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Sep 2014 · 501
ray of sun shine
michael mcAdam Sep 2014
you expect me to shine
you want me to lighten up your day
but have you ever thought about me
how it feel to be the sun of everones day
but im dying slowly ever day
and I cant wait to explode
lets then see if you can tell death form life
Sep 2014 · 535
michael mcAdam Sep 2014
left to rot
left to bleed
but its my own will
to have my life spill over the rim
for its nothing but blood in a goblet
so if you a friend
let me rot
let me bleed
Sep 2014 · 317
michael mcAdam Sep 2014
l lay on the floor bleeding out
not waiting to be free
I told them to let me out
or I would leave
no lets see how they feel now
with me bleeing out there restants
Sep 2014 · 572
left to bleed
michael mcAdam Sep 2014
I wish for her ever night
I iwsh to see the world
but all I see is the world in blood
and feel lose and sorrow
just waiting for the right cut to free me
so come and get me
never let the world keep love seprated
Jun 2014 · 587
mouth full of nails
michael mcAdam Jun 2014
i would rather eat nails then be apart
swallowing the pain of sorrow
each nail is a sin i have
every wroung i have done
and ever tear i have caused
thats why i have a mouth full of nails
Jun 2014 · 899
hate summer
michael mcAdam Jun 2014
it ends all ever time
the eximent and the laughter
summer i hate
winter is kind
cooling down tempers
keeping me clam
May 2014 · 320
michael mcAdam May 2014
you claim to be a creatuer of hell
but little did you know what i was
you mistook me for human
but now you have left a hole in my wall
exposing my true self to the world
and the beast it hold
May 2014 · 4.5k
fuck off
michael mcAdam May 2014
im gasping for air
reaching out for help
playing my music louder and louder
i give up i inhale the toxins
close my self to the world and yell *******
letting my ears bleed
this is how you left me
and all i have to say is have a nice life in the light
while i go to hell
Apr 2014 · 352
michael mcAdam Apr 2014
each tear is like a razor cutting my arm
each day apart is a coffen for my heart
ever time she is mad it melts my heart and replaceses it with drakness
ever time she laughs it makes my high
i just wish i could tell her this
instead of crying
cristina i hope you find out about this but i am to scared to tell you my self
Apr 2014 · 425
blood magick
michael mcAdam Apr 2014
is it real let me know
tell a simple human how to use it
plz comment or something willing to do anything to learn
Apr 2014 · 373
whtat is life
michael mcAdam Apr 2014
it brings me down
tears me apart limb from limb
brakes and grinds my bones to dust
cut and cooks my fleash to feed the lesser
but little does life it know i am in control of what it does
ever grain of bone is going around and inspiring people
ever fiber of flesh makes the people strounger
so go ahead and tear me apart it will inspirer more
Apr 2014 · 372
fire dancer
michael mcAdam Apr 2014
it dances in the sky
never stays in the same spot for more then a second
sends bones to become cinders
blackens the sky with toxins
kills life
burns the earth
that is a fire dancer
Apr 2014 · 371
michael mcAdam Apr 2014
i have expected better
not for me but for you
but ill try my best
to make you proud
i am a insect in the proses of metomorphes
changing to make you happy and proud
for soon i will be free
free to express my love to you
i will tell her how i feel
Apr 2014 · 317
michael mcAdam Apr 2014
pain is in the heart
death is in my soul
fire are my eyes
hell is my home
Apr 2014 · 306
let me lie down
michael mcAdam Apr 2014
let me lie next to you for the first time
i only wish to spend time with you
even if it will be the last night
just let me stay one night
even if its for the last time
Apr 2014 · 311
michael mcAdam Apr 2014
they make us do things we dont want to
they make us express how feel
it makes me hurt
it makes me sad
i wish i could tell them to stop and leave us be
just let fate take corse
Apr 2014 · 249
michael mcAdam Apr 2014
im here sitting here in tears and blood
beelding out my pain
there are more ways to hurt some one close
there are ways to deal
i have choose mine
                                 good bye
Apr 2014 · 339
michael mcAdam Apr 2014
you lose, you die by noose
you win ,ill loosen the noose
you ready to play or would you rather hang
dont be scared; dont be frightened
Apr 2014 · 430
tell me im not wort it
michael mcAdam Apr 2014
rip my heart and tell me you dont love me
it would be easyer then the wait
just give me a sign that shows howe you feel
just fix this broken heart
i wish i could tell her how i feel
Apr 2014 · 551
SLAP ME!!!!!!!
