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May 2013 · 993
Spiritual Bounds
Michael P Smith May 2013
I am a sinner
And I know I'm going to sin again
Lord forgive me
For the things I don't understand
You are the one and only
That can heal and deliver me
My trust and faith is in you
It is thou word that can help me see
I have doubted you long ago
Even spoke of your name in vain
I can not blame my youth
I was aware and completely sane
Of my words and actions
I was brought up in your word
You know my heart Lord
I was clear of all that I had heard
But what did you do?
Regardless, you have forgiven me
Of all the sins I have committed
Your truth had set me free
Time after time
You have shown me your work
Giving me endless blessings
Despite me sometimes being a ****
If I have not thanked you enough
Here, I present my gratefulness
You have done so much for me
Ridding me of my distastefulness
Now whether I speak or think,
You know my choice of words
My every wonder, every thought
All of my deep adjectives and verbs
Nothing gets by you
Not one gesture or a lie
You spot each blink of the eye
And every yawn and mournful sigh
My God my God
It is thee whom I give all my praise
Upon each morning I awake
To you I stand as my hands raise
Giving you the glory
For breathing the breath of life
Through the passage of my lungs
Your blessings upon me are so rife
So by me feeling this way
I will continue to follow you Lord
Giving you much deserved honor
Living by your unbeatable sword
To all who deny your word
I cry and pray for their souls
To one day see the light
Before the final cards fold...

© Michael P. Smith
Apr 2013 · 1.0k
A Talk With Mindful Elements
Michael P Smith Apr 2013
As I lean upon the boardwalk
Gazing at the beautiful blue sea
I listen to the clash of roaring waves
They talk to me in ravenous voices
While spiraling winds provide them
With such close, inviting company
My ears become alert and peeled
My senses are alert to its extremity
I come to think to myself, asking,
"Is there a spirit in the waters?"
I pinched myself followed by a slap
"Man I'm tripping", I tell myself
Then yet there's the voices again
This time I catch the words
"Come with us, join us now",
They said with such conviction
I shake my head in bewilderment
Asking myself "Am I dreaming?
As water splashed upon me I hear,
"You belong with us, come hither"
I began to turn around and run
Yet, at the end of the boardwalk
I spot a blazing wall of fire
So I race down the other direction
And in my way was a wall of wind
They began to enclose on me
I stand there confused, but fearless
As I stand there presuming lethargic
I say within a quick stutter
"Wh what is the meaning of this?"
"Wh what do you want from me?"
They voices began to say altogether,
"We are apart of your conscience"
"Come stay with us and be free"
"You don't belong here"
I say to them, "Belong where?"
They speak in synchronized word,
And I ask "What do you mean?"
And they then say to me,
"Here in the outside world"
"Let us free ye of this dungeon"
"Get thee hence from this place"
Then suddenly.... I closed my eyes
As I opened them, they were gone
Everything was back to normal
I looked around, nothing was there
The walls of fire and wind, gone..
I was still leaning on the boardwalk
As for the waves, they were calmed
And I never seen the sky so clear
I realized in between my talk
A conversation with my conscience
The message it was giving out
I know now what it was offering
In my state of inebriation
Dreary as I look across the coastline
I said to myself, "Now I get it"
"I see what my conscience meant"
Beyond a brush of virtual reality
Within my mindful verisimilitude
My conscience was telling me
To leave the physical world
Be free of all corruption
To be happy and from now on...
Apr 2013 · 1.5k
Love's Essence
Michael P Smith Apr 2013
As the blur of my eyes clear
I spot the greatest of wonders
Lying next to you in our bed
I awake happily at dawn's nascency
Feeling the blessing of your touch
Is as caressive as a cloud's hug
Just your sweet fulgent smile alone
Vivifies my every forthcoming day
Each time we dance pelvis to pelvis
And you rest your head on my chest
It surely calms my jovial soul
When you listen to my heartbeat
It pleases me to make you blush
Making your scarlet cheeks show
As you look into my eyes and gaze
I gently rub my nose against yours
Then apply slow succulent kisses
Together we create perfection
We have everything in common
Even the smallest of things
I love to laugh with you
Enjoying lovey dovey humor
Springing out adorable chuckles
Being out and about with you
Painting the city with our ambiance
Comforts my very existence
I'm blessed to be within your planet
The way you make me feel is...
Unorthodox, uncannily beautiful as,
Rollerblading on Saturn's rings
It gets no better than this
Me and you connected as one being
At first sight, I was graced by you
And ever since then, I've changed
Happier than happy can become
Upon the darkest of nights
Our love will shine
Lighting the light
Since meeting you my queen
My format has been switched
It will now be you and I til the end
I'm honored you chose me
To multiply and grow old with
Now to me, that's love's essence...

