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1.2k · Nov 2010
As each day closes,
A moment of my hope dies within its passing.
Unanswered prayers lie about the floor,
In puddles of tears.

My deadly sin of pride,
Deems acceptance of responsibility,
For your pain I have awakened,
By sending you astray.

Dreams shattered now,
On deaf ears fall my cries for absolution,
Heart’s lack of breath in suffocation,
By my own hand.

The irony of guilt.
Copyright ©2010 Michele Cameron Drew
871 · Nov 2010
Winter Wind
As winter wind it creaks and moans
Whipping o'er the world so cold
As brittle as some ancient bones
This age old story's been foretold

Whipping o'er the world so cold
Spellbound spirits lost in time
As brittle as some ancient bones
Fermented long as vintage wine

Spellbound spirits lost in time
Haunting us, lost in the night
Fermented long as vintage wine
We must bring them into the light

Haunting us, lost in the night
As brittle as some ancient bones
We must bring them into the light
As winter wind it creaks and moans
Copyright ©2010 Michele Cameron Drew
848 · Nov 2010
Perfect Unison
The lyrics of your soul
Pouring onto white parchment
Black ink covering
Melding with a soft
And sensual melody
Engulf my senses
Overflow my heart
With enlightenment
And run over once more—
Filling my soul
With wondrous dreams
Of alluring new chapters—  penned
Into the fragmentary novel
That conveys my life

Dare I dream?
Dare I speculate?
Dare I lower my defenses
For one final casting of the die?

As I lay in slumber
Upon my pillow tonight
This melody echoes through me
Your lyrics
Your voice
In perfect unison—
With the rhythm of my heart

And should it cease in wake of morn
One word shall whisper
Through my parted lips—

~ Encore ~
Copyright ©2010 Michele Cameron Drew
760 · Nov 2010
A depiction of musical art on one's soul...*

Pianist playing


Sweet reflection

Of my desire

Hear the air

Of soft horizon

Whispering love

For only me
730 · Nov 2010
Sonnet IX
A picturesque and tranquil wooded glade
The perfect vision for a morning walk
As tiny chanting birds about me flock
Through gentle sway of trees the sunbeams fade
Sweet moments that I would not ever trade
In quiet contemplation without talk
I sit atop a cool, moss creviced rock
While circumstances in my head replay

I’m hoping thee will give me half a chance
To touch thy gentle heart with sweet amour
Explore the splendor of a true romance
Because thou art the one that I adore
Please open up thy soul for just one dance
And I’ll be at thy side forevermore
680 · Nov 2010
Sonnet XV
Still waters of thine eyes call out to me,
Tranquility in sapphire pools of light.
As skyward angels illumine the night,
Melodic splendor emanates from thee.
Exquisiteness of oceans won’t compare,
And neither will magnificence of skies,
To taunting star of sapphire in thine eyes,
That bares the symphony thy soul doth share.

As waves that pound against a rugged cliff,
Tumultuous my life may sometimes seem.
Thee shelter me and keep me safe and whole,
Beloved, thou art blessed with such a gift.
And when I reach for thee with eyes of dreams,
Thy solace washes softly o’er my soul.
Copyright ©2010 Michele Cameron Drew
606 · Nov 2010
Sonnet XIII
This morning as I walked along the road,
The winter’s shadow hung about the air;
And casted out its gloom.  It was so cold;
But yesterday was spring like and so fair.

A flock of geese I watched the other day,
Perplexed they were as sure as I could tell;
Disoriented like they’d lost their way.
They soared in circles until evening fell.

What have we done to our sweet Mother Earth;
With our excessiveness and sins of greed?
And now that we’ve created this great dearth,
What will we do to rectify our deed?

We must act now before it is too late.
I hope we haven’t sealed our childrens' fate.
Copyright ©2010 Michele Cameron Drew

— The End —