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Michael Czech Aug 2012
Pink satin covers her...compliments her womanly frame...
every curve so perfect before my eyes
sunlight shimmering through the window onto her tanned skin
oh such shapeliness that consumes the soul....ignites such desire....
pink satin lingerie conforming to her sultry frame
she sits by the window...watching me with a loving smile....
telling me to come hither without saying a word...
as I long to reveal to her all this soul hungers for....
to let my fingers touch the soft, smoothness of her skin...
feeling her shiver in sweet bliss from like meet....ravenous embrace...
we speak of such fiery desires that grow....without saying a word....
oh yes my Lady....My love.....
open yourself to me and let me in...make me a part of you....
to grow so close together....nothing shall ever make us part....
she is my angel in pink ravishing her beauty is
that mere words can never truly compliment it...
how how I long to hold her so close to me
her ******* pressed against my chest
as fingertip run up and down her back
listening to her soft breath....gentle whispers of devotion...
while within that moment...we are one in spirit...
hearts entwined....and together...we complete each other so perfectly...
she is my angel in pink muse to the words I write...
my every passionate desire...and the meaning of the love in my heart.
Michael Czech Mar 2013
Warmth of the night fills the silent room

as we lay there in bed, silken sheets barely covers us

feeling your body against mine

the sweet sensation of your bare skin touching me

your head resting on my chest

while my hand strokes your hair.

Can you hear my heart beat

how it sings to you a sweet serenade

of the devotion which I have for you?

We lay there for a moment in silence

hold you close to me

and then you lift your head to me

our lips meet in a sweet and tender kiss

letting it grow into an embrace more passionate

opened tongues dance with each other

tasting the sweetness of each other lips.

Oh Love....

we could spend all night like this

absorbed within the ecstasy of your kiss....

the feel of your body next to mine.

Watching you lay your head back on my chest

while we fall asleep in each other arms

knowing in the morning

you will still be in my arms when we awake.
Michael Czech Feb 2012
I see you young one,
standing so still, eyes gazing out
the front store window,
at all the people who pass back and forth.
Watching the young girls stop and stare at you,
with such smiles and amazement,
yet no one does come for you.
Still you stand there,
looking at the street with such
an innocent expression.
Always wearing that lovely rose colored dress,
with a spring bonnet
on top of that long golden hair.
Such a perfect little lady,
with only one longing you seem to have.
To have some little girl
take you home with her,
to be part of someone's family
and be surrounded by such love.
But till that time does come,
you will stay in that store window -
waiting for that little girl
to take you away,
from this cold and loveless store window.
Michael Czech Sep 2012
I loved you from afar
my eyes studying every sultry curve of your frame
while my imagination ran wild of images of devotion
dreaming of how it would be
to kiss those lips....taste their sweetness
in such a moment when hearts show such affections
every detail of your beauty enchants my heart and soul
as such a hunger does burn within me
longing to share with you all the passion which this body...this heart has to give
come to me my Lady....into my arms....into my very soul....
where a paradise of such passionate love does wait for you and only you
wanting to make all your fantasies come true
and together be absorbed within the flames of such desire
awakening the senses to such splendid pleasures
bodies melting together in perfect unity
two heart entwine...beating for one soul
as our soul out into the Universe
beyond the heavens and all that is known....
where myth and legends become reality
and reality is nothing more than a faded dream
here my where something so new and special is born
where we are lovers sharing a fiery desire....
by the shore of a crystal stream....
while unicorns play so joyfully....angels sing out in praise of our unity....
and the world becomes our playground for our desires.
Come to me my Lady.....let me be your lover....
and open the doorway to a paradise made only for us
to share with you the bonds of something so strong and true....
as limbs entwine...and we open up to each other...
in sweet trust and love...forever more.
Michael Czech Sep 2012
Let my words caress your heart
awakening such affections which burn within
and show how I cherish you....the woman you are within
to give to you every ounce of my being
as we hold each other so close
lips hover centimeters over lips.....
prolonging that first sensual kiss
feeling my hot breath upon the skin of your face
we gaze into each others eyes
within yours I see the radiance of your beauty
enchanting my heart so much....
oh my Lady....let me into your soul...your heart....
so together we can embrace such tenderness
my devotion I give to you
without hesitation or doubt....
for it is you that my heart does long to cherish
with one kiss my Lady
we can find the paradise which our love can create
where our passion can roam free
and our bodies become as one
within the flames of our desires
two lost found...united within perfect unity....
hearts and limbs entwined
as we share all that we are with each other
absorbed within the bliss of our love
where the bonds strengthen us
and together we discover
forever is so much more than just a mere word.
Michael Czech Feb 2012
Oh to run my fingers over your sultry skin
trace over each curve that entices me
as lips meet lips in sweet, supple embrace
while my Lady'd fingers traces my body as well
enticing each other with our sensual touch
the desire between us burning like an inferno
Oh how I want her right now
to be absorbed within my Lady;s passion
tasting her skin
intoxicated by it so sweet
listening to her soft gasps
like a sweet serenade to my ear
as she opens herself to me
letting me into the garden of her pleasures
into the passion's of her heart
taunting and teasing each other
building the wantonness of our own desires
letting them free
to bring forth the affections of the heart and soul
limbs and hearts entwined
as she let me enter into her garden
her sacred rosebud not blooms from my caress
and we become as one
joined within the passion of the moment
sharing that which the heart and soul longs for
the hunger that burns within
united as one spirit....
that two hearts beats for.
Enveloped within the sweet ecstasy of the moment
which will be etched in the heart
to never be forgotten
never....till the end of time.
Michael Czech Mar 2012
Oh my Lady,
let us meet within the light of the spring moon
in the field by the weeping willow tree
where we had gone to so many times before.
Come to me now to our special place
where we can share a love so true
away from the eyes of all those around us.
Let me look upon you
as the moonlight shimmers upon you
giving you the image of an angel.
Let me hold you in my arms
feeling your body against mine,
as lips meet in a soft and gentle kiss
welcoming you back to me
and the private paradise of this place we discovered.