© Michael P. Smith
Apr 2013 · 1.7k
No Peace
Michael P Smith Apr 2013
Will there ever be peace?
Or are we all headed for doom
When it comes to my life
I truly think there's no such thing
Peace has never been apart of it
Are you out of your minds?
There is no peace!
How can my people have peace
When we have nothing
There's no childhoods anymore
This is a wasteland
This is a place filled with injustice
There can be no peace
When there's war on our streets
As long as we're living in this hell
Peace will never come around
Until you clean this mess you made
The only peace I have..
Is my peace of mind
This is why I keep my weaponry
As I walk these streets
Because there will never be peace
Once again, how can we have it
When abortions are carried out
Children are thrown off buildings
When suicide is the new norm
Drugs turning neighborhoods out
Racism is still a common actuality
Young girls are ***** each night
Peace will only come
When this turmoil comes to a halt
When we are finally unshackled
When everything is back to normal
But of course we truly know
That it will get worst before better
So no need count on it
For it will never come to pass
The norm is now a storm
More like a F-5 Earthquake
Rumbling the days of our lives away
I pray constantly still..
The somehow peace can be met
Until then, I worry of me and mine
I want what the clowns on top have.
Peace! Peace! Peace!
Don't brag about us needing peace
When you're not aiding any for us
Share that peace with us
Or should I strategically say,
Provide a piece of peace...
Apr 2013 · 1.1k
Bizarrely Verbalized Secrets
Michael P Smith Apr 2013
The description of my affliction grasps the friction of a worthy depiction to my addiction in a position feeling the infliction of my minds worst prediction..
Unleashed skeletons distinguished in the flight of pelicans severing the embellishing of savored intelligence longing for sweet repentance revealing relief that goes the distance..
Searching for clarity that never ending morality my mind takes on high hilarity in the crushed arms of polarity assembling the modularity of my brain screws in chastity releasing all of the bottled-in charity of my restless audacity...
As all that's buried beneath takes turn within my rocky caverns that burn I release my tactiturn of the aches and pains the spurn I've been able to learn bounty of my earn comes to term as I yearn for freedom of silent concern if I can disinfect this germ like cleansing the embodiment of the smoked sherm I will be clear of the uncoiled fern slithering about as a pristine worm..
Deeply inside my head I've swum like the graceful swan in the pond that I come to grow fond classified the demimond upon no formed bond twisting my thoughts my top has spun uncontrollably making me dumb my darkest secrets tucked in the gun behind the chamber of obligated fun partaking of the glazeless bun that's so scrumptious to my tum tum I can never find riddance playing the war drum but if I fail now my utterance is done now if all coincide with my tone I may finally speak out and be gone...
Apr 2013 · 1.9k
Heavenly Anarchy
Michael P Smith Apr 2013
As the world slowly turns
And governments try to rise
It will surely please my sight
To see them fall before my eyes
Everywhere I turn to look
A new law is being created
For what? Why so?
To traumatize and belittle us
Why must we obey a human power
All we need is the Lord thy God
To govern us and lead us abroad
No need for following the devil's
Dark angels of havoc and chaos
I am with the lawless
I'd rather govern myself
As should we all..
Let's come together people
Let us rise up in revolution
And stake claim our own land
"America, land of the free" they say,
Can someone show to me
What is free in this place?
We should be able to do whatever
To be allowed to ingress wherever
But instead we are bound by rule
This society must someday change
I am in a state of nihilism
Let us run and do what we please
I surely refuse to remain enclosed
Living in attendance to injustice
Me and my crew are ready for war
Time has come to overthrow
Let's make the law's ship flounder
Sinking to the abyss of nothingness
Rise anarchy rise!!!
The trillions of dollars they sit on
Let's take it from their sacred places
I'm ready to orchestrate dominance
Let's machinate the takeover
If blood shall be spilled,
Then let it be spilled honorably
In battle as one
As long as we accomplish our goal
To become a heavenly anarchy
Making peace reside in our land
No more indescriminate deaths
No more unhealthy eating
No inhumane death of animals
We must live freely
As wild mustangs on grassy plains
If anyone stands by me
With a load of support
It will happen
Just wait and see...
Apr 2013 · 1.5k
As The Nightingale Sings
Michael P Smith Apr 2013
As the Nightingale sings...
His sweet song of happiness
Driven by bountiful liberation
Relieved from timeless crappiness
Fluttering, making a joyful noise
Trials to deprive him of craftiness
Surely fails at inflicting such harm
He sings gleefully, free of nastiness.

