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Jan 2011 · 853
Spring Evening in Heartburg
Michael Jan 2011
Rolling thunder
echoes through the air
a gentle rain is coming
bringing with it
blooms and grass to mow
I hear the battle drums
the humming of the misquotes
the array of butterflies
seeking suitors
bees are busy
fill the holly tree.
Jan 2011 · 643
Roll Me Over
Michael Jan 2011
Roll me over
check my pulse again
I have just checked my email box
it was empty then
I went to cogitating
about the whys and whatz up now
that I think I litteraly went and had a cow

Roll me over
am I dead
my eyes fixed
looking straight ahead
consternated by the thought
how hard it is to write a page
to your dear old dad, your brother, your friend
you know the son of your Mother?
the guy you grew up with
liked the stuff he wrote
or was it he liked what you had wrote
and that you had grown up too

Roll me over
don't check my pulse
I don't care anyway
I opened up my email
it was empty again today.
Michael Jan 2011
Today is such a wonderful day
I find myself alone to do what it
is I love to do
to tackle another list!

One I didn't write
it came from yesterday
a motor to fix
a pump on the Jacuzzi to switch
outside lights to install
the yard to mow
clean out the barn
while I'm at it
do the garage
and if you have time
there is the attic

one more thing before I leave
how supper done
I'll be home at 3!
Jan 2011 · 2.9k
island joy
Michael Jan 2011
I stole it all,
your colours and your rhymes
now I'm in prison
just a dreaming about the wine
coloured glasses
waiting for me in the Bahama's
to block the rays of sunshine
waiting for you and me!

I put 20 million in stocks
another 10 in bearer bonds
I bought a horse to race
a 2500 acre field
for it to live
and next to it a league
for me to rest my feet

I stole your colours for fun
I stole your rhymes just for the day
Your money I left alone,
you see I sold the stolen art
as supplies
the judge he didn't see it my way
so here I sit doing 5 to 20
my money safely tucked away
in the Bahama's
and you my Bahama mama
are you waiting there for me
aiyee I sing a song of island joy
are you waiting there for me?
Jan 2011 · 604
Too Well
Michael Jan 2011
What silliness I am filled with
when my pride gets in the way of life
what anguish do I invite
by thinking is such a silly way
that anything is about what I know about
IT's not about me
the AA mantra
though I am as dry as any desert
the AMA might have to check out NA
since they are promoting all their dope
to my Dr.'s with promo trips and dinners
for writing so many scrips of this or that
I wonder
is the silliness, the utter stupidity
not just my vanity, but a little
insanity brought on by being so well?
Jan 2011 · 653
Gentle Rain
Michael Jan 2011
Outside a gentle farmer's rain
is falling
inside I hear my heart's love
just be you
not like a you
but just be you

Each drop I hear
I wish would fall
on you
and let you know
how much I care
and that I am still calling
no matter, no mention, I have no other intention
than to ever be writing
my raindrop love of you!
Jan 2011 · 949
Impatient ME
Michael Jan 2011
Soft is my answer
tender is my voice
warm is my heart
to every choice
you have given me
though impatient
in my greed
of time spent with you!
Jan 2011 · 424
The End of the Day
Michael Jan 2011
A surge of relief
it is all over
or it is just beginning again
like the tide at ebb
so it is with the day
depending on your point of view
it is either half way over
or you got another half to do
it simply depends on you!
Jan 2011 · 431
Angel Reflections
Michael Jan 2011
Amazed that you would be
so much like me
that all I share or ever give
is like so much water in a sea
that we drown to together
as does the sun each night
upon the edge of the horizon
when looking across an ocean

We get lost in all the stars
at night
but then who needs to know a name
or smell a rose
to tell
it is sweet
or that light shines
across the breach
of heaven
to arrive upon our beach
from where we sit and gaze
and wonder at the wanderings
of comets in their flight

Our love it lights the darkest skies
take flight and soars on high
with wings from above
given to one another
as a token of the other
source of our true love.
Jan 2011 · 954
Karma Monkey Man
Michael Jan 2011
Off the hook
out of place
out of site
can be replaced
no one home
by that name
on the road
a different game

what up
yo man
who you think I am
a hurdy gurdy purdy man
monkey dancing
just for you
toss away
too bad for you
gotta get that **** on through
cause karma is
what karma does
evens things
the way they was

— The End —