Maryland Taoist, Heathen, Chaos Magickian, Geek, Programmer, Gamer, Husband, Son, Brother, Frater, Consumer, Writer, Addict, Lover... and now Poet, I guess.
I've only recently started to try and express myself through poetry. I tend to hate everything I write. 30 followers / 6.6k words
today was the day i turned it all off all the noise all the chatter all the distractions all the fear and fervent mysticism all the pain and errant prophecy all the useless superstitions and endless contradictions because i realized i didn't need it i didn't even want it so that's when i decided i reached over and out and deliberately pressed
and then there was Sky and Sun and the Grass-scented Wind flowing all over my skin sensuous as a silk gown and it was then i felt the Lift i've been waiting so long i'd forgotten it what it was like that merciful glorious gods-send
like in an elevator that falls too fast and stops short in that half-second when you taste your heartsblood in your mouth and your mind floats weightless in your skull and you know the Secret of All Things in the Lift
as i was then as i was flying doing a hundred-and-one through the soft-blue sky the midsummer wind pulling the tears from my eyes as i remembered Her face all over again for the ten-thousandth time
i was so afraid so afraid of not needing you so unaware that i was loving from fear so confused thinking love demanded need too oblivious to see my desire pulling you under
as soon as i gave up gave in let go stopped needing you i was suddenly
finally free to see you hear you know you your real you because you were finally free of my weight of my need
what i needed what i really needed after all and everything is over and done was to get out of the ******* way and just be me and let you be you so we could meet each other again and fall for the first time
all sons at some point inevitably face the same dilemma:
either figure out a way to be more successful than your father or figure out a way to deal with the inescapable feeling of having failed at being a man
i know you're depressed know you just don't want to deal with me with anyone don't feel like you can don't feel like you can take anymore don't feel like you can handle it all it's just too much all these people who Love you who mean so well who want to be the one to save you to play the hero be the one to make you smile again they have no idea can't feel what it's like they don't understand that for all their good intentions their affections are just another burden their attempts at Love and comfort just a complicated social dance they're forcing on you
i know you want to feel better know you would if you could but all their attempts to help you just make you feel like a burden to the people you Love the ones you least want to burden and why can't they see that only makes it worse to have to choose between disappointing them when their attempts at cheeriness inevitably fail or lying to them and pretending to feel better when you don't not really just to spare their feelings can't they see that you don't have the energy to even be responsible for your own feelings right now much less anyone else's why can't they just leave you alone
trying to let the pain fade disappear into nothing at all so in the blessed silence left behind the spark may return just maybe to fan the flames again to build the heat and warm you back to life but only if you can first get away away from all of us and all our Love and affections and our mountains of best intentions only if you can reduce all the noise and complications and lay still in your shallow depression
i know you're depressed i know how you feel i know i can't help i know i'd only weigh you down further and make it harder for you to get up again
the Colors came today Red Yellow Orange Brown taking the Green away back to where the Colors sleep to hibernate another year
I've been seeing hints and peeks and signs of their Arrival for weeks now I knew to expect them soon but today they were just there suddenly, and all at once bathed in copper gold light against a blue slate sky exploding all around me surrounding me in the beautiful dying of my world
every time this happens every year this day comes back around they take a little bit more of me drawing the light out of me with their Colors to join them in their sleep leaving me lighter and less but also denser and more their Beauty a little death to bring life back into focus to remind me of all the wonders I'd forgotten to deliver again that delicious Ache that weighs heavy in my chest yet floats me off my feet as if waking to the memory of a Love lost in an ***** dream