As the Nightingale sings...
His wrenching song of fear
Realizing his time can easily fall
At any moment danger may appear
Songs of melodic screechy whistles
Alerting of predators lurking clear
He's hurt, used to frequent viewing
His kin die, for each he sheds a tear.

As the Nightingale sings...
His sensual song of passion
Strong vocals of desired courtship
Refusing to share his ration
With many rivals upon his branch
Alluring females with his attraction
Mating rituals commencing in love
His plumage thrives in new fashion.

As the Nightingale sings...
His saddened song of sorrow
Wishing for better times to come
Hoping to make it to the morrow
Living below a abundant food chain
With a short lifespan to borrow
Singing til his last breath is breathed
Eloped to heaven, a angel he follows.

© Michael P. Smith
Apr 2013 · 744
Cry Wolf
Michael P Smith Apr 2013
In the shadows of the night
Rendered unconscious to the lies
When will the time come
That you end your false cries,
As I turn my back to you
Walking amidst the shoreline
Linked in bounds of your trickery
Firstly, I was blind, now I decline,
Another chance for you
To present your penance
If what you've done was a crime
You'd serve a sure life sentence,
In the chambers of my body
My high energies have lain fallow
You stare upon me as a fresh face
Yet in mine eyes, a face of sallow,
That's what you have shown me
Within this much wasted time
You've spoken lie upon lie
The tub of your brain stains grime,
So please, step away please
You may end your saddening try...
There you stand on your stone
Your howl echoes, I hear your cry,
That's all you manage to do
Toying with my mind
You always cry, you always cry
I was lost to think you were kind,
I no longer carry the weight
Of the burden you put on me
Your games and trials to ingratiate
Will fail ms, you will now see,
So do what you do best
Howl at the moonlight
Your chances with me has ended
Now please flee from my sight...

© Michael P. Smith
Apr 2013 · 3.0k
Catwoman (Haiku)
Michael P Smith Apr 2013
Here kitty kitty!
Hot feline *******
Catnip screams her name...
Mar 2013 · 1.2k
Sweet Telepathy
Michael P Smith Mar 2013
As the Sun has its place
In the clear, halcyon sky
Your mind resides here
Please don't resist to comply
Intercept each divagated thought
Interconnect with my waves
Vibe with my presentiment
Upon each other, we're slaves
"Hooked" on each other's hooks
As our conscious rocks and cradles
Sharing minds as we flutter
Animated fantasies, but no fables
I think the way you think
You coast adjacent to my vibe
Our mental surrounds each other's
Mine and yours, a dear circumscribe
We entwine as a tightly woven braid
Entangled upon a common bond
We savor of our intuitive thoughts
Your every move, I'm surely fond
Enriched with pleasurable closure
In summer's embrace, we wallow
In this psychological playground
My angel, your position is hallow
We're two minds that amalgamate
Gratified with not one discrepancy
Only our mutual brains keep subtle
A deep, infrangible, sweet telepathy..

