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Jan 2012 · 1.2k
Micuss Source Jan 2012
Enamored is such a beautiful word
But at times it can have me so perturbed
The definition few even have heard
Its effects can leave the strongest disturbed
Webster defines it, to inflame with love, obsessed
It’s has a tendency to leave you somewhat depressed
I really do like the word as such
Even so I don’t us it lightly or very much
It can be so good with that meaning
Especially if the same song your crush is singing
Now it doesn’t take much to change the tune
Realizations that come on way to soon
Now comes the pain tis my friend you see
For the one I want is not enamored with me
Jan 2012 · 592
Micuss Source Jan 2012
Silently the immortal walks
A meal he patiently stalks
A great price one will pay
For they will die before day
Light is their only friend
For it will bring his end
But the chase brings him joy
For to him you are but a toy
So stay in from the night
Lest he hunt you tonight
Jan 2012 · 484
Micuss Source Jan 2012
The one that walks alone
I see him his name unknown
He is the son of night
But his existence is not right
A war he must wage
For time will not turn its page
His body knows no age
Nor his face show his rage
Toward his sin within
His battle he must win
For his soul he will fight
On this his eternal endless night
Jan 2012 · 1.1k
Micuss Source Jan 2012
Open wide as a window
Deep in his being they show
A door into his soul
Deep and dark as a black hole
To him your life is for naught
By them you are caught
You see not his eternal lies
Lest through his Dark eyes
Jan 2012 · 566
Micuss Source Jan 2012
A life of pain is mine to live
No joy left in me to give
The gift is mine, for it I did not ask
It forces me to wear an eternal mask
Walking the streets my true self withholding
Like the wolf wearing the sheep's clothing
Fighting each night for my sanity
A battle within for my humanity
A life my body wishes to take
A choice my heart refuses to make
The only way for me to be in the right
Someone must truly die tonight
Well this is how it's got to be
This morning the dawn I shall see
Jan 2012 · 537
Micuss Source Jan 2012
White is the color of its skin
Black is the heart that lies within
Blue are the veins showing through
Red is the blood it takes from you
Yellow are the eyes shining in the light
Green is the envy of you tonight
Gray is the night’s big full moon
And clear are its intentions with you soon
Jan 2012 · 604
Micuss Source Jan 2012
Life they take as they live
Life that many unknowingly give
They take and take till there is no more
Then on to plunder a bright new shore
Greed and death consume their day
They laugh at their sins as they play
They poison their bodies unto death
Alcohol and smoke linger on their breath
Respect and love are words lost
They challenge peace at all cost
Civilization is their unholy name
To me they are all the same
Slowly from grace they will fall
I say to you vampires art we all
Jan 2012 · 537
Micuss Source Jan 2012
My friend isn't like you or me
He spends his days in a cemetery
He gains his strength from rats and mice
Drinking from these he doesn't think twice
We spend the nights thinking of the past
Of things long since gone that didn't last
So many things he has to show
So much to learn, for me to know
Forever he lives with this dark curse
Always to steal from life’s blood red purse
He misses the warmth of humanity
This is a thing he will never again see
But of my company he will never tire
For my friend is an old lonely vampire
Jan 2012 · 480
Micuss Source Jan 2012
He is a power of light
She is a prisoner of the night
Together they are quite the same
Both playing roles in life's game
He is here to hear your confession
She craves your most precious possession
Yet he keeps many lies inside
A woman’s love and death he does hide
Killed for what she would reveal
Scared by sins, he refuses to heal
Yet this lonely being of night
She is pressed to live in the right
Life she refuses to take
Drinking only for others sake
Poor and week she helps to sustain
Only from their oppressors does she drain
You say she is the devil for what she is
And heavens rewards will always be his
But my friend answer for me
Are you sure you see what you see
Jan 2012 · 585
Micuss Source Jan 2012
The people today they say no way
Science explains all mysteries today
They say man cannot become beast
But seen it done at many a pagan feast
They say at death the spirit is no more
But at night refuse to open a creaking door
Oh what of monsters no clue or hint
Hear that! Oh no, you go look out of the tent
And what of the fear the undead brings
But na, you couldn't believe in such things
How can you give such things no thought
You say no way, I say why not

— The End —