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975 · Nov 2012
Michael West Nov 2012
I humbly pray and come to thee
Again my Lord in memory
Of the gift you've given me
A sacrifice that set all free

The love for your Father up above
Is true as His Spirit like a dove
Descended on you proving the love
Your Father has and you know of

Remembering his sacrifice as each week
We meet and find that which we seek
Recalling the Father's Lamb so meek
A promise in reverence that we speak

This is my body which I break
And allow to die, for your sake
Of which I ask you to partake
Eat it now as a keepsake

Drink this cup my blood it is
For you spilt as payment 'tis
For remission of sin I give you this
So you may enter a state bliss

Do this I ask as you recall
One who gave to you his all
Suffering much, for you I fall
The gates of Hell I will forestall

The Enemy's grasp I take away
From you by the price I pay
My Father's will, I won't delay
And always with you I will stay

His Father's will he did perform
Giving his flesh and blood to form
A covenant to which we conform
Keeping us safe from every storm

Heaven's gates he did unlock
Guiding us in, his precious flock
He is our refuge and our rock
To which our souls we may dock

He takes away the sins of the world
From which, all men, were impereld
And into darkness they were hurled
But the tangle of sin our Lord uncurled
723 · Nov 2012
You Opened My Heart
Michael West Nov 2012
You opened my heart so it can sing
Along with all the angels you bring
Blessings you give to me from above
Attest to me of your undying love
You love me much more than I deserve
And have mercy on me without reserve
And though I exist in a fallen state
You have opened for me heaven's gates
You welcome me home as a wayward son
Rejoicing with me oh Holy One
You remove every obstacle from my path
And smite the Enemy with great wrath
Protecting me from he who does lie
And wishes for me only to die
Surely for me salvation has come
I'll someday be with you in your kingdom
Seeing the beauty of your face
And knowing the truth of every place
What words can I use to give thanks to you
For there seem to be none that will do
All I can offer is my beating heart
My mind and my soul and for my part
Return to you in some small way
All the love to me you relay
You ask for so little and give me so much
You accept what I can give and take it as such
There is no price that would fairly pay
For all that you give to me every day
You are my shelter, my rock and refuge
With you I feel safe away from the deluge
Your presence to me is as a peaceful dawn
To the tranquility of you I am eagerly drawn
You give to my soul a place to rest
Away from all the things that do test
Far from a world beset with sin
I scarce can wait to return again
650 · May 2013
Once In Darkness
Michael West May 2013
Once in darkness and in gloom
I traveled down a path of doom
And in my heart there was no room
There was no light much like a tomb

I did not want to ever change
Or my life to rearrange
At that time I did exchange
Our Father's love and did estrange

All I thought of was myself
Self indulging with my pelf
His love I put upon a shelf
Separating me from Himself

Accepting this, my final state
I thought for me it was too late
Having no chance to change my fate
For my destiny willing to wait

Then one day I heard a call
From two voices, meek and small
With His power they did enthrall
And in my heart, faith did install

I knew not they'd changed my heart
Father's plan began to start
And my path He did re-chart
From whence I was I did depart

The seed they'd planted in my soul
Began my life to extol
Beginning to take for me control
As in a new life I did enroll

Though His love I did betray
He would forgive without delay
All my sins would wash away
With Him forever I could stay

I know Heavenly Father's love
The redemption He gave me from above
Through His Son whom I know of
The Holy Spirit came as a dove

Of this end there is no fear
The Lord My God is to me near
The Iron Rod my path does steer
A path I walk to me so dear
564 · Nov 2012
When Your Spirit Touches Me
Michael West Nov 2012
When your spirit touches me
My heart and soul are set free
Always with you I wish to be
Never to stray away from thee.

Your Holy Spirit full of love
I wish to hold and know more of
As it descends from up above
And touches me like a dove

Greater love I have not known
Or ever to call my very own
Your love to me you have shown
And with it too my faith has grown

You bring great joy into my heart
And I know from the start
That the glory that you impart
From me never will depart

I'll follow you as your child
As you show me mercy mild
Protecting me from all things wild
Never allowing me to be beguiled

All good things come from you
You give me peace and shelter too
All the storms that I come to
You never fail to see me through

You are sweet as summer rain
And comfort me when I'm in pain
Though there are trials that remain
You help me without the least disdain

And even though sometimes I fall
You help me up and through it all
Your mercy you do not forestall
And I, with kindness, you enthrall

You always answer my every prayer
And show me how much you do care
And even when I do despair
You let me know you are still there