© Michael P. Smith
Mar 2013 · 868
I Write
Michael P Smith Mar 2013
I write for reality
Whether in intense thought
Or faint mindedness
To comb the brains delicately
Of those I relate to in this world
And of those whom I don't
I do it for the love of it
My soul resignates with life
Hence the name "Poetic Soul"
My alias of divinity
Dubbed to me by nature
Of my mind and moving pen
Which gracefully dances on paper
Gloriously and convivially.

I write to inspire
To enrich my touch
My floating halo
Upon my readers
Within the minds that feel
My every thought
My words waft, they skim
Coasting in the hearts
Of my earthly kinsmen
Just as the words and thoughts
Of my fellow poets
Inspire and encourage me
More strongly and deeply
Than they'll ever realize.

I write for the ease
My seraphic oneness
The ever so calmness
The animation and binding
Of my mind
My force field
My genuine escape
Into my peaceful planet
Whence I flutter freely
As a celestial poetic being
To find solemness
Where I am dominant
Where I find comfort
I emphasize to myself
And further bestow
My many words
To sprout and levitate
As a supernal
To reign as a writer
A born poet
With a soothing soul
For my era and existence
Forever and beyond.

©Michael P. Smith
Mar 2013 · 1.0k
Our Defiled Domicile
Michael P Smith Mar 2013
God has given us the earth
To take up refuge
But yet in all staidness
In this home of ours
We human beings
Have been very poor tenants
Take a look around
Scope out the view
Our dying ionosphere
From our constant pollution
Our disengaging ozone layer
Which protects us
From the sun's burning rays
When they someday disappear
From existence
We will all be doomed
Becoming trillions of pieces
Of human bacon
On a global skillet
Take another good view
Of our plants and animals
What all they do for us
And what we lack to do for them
We have killed so many
Many which have met extinction
Our precious plants and animals
Are leaving us one by one
Day after day
Year after year
Soon we will have nothing
Left to our name
Even the water
Is becoming unsafe to ingest
Some places it has been that way
For centuries of time
But why is it hard for us
To remedy
To refresh
To replenish
Our only home
One we can never move from
Why destroy so much life
When we can make it better
Oil is scarce
Natural gas rises from asphalt
Everything is dying
And soon so will we
Change will never come
The damage is done
Oxygenation is so depleted
Soon will be no resources
For us to live off of
Because our dishes aren't clean
Our rooms are so *****
Our floors need vacuuming
Our walls peel valuable paint
Our vents are clogged dramatically
In the air lives dangerous molecules
Speckles of death floating airborne
Also we further the damage
To our already destroyed home
By the chemical warfare
The biological weaponry
Created by the minds
Which are here to help keep up
The exuberance of our home
As does the war of countries
Our rediculous governments
Ensuring war upon us
So called humble housekeepers
Which allow blood and destruction
To overtake our abode
To make our predecessors
Turn in their graves
To make our God *****
A sandstorm of anger and disgrace
We don't deserve to live here
We have not pleased him
We have not pleased each other
We have only inflicted damage
And so much pain
To our home
God deliver us please
Bring us up to par
Or this corrupted home
You gave us to live in
Will be dead and gone forever...

©Michael P. Smith
Mar 2013 · 1.6k
Of Nightly White (Triolet)
Michael P Smith Mar 2013
Fair lady, raiment of nightly white
Rides off upon her titanium steed.
A buffoon kinesic; heart she lacked.
Fair lady, raiment of nightly white,
Weeps not a tear and turns her back
Baring no regrets for wicked deeds.
Fair lady, raiment of nightly white,
Rides off upon her titanium steed.

