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645 · Aug 2015
A Tribute to Judy *haiku*
Her voice, a bird's song
could lighten any burden
except for her own
566 · Aug 2015
the quest(ion)
life is a series
of questions and quests
events and memories
the betters and bests

who will discover
and who will become
an artist, a lover
a brother, or chum

seeking and searching
and wondering why
striving and reaching
and learning to fly

why must we struggle
and strive on this quest?
we trample, we juggle
to be better than best

simple is second
and less is a bore
becoming fecund
still striving for more

along the quest
more questions arise
we dream of rest
and try to theorize

the meaning of life
the striving and seeking
564 · Aug 2015
hopeless romantic
i always knew you were the one

from the first stolen glance

until the day you left with my heart

years cannot blur the image of your smile

or lessen the warmth i felt in your arms

i will always long for you

even though its hopeless
349 · Aug 2015
moment by moment
and day after day
i long for adventure
i should be content
with this life that i've built
but some how my dreams
have escaped from my grasp
if i close my eyes
my dreams may come true
of times and places
memories of you
the way we were
happy and free
the world was ours to conquer
but choices were made
and they conquered us first
so i remain
eyes open and
restless of heart
left to wonder
what might have been
and how the story should have ended
if we only knew then

— The End —