michael mcAdam Apr 2014
i swit her with the desire tp feel pain
but not so much it hurts just enough tp be brought back to reallity
i wounder how it feel to be wounded be on pain
i need to feel what my heart feels
so please slap me if you see me
Apr 2014 · 445
my lil contery song
michael mcAdam Apr 2014
you texted me in the morning saying hey hey hey, hey there *** how did you sleep, how was your morning, but we both no; its not moring till i see your smiling face, the sun dont shine and the birds dont sing, oh oh oh no the sun dont shine till i see you smiling face, the birds dont sing till i see you baby, till i see you baby, your what make my world go round and round and make it always morning when i see that smile, oh when i see that smile on a sunny day, ( judge me if you want but its contry song)
Apr 2014 · 349
the corage of I
michael mcAdam Apr 2014
In this time of day i feel the need to tell you how i feel but ever time i move and act i freeze and shatter. But i wait in plea that youll see the ice around your feet and the love in the air.i hope you see your the only one for me and will ever be. I hope you know that i cant live with out you. I hope you now i truely love you and ever thing about you. For the better or for the worst ill be there by you side even in the after life. I never want you to be so sad that it tears you down.just no i love you
Apr 2014 · 380
lover of the night
michael mcAdam Apr 2014
On this dark and cold night there is but the sound of my love,i feel her ever breath and her curve under the crimson moon,and the vast mercury ocean lies be for us and nothing more, but alas i can not move nor can i here what she is yelling at but i see her face in panic and blood on her hands, my blood i realize and the hole in my cheast over my heart, now i lose my sight and see only the darkness closeing around me love, i now now whats happing and i cry not for the fact im dying but the fact im leaving
Apr 2014 · 310
michael mcAdam Apr 2014
Six hours of hellish toturer
Call death and tell him i am waiting for him
Hellish thoughts are placed in my head
Over and over i try to escape
Oxygen is low
Life is short
good bye
Apr 2014 · 438
the lil ant boy
michael mcAdam Apr 2014
i hate the evil that created me
oh how i hate thee
for you are the snake in the rabbits home
and i was the ant waiting to rip out you throat
but now i dont
now it time for you to see
how i found some one
a queen
i am her solider
and she is my misson if i choose to exapt
is to fall in love and have dreams of her
i was born to please my queen
for once i am not depressed or sad but happy and joyful of a new day
michael mcAdam Apr 2014
feel sluggish with pain of a thousand cat'o nine
being whipped hundereds of times
breaking hopeas if it was a bone
till ever single bone is broken
tears away the happiness like flesh from bone
they never stop till there is nothing left
it starts with a trick
ends with out fear
Mar 2014 · 355
in death we meet
michael mcAdam Mar 2014
on the night of first meet she was the fair goddess of the moon
and i was nothing but the group she walk on
oh the sorrow of the visons i have
she dines in the underworld with death
wait for me my love
i am close to her now as my live fades
wait for me my goddess
Mar 2014 · 183
michael mcAdam Mar 2014
my heart is torn in two
one for the past
one for the future
which do i choose
past or future
Mar 2014 · 350
i wait to die tonight
michael mcAdam Mar 2014
i sit here waiting for the night
i wait for my night master
i reval my self
so i may feel his pain
death has a name
i feel the fire in my vains
never say his name
dont call him anything but death

— The End —