©Michael Smith

Inspired by E.E. Cummings
Mar 2013 · 987
Michael P Smith Mar 2013
As the vanquished follicles of hair are combed by sheer elation
Much is exhumed; disinhumed into the wondrous voluminous light,
Like an opossum playing possum, we can be deeply artful, cunning,
Yet imaginable and stupendous; like a primitive golden crow in flight.
The physical has been constructed, intact with a substratal mental world
Inspiration is needed but often depleted with the conceited wealth its fed,
A mind with such grandilioquence the magniloquence lacks need to unfurl.
Michael P Smith Mar 2013
Desire the sound or hope,
deluding minds in darkness.
Daunting through its scope,
deluged no more in tartness.
Elope into the morrow,
envelop me with reason.
Enclose me now in sorrow,
easing against the legion.
Longs for succulent remonstration,
laying waste to ardent night.
Lopsided in spurn demonstration,
languid with delight.
Only now will I protest,
owning nothing less.
Opening now I detest,
one more time to bless.

©Michael P. Smith
Mar 2013 · 616
Replenished Heart
Michael P Smith Mar 2013
She never thought her world was real
Each step she took, there came a thrill
She stared out through her window sill
Her pain must heal, her pain must heal. 
There comes a guy she meets at shop 
His words of love, they did not flop 
She blushed so hard, she could not stop 
Her past she drop, her past she drop. 
Without a thought she took a chance 
Falling strongly for his deep glance 
Out at the beach, in hand they prance 
All night they dance, all night they dance. 
He raised her smile and her torn mind 
Her eye's are bare, no longer blind 
Their hearts are one, a timeless find 
One of a kind, one of a kind. 
She answers to his lonesome call 
No need to wait, no need to stall 
He could not stand to let her fall 
She has it all, she has it all.
Now so in love there's no more hate 
She starting new with a clean slate 
There shows the light, a happy fate 
Here come love's plate, here come love's plate. 
Dinner is served with heart's at stake 
He proposed to her by an old lake 
She jumps for joy, his hand she take 
No force can break, no force can break.

©Michael P. Smith
Mar 2013 · 1.1k
The First Time, Every Time
Michael P Smith Mar 2013
As I see you my queen
Each day and yonder
I am soothed, very much graced
At your angelic presence
I see your face
And everything's new again
I am delighted to be..
Upon your golden threshold
Each second I'm away
I am missing you terribly
Your beauty grows daily
Every morning I awake to you
The effect you leave with me
Has me feeling like old times
As though they've never left
The second we fell in love
You stir up feelings I never knew
Just like our first meeting
As we grow in age and love
The feeling of newness
Has undoubtedly never left
I remember as our first kiss
Comforted my eager being.
And each time after that
Feels exactly the same
As the beginning
The first time, everytime.
Every time I hold you
My mind rewinds to that time
That day flashes within my mind
Nothing has changed
When love meets its completion
That resting memory is awakened
Over and over again
Times have become older
But still seems younger
Each time we're together
It gets better and better
Like a bed made of tulip petals
Your love is tender and smooth
Our years will someday catch us
But even when that day cometh,
It will always be, like the first time..

©Michael P. Smith
Mar 2013 · 1.2k
Undisputed Truth
Michael P Smith Mar 2013
The road to truth has many  immure & acquiescent turns
Many tough battles with fire has left marks from many burns
Gruesomely the darkest hours of life are in the nugatory lies
The state of mind conforms with with deception as it so complies
It repeats on and on in the wild confines of a diabolical sequel
Its seems life is so riddled with impractical & daunting ways
People with poisoned minds, so narcissistic & shameful as it stays
To intersect with a soul of opulent  loyalty & truth is seldom & blessed
But the severity of impeccability & prevarication having a fine line,
is a realization so strongly stressed... 
©Michael P. Smith
Mar 2013 · 1.0k
Chardonnay Shadows
Michael P Smith Mar 2013
This bottle,
its bones creak
like mine
with each step,
from here and there
and back again.
No matter the sweet
alcoholic chatter,
even upon a third leg
with every guzzle.
Amidst each passing,
euphoric hour
our bones connect
it, me,
together becoming one
with dear life
as we,
both tenderly age
the same,
within a release
of a ******
intimately graced,
aboard the confines
toted highly
ascension into,
a solemn
intoxicated heaven.
Mirrored in sweet
delectable togetherness
interwoven tightly
of harmonious,
chardonnay shadows...