I thank you Lord for everything
All the good that you do bring
Into my life and make me sing
All praise to you, my beloved King
534 · Dec 2012
My Little Kite
Michael West Dec 2012
Oh my precious little kite
Ready now for our first flight.
Ready to soar up out of sight
Fly so high with all our might

You've all the string that I could bring
Soon you'll fly and I will sing
In the sky so high in spring
As with joy my heart will ring

With your tail so fine and long
In you I seem to find no wrong
Your frame of wood I made so strong
High in the sky you'll be erelong

A kite of wondrous colors mild
Sailing into yonder wild
I looked up as I smiled
How the joy upon me piled

See you dance so gracefully
Alive and being all you can be
Seeing things I'll never see
And sharing the moment's memory

Up so high in the springtime sun
Higher than birds, my little one
Farther up than I could run
Oh how well that you have done!

I watch you soar, you see me play
In the breezy springtime day
Forever here, I wish to stay
Never this time to pass away

I never knew you'd fly so high
Far up in the springtime sky
Me to you a string does tie
Upon which now we both rely

For the wonder that we share
Simply just could not be there
If for you I did not care
The string to slip I do not dare

You and I, we are a team
And the wind and sun do seem
To help us make a living dream
In the sky we rule supreme
529 · Dec 2012
Savior Jesus
Michael West Dec 2012
From on high you humbly came
Made blind to see and healed the lame
Upon yourself you took the blame
And bore our weaknesses and shame

Yours is true and total love
Reflecting our Holy Father above
Who's spirit came to you as a dove
You fit his will like a glove

Our Father's love you did teach
And to the masses you did preach
Into our lives you did reach
And all evil you did impeach

For us the Enemy you have fought
Our salvation by your blood was bought
You suffered, died and muttered nought
Our Father's will you meekly sought

Oh Most Holy Son of God
Upon the Enemy you do trod
And fulfilled the word, the iron rod
And everyone, by you, is awed

Of your holiness and your power
We proclaim from every tower
You grant salvation in this hour
Demons in your presence cower

Never more a hopeless end
You are our brother and our friend
Our immortal lives you do defend
A way to our Father we depend

You are our ardent advocate
And by your love you won't forget
As goodness in us you do beset
And forgive us that which we regret

Though your suffering was most dire
Repentance is all that you require
Granting us that, which we aspire
And saving us from eternal fire

Granting us life with our Lord
You've cleared a path we can afford
Our bonds you cut with a sword
Angels praise you in accord
444 · Nov 2012
My Living God
Michael West Nov 2012
Who, oh Lord, is like unto thee?
You show true love and tender mercy?
You cut my bonds and set me free!
Filling my life with joy and glee!

I've chosen poorly in the past.
The path I walked could not last.
You held on to me tight and fast.
Though I was sure the die was cast

Then you began to change my heart.
For so long I'd lived apart.
Your mercy gave me a second start.
To me, your love, you did impart.

How blessed my life was on that day,
That from my path you took away,
All the things leading me astray,
As me, with your strength, you did sway.

I, after all, was never alone,
And as your power to me was shown,
Freedom was given I had not known,
My faith, in you, like a seed has grown.

You bless me more than I deserve,
And of my past you don't reserve,
My eternal soul to preserve,
And allow me humbly, you to serve.

Knowledge and wisdom without bound,
Your love and patience I have found,
Giving me time to turn around,
As with your kindness, you astound.

A sacrifice was made for me,
Your only son you gave to be,
Our Savior to whom I bend my knee,
And grateful always be to thee.

He did thy will though he willed not,
To glorify you, he ardently sought,
And with his blood, our salvation bought,
Freeing us from whence we were caught.

You alone have the power,
It will be shown in the final hour,
Satan's minions will cringe and cower,
As above them all you do tower.
416 · Dec 2012
Michael West Dec 2012
Where we stand
Things at hand.
Sifting sand
Flames are fanned.

Not far off
In a trough.
Selfish quaff
Freedoms doff.

On which side
Will you ride?
Of this slide
You'll abide?

No insight
Of their fright.
To the light
Eyes shut tight.

Why deny
Never try?
As we buy
And let die.

People yell
What the hell?
Can you tell
when to sell?

State of sin
All are in.
What to win
From this din?

What is fair?
As all stare.
Do beware
Lest you err.

And what toll
From your soul?
Does the whole
reach their goal?

In the end
Did they fend?
Did they mend?
Or love send?

— The End —