
But I've shut down these gayes
But you come pushing right on through
There's darkness I hide from you
We can never run from our demons
But let me face them myself
Do not tear our string
My love is endless
Sometimes I care too much
So I can forget how much you care
I test myself how can I forgive
My mind plays on my heart
How many shards of broken glass must I make till I'm satisfied
Is my love endless, is it really endless.
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