©Michael P. Smith
Mar 2013 · 875
Erraticated Mind
Michael P Smith Mar 2013
Misty winds, perilous deeds,
smeltering sun, wandering needs,
easily breakable moments, brittle
as cold glass, empty heart within
why cant my insignificance pass,
deep sighs, strong murmurs, straining of
the pressure as my stress slowly hurdles,
red moon, blood-filled skies, daggers piercing
my eyes as the passion cries, When does it end?
Where do my thoughts lead? So vacant inside
myself I just proceed with greed, lost in the mind,
filled with heavy glitches, somebody pick me up
before i lose my britches, demons surround me
all the time, I truly need relief, a new lease on life,
no longer can handle the grief or pain from the strife,
God has my ticket, considered truly my spiritual guider,
trying to seek the light, the heavenly hole spreads wider,
my mind getting clearer, im delivered from the corrupt,
no longer deminished inside, released from fate so abrupt...

©Michael P. Smith
Michael P Smith Mar 2013
She often walked amidst the shore
In breezy weather or in fair
Now my love will stroll no more,
Nor shall wind play with her hair.

I even knew not of her name
As she stumbled upon me that day
That wild love I could never tame,
All the same, I thought she'd stay.

I lost her, my love, to the placid sea
Her footsteps fading slowly & calm
Only if the waves return her to me,
So we may walk again palm in palm.

©Michael P. Smith
Mar 2013 · 1.1k
State Of Limbo
Michael P Smith Mar 2013
Mislayed into a abysmal reverie
Like sitting idly in the dark
Relegated and cast aside
Residing in a transitional place
A midway state of imprisonment
Bordering a intermediate reality
In a fantasy of the unknown
Compacted within rage and peace
Hallucinations and premonitions
Guide my space of entrapment
Inside this world of inception
I feel like a ghostly embodiment
A entity inside my own mind
Lost in a indefinite mirage
The apparition of a phantom
Longing for a way out
Into a externalizing release
To reach a metigated outward form
To becalm and sooth my waves
Assuaged my grief and pain
My spirit must alleviate
Wake into the shimmering light
From this overwhelming dreamland
I often question myself
How did I cross the border?
Into the threshold of chimera
This beastly uncanny form
A wonderland of uncertainty
My brain has seemed to freeze
Succumbing to a brick of emotions
I have a potpourri of thoughts
A war of the good, bad and ugly
Yielding of a unrestrained musing
And now I seem to be descending
Furthermore dropping deeper
Into a vagary of dreams
A occurrence of sloping slumber
Such a unbearable enclosure
It's hard to snap out of..
It's difficult to escape from..
This ******* of my soul
Tightly submerged in the depths
Of a hammering state of limbo...

©Michael P. Smith
Mar 2013 · 1.1k
Canadian Geese (Cinquain)
Michael P Smith Mar 2013
Birds of the north
Forms....that V-shape....up high
Migrating down Georgia.

©Michael P. Smith
Michael P Smith Mar 2013
As I was comforted by the crisp air
Felt its peace flow through my hair
A sparkling emerald, rarely seen
Emulated sun in buoyant green
Calmed by reclined rays, cool & fair.

I scoped the kiddies play & run
I felt my spirit join their fun
Serenity basks a gleeful scene
As I was comforted.

A bad forecast is due, but none came
This soothing day remains the same
Hints of rough shows pastel view
Acrid trials, of maraud, loses through
A final twinge, still did not pierce
As I was comforted.

©Michael P. Smith
Mar 2013 · 1.2k
Queen Of The Jungle (Loop)
Michael P Smith Mar 2013
In the cloak of the night barbarous and still
still many eyes presume to lurk
lurk for the tumultuous squeal.

Such a cry of vulnerability
vulnerability of lonely weakness
weakness....lures unjust evil
evil within a woeful bleakness.

Deep from the African bush
bush that conceals a enemy
enemy bearing a crucial task
task to invade the vicinity.

The smell of blood entices
entices the senses of hunters
hunters after a marred victim
victim freed by rams and bunters.

From one side to another
another enemy attacks hard
hard to escape such an attack
attack of a overwhelming bombard.

