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671 · Nov 2015
michael Roach Nov 2015

**** a big one,  oh boy how did i do that
it’s these days i miss mom’s food
bro, and sisters i’m sorry guys i ****** that up
what a long strange trip, just wanted to sleep well did i

oh mom i’m so sorry i’d never meant to hurt you
you were always cool, sometimes i didn’t see why i couldn’t fly
on spring days, anytime, don’t be sad, the trip with you guys too cool
remember hell, know that i’m always with you

that dude your with way cool, he’s out there,and your an artist and writer now too
this is so great, you and don’t tell him, you save his ***. ought to get him to put you
as co-writer.  i’m so happy  dad oh man he should have gotten a corvette
but it my fault  sleep that all yeah i knew better but your an adult i shouldn’t have
taken  any but they looked like magic carpet rides

dance  sing  play the music i loved loud
but remember i’m there i check you guys out just because, oh this was strange but 2 months ago
was eating and this woman about your age sits down guess who it was
that dudes wife, she says were going to be step son and mom. she’s a trip cool
woman but can she talk

calling for bowling lessons, i signed up, the one thing i really love the shoes
don’t be sad your the best i ****** up i’m sorry get the new dude to take you dancing
that will be something to see,  don’t think he’ll be killer and don’t let him trip you up
i can see that  well just let me know when so i can get his ex to watch she knows what
a mess he’ll make

love ya, be happy i am well tell every one hi if they won’t think your nuts
it’s feels like a 300 day is about to happen
670 · Nov 2015
next stop suicide
michael Roach Nov 2015
boy child a life distorted
black sadness fills every atom
his life a gift stolen  
it's moments pushed  
into his private hell
473 · Nov 2015
Elias and Flora
michael Roach Nov 2015
Elias and Flora

overwhelming in it's completeness, 
full of that certain light,
the light that causes soft changes in the shape of clouds, 
a chapter ends

the books filled with photographs of their memories
packed in their crates,
sealed with tape the colour of time
boxed, but never to be forgotten,

dawn smiling beyond the curve in the sky  
whispering quietly under her breath,
she stretches, yawns, readies  for this new day,
the birds in their spring finery
soar on the all knowing winds

the wagon wheels freed from the mud 
that’s bound them for so long
creek and shutter, moving again,
rejoining the road, greeted by their
own private screening of futures full of Walt and Roy
436 · Nov 2015
yellow house
michael Roach Nov 2015
yellow  house

She sleeps her dreams her own
his mind ruminating, to full for sleep 

endlessly discussed children's problems
not to be solved by any movement they will make,
time has seen to that 

the endeavor inside the yellow house
ineffectual, yet filled with eruptions of red and amber passion
going both north and south

after midnight or in the noon  sun
thoughts,  fill and fade into
the recesses of the  house, the shade of
churning creeks during spring rains

bodies join,  spirits twist
under the load of the unknowable 
the unbearable weight of the future

to late to hold back, a wheel has come off
it's time  to arrive, unavoidable 
the yellow house will soon join the flock of memories
felt but not fully executed.

— The End —