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Mar 2012 · 372
Mar 2012 · 364
Mar 2012 · 1.3k
Make Love to me by Moonlight
Michael Egan Mar 2012
Make love to me by moonlight
Let its beams caress your breast
Its darkness pulls your waters
Drawing in the welcome guest—

Who within dances so sweetly
As from moonbeams deliquesced
Electrifying darkness
With your sweet love mad possessed

And the moonbeams turn us silver
As they dip into the west
And another god shines down on us—
We know that we are blessed.
Mar 2012 · 2.8k
Internet Sex
Michael Egan Mar 2012
I made a list of all our kisses, starting with just ‘kiss’
Which in the heat of passion was italicized like this:
kiss, then emphasized in variations Kiss! and KISS and KISS
Which even though ethereal somehow added to our bliss.
And later in IM we found that we could really KISS!
I mean in theory still, of course, for physically we missed
The real touch of real lips and autres choses on that list.
And there were funny graphics, I can’t reproduce them here,
But you know the ones we used a lot, they all meant kisses there
The hearton built with < and 3, which always made you smile
And the asterisks and emoticons we used once in a while
And let’s not forget those x’s which a net of crosses wove
*** and xxxx, our ******* book of love.
Soon added to our kisses came words like longingly,
And tenderly, and lingeringly and gentle morningly
Sometimes we gave it lots of tongue, but loving nibbles too
Whenever I’d le pout or tears your lashes would bedew.
These are the ones I can recall, probably there are more
I’m sure you’re itching to remind me from your memory’s vast store
And you can tell me all about them in some poetry well versed
But my love, before you write it, you’ll just have to kiss me first.

— The End —