Action packed view from afar
afar from finely tuned sight
sight of a harsh...epic struggle
struggle of prey in a losing fight.

Time passes and the fight proceeds
proceeds to take upon a big turn
turn of some unexpected events
events the enemy has yet to learn
learn of the victim's inner strength
strength to overcome the worst
worst case scenario in the midst
midst of ****** wounds at burst.

As the distant view closes in
in what shows as such a mess
mess which contains a lioness
lioness in a battle of distress.

Her attackers are now revealed
revealed to be a clan of hyena's
hyena's that are hunger-crazed
crazed in Serengetti's hyped arena.

They nip and pick at her
her will only grows stronger
stronger than she's ever witnessed
witnessed her stamina bears longer
longer than her many foes
foes she begin to bring down
down one by one they fall
fall to her paws upon the ground.

She has awakened her power
power to ignore her injuries
injuries now are within the clan
clan of her relentless enemies.

More and more fall to her might
might the hyena's perish together
together they couldn't destroy her
her determination ignites as better
better than any has ever seen
seen the remaining hyena's run off
off, afraid, disappearing in the night.

Night soon turns to scorching day
day as she walks proud, but weak
weak among her lonesome to die
die within a bush she longs to seek
seek to lay in her comforting spot
spot to remedy her depleted life
life of a soul of entangled obstacles
obstacles of riddled....daily strife.

Now in peace she ascends up
up into her seraphic; feline humble
humble among her powerful kind
kind...she is...queen of the jungle.

©Michael P. Smith
Mar 2013 · 1.3k
Grandparents (Ode)
Michael P Smith Mar 2013
Ode, my grandparents
I wish you all were here
Without your strong guidance
My mind has failed to come clear
It was such a better place
When you all were here with me
I pray you all have glanced down
To see the man I've grown to be
I give you all the praise
You've laid down the foundation
For this plentiful family we have
Scattered across this vast nation
The sacrifice you've made for me
Allows joyful tears to flow
Til this day our family is still close
Entwined in love we endure to grow
With each sweet conjured thought
I think of every great story
My loving parents told me of you
I reminisce of your past glory
You have done everything for me
Just as God has groomed
Without lessons to my parents
My future would've been doomed
Your beautiful faces
Oh! How we resemble
I take in traits from you all
So much so, in glee, I tremble
You mean so much to me
I promise to make you all proud
Despite all of my minor failures
My love for you screams aloud!
I am grateful for your work
From each of you I take heed
A shot at my heart, no broken skin
I bleed for you, and for my seed
Thank you all so very much
From my cuticles to my hair
I love you all dearly
I'll see you when I get there...

©Michael P. Smith
Michael P Smith Mar 2013
Crocodiles catnapping cuddling in cordial cliques, 
Loafing, lollygagging, lurking low like lounging leeches, 
Protective postures pouncing prey with piercing pinned precision,
Brilliant belligerent beasts basking boldly by swamp beaches, 
Agressively angry attitudes among alluring adverse animals, 
Deep daunting jaws of death damage drastically when dropping down, 
Scales shaped like stabbing shards scrape while swimming strongly, 
Opposing opposition order obedience of outrageous odious opponents, 
Raged ravenous rapacious reptiles rank repulsive ratings and resourses...  

©Michael P. Smith
Mar 2013 · 1.0k
Michael P Smith Mar 2013
What a breath of fresh air
Seeing you once again
Your company is always welcome
So good to befriend you love
I sure can use your comfort
Your elegant, powerhouse vibe
Quenches my lonely soul
I am in need of you
Its been such a long time
Since our dear minds floated
In a milieu of ignited joy
I have combed the vicinity
From the periphery of the night
Til the nascency of the sun
Close by and far about,
To cross your seraphic path
Once again, here we are...
So come take a walk with me
Let us prance along the lake
Dash through spring's leaves
Exalting each other's presence
Let us dance in airborne circles
Together, as inseparable canaries
My thoughts of you
With that celestial killer smile
Your dazzling eyes of pensiveness
That touch of sweet caress
Is strongly needed in my life
Spending time with you
Is truly like no other
My adulation for you
Is passionately unspoken
This pash I have for you
Has kindled as we bonded
There is honestly no way
I'm letting you go
No more, never again
So take my hand
Slowly spin with me
Into love's unknown
Together forever.

©Michael P. Smith
Michael P Smith Jul 2012
Soothing, sensational,
elegant as the harp,
Semblance, integument,
covering of the tarp,
Ebullient, vivacious,
precision of the mind,
Vehement, appetent,
keen & one of a kind,
Perfervid, chocolate katydid,
desirable & luscious taste,
Delectable, ambrosial,
palatable & consumed with haste,
Sybaritic, voluptuous,
enticing to the senses,
Libidinous, hedonic,
enriched untightened hinges,
Efficacious, puissant,
robust delight to the eye,
Potent, consequential,
immeasurable symbol of the sky,
Pulchritudinous, gorgeous,
magnificent as the autumn sun,
Resplendent, vivid, lustrous
as a diamond-lithographed gun,
Sympathetic, affectionate,
condoling soul of a angel,
Altruistic, benignant,
warmhearted with no mangle,
Serenity, tranquility,
composure of divine peace,
Harmonious, amicable,
placid as the slow moving creek...
Jul 2012 · 1.8k
My Animality
Michael P Smith Jul 2012
With the intelligence &
stamina of the wolf,
My willpower & endurance
excels beyond most,
With the stealth &
craftiness of the fox,
I take much from my
opposition & vanish in
the night like a ghost..

With the massiveness &
memory of the elephant,
My mind runs deep & retains
emotions for the better of my clan,
With the camouflage &
ingenuity of the octopus,
I escape the pursuing demons
& continue with my life long plan..

With the patience &
strength of the crocodile,
I ambush & clamp down on
my oppressors treading unnoticed,
With the devastating roar &
isolation tactics of the tiger,
I accomplish amazingly by my
lonesome while dominating
my foes with unmatched focus..

With the power, speed, &
belligerence of the mantis shrimp,
I hold the fastest punch in the
world & my power equals that of
a rifle bullet which allows me to
take on all comers on earth,
With the majesty &
grace of the argali,
I climb the highest mountains
with the greatest of ease
staying clear of my enemies
& watching over the scenes
til the next generation is birthed..

True originality...
Shows through my personality..
This is my animality..

What animals do you compare to???

Whats your animality???
Jul 2012 · 2.1k
Ravishing Gallantry
Michael P Smith Jul 2012
It's made in me
The way of me
So loving & savory,
What do I speak of?
My dear instinctive bravery
A heart of gold engraved
in thee,
Solemnly a gift from God
given gracefully.

Questioned by many about
my dashing courage
Noble-minded behavior,
Superman-like favor,
Saving a life with intent
& untapped wit
Comforting to the mind
So very major.

Put my life on the line
for someone in need
Even for animals, treated,
As loved ones indeed
It sits well as my creed,
So many think of me
as crazy, somewhat insane
For having such a desire
of valiance within my brain,
Why salt my game?

Because I'm so in tact
with life?
The beauty it holds?
Mettle with heartfelt
kindness to my delight?
I can't help it
I must protect & serve,
Pains me to see a
damsel in distress
No tender heart deserves.

I know that every situation
is not my problem
Shouldn't concern me some
would say,
Like a man beating his wife
while the kids cry & stray
In daylight even
Never could I look away,
I'm sorry
I feel I must jump in to
save my quarry,
Who knows I may be
in over my head,
But I can care less at times
Must save the prey from the
predator, can't consume of spoiled

Whether its a car speeding
about to run over a baby
Or a relentless fire in a
building coursing to burn a lady,
With my mind attentive, laced
with uncontested audacity,
All out strong Tenacity,

I'm here, Im here...

Good guys are yet to be
Daredevils that are truly
But no matter what
I'm here,
With my mind & Valor
Have no fear
A young soldier
is near,
At your service I'll be
around to help
Take a stand with me
Let me lend a hand for thee
With my beautiful, yet
Ravishing Gallantry....

©Michael P. Smith

— The End —