Come with me under the weeping willow tree
as we share our love with each touch and kiss
letting our affections be set free
and we become absorbed within the moment
of our passion and love.
Shedding away all that the world sees us as
revealing our true innocence and beauty,
the feel of your skin against mine
each sensation thrills us...fills us with such fiery desire
that takes our heart soaring into the heaven of love.
While the cricket and the gentle spring breeze
serenades us so soft and sweetly
share our bodies.....our souls....our hearts....
within this single moment
under the light of the Spring moon.
Michael Czech Aug 2012
Just kiss me my Darling
let me feel the sweetness of your caress
and we can embrace such passion....
Our hearts open to one another
as we share our eternal love....
while we hold each other
so close and tight.
Within that single kiss,
can speak more than words ever could.

Oh my Love...kiss me now
for I long for your affection
to make my heart sing to you
and within that kiss
we know a love is there
that will last for an eternity and beyond.
Michael Czech Mar 2013
My Darling, how I long to feel your body next to mine
within the silent shadows of this room...under these silken sheets
holding you so close to me as our lips touch in a soft and gentle kiss.
The feel of your skin against mine...listening to the soft sound of your breathing
which is like a gentle serenade to my heart.
My arms wrap around you...holding you so close and tight
as I whisper all the words of my heart
which longs to be said to you.
Oh my Lady, my Love,
within this single moment together
I feel so closer to you than ever before...
that we are no longer two souls...but one
and if we are ever apart from each other
there will always be a part of  you with me
and me with you.
Let me feel your body next to me
and share all the affections within our hearts
letting the world outside no longer matter to us
for we have found a sweet paradise here
within each others arms....
and a love and passion so intense and true
that nothing will ever separates us
and we will walk hand in hand
down the path of a new life together.
Let feel your body next to mine
to always know you love me and that I am never alone.
Michael Czech Feb 2012
Affections of the heart given....touching her so intimately
awakening the woman in her....that she had forgotten
she is more than an object to me.....
she is my Aphrodite... my angel....
who touches my heart
with her loving ways
as the words I speak to her
I long to caress her heart
and show her how special she is
how needed she is to me
my temptress of such passion
who with one kiss
can serenade my heart
as I do the same with her.

Come to me my Lady
let me shower you with my affections
let our desires run free
and all our fantasies become reality
as we walk hand in hand
to a Utopia all our own
giving you all I am
and she does the same for me
hearts entwine....lips lock in heated embrace
as the bonds of our love
grows stronger with each touch....each kiss
expressing our love
in such a sensual way.
Michael Czech Aug 2012
Heat of our bodies...ignites flames of such passion...
as we hold each other so close....kisses so deep....
fingers explore skin....heightening our desire...
Oh how the hunger grows...
to play in the flames of carnal desire.....
taste of her skin....intoxicates the soul...
yearning for so much more....sharing the hearts affactions....
The sloping smooth skin of her bossom...
my hands gently ****** so shivers under my touch....
souls and hearts open to each other.....
fingers and lips indulge in such pleasure.....upon this night....
We join as one...limbs locked around each other....
moving in synchronicty to our beating hearts....passion surging....
feel me the garden of your ***.....
friction between us....building an inferno of love's fire.....
succumb to our desires....we share our love....
our hearts explore desire's boundaries....
we serenade each the sweet ecstasy of our love making....
forever bound in this love...forever cherishing each other.
Michael Czech Mar 2012
Let us dance within the light of the moonlight
around the blazing bonfire
celebrating this moment of the birth of spring
when the air becomes warm
caressing out skin
and together we find a love with each other
from the magic of the season.

Shedding away the identity society sees us as
till there is nothing more than our innocence  left
letting the feel of Nature take us where it may
freeing the desires in our soul
within the glow of the flames
and express everything our heart hold.

Within this night alone
we share our bodies in the sight of the God and Goddess
embracing the pleasures of each other
and becoming absorbed in our passion and in Nature
making this place....this night our own paradise
where the real world no longer exists.

Upon the cool grass
our bodies join as one
as the silvery orb stares down on us
smiling at our passionate unity
our expression of such affections
within this perfect spring night.
Michael Czech Mar 2012
My Lady let our passion run free......
absorbed in the flames of our lustful desires.......
your seduction envelopes our lips touch sensually.....
taste of their sweetness......our arms entwine....
bodies pressed against each other....
heat between us intensifies....whispering words of passion.....

The feel of your flesh.....your skin....
making the passion between us grow....
lips caress fingers exploring your skin....
feeling your body tremble under my touch.....
as your breath grows deeper....
I am entranced within the beauty
of your stockings and lace....
as we let our fantasies be fulfilled.

Oh my yourself to me....
give to me all that you are
and I shall give you all that I am as well....
cuddling within the warmth of the afternoon
our desires burning like an inferno
as share all our hearts and soul
has to give to each other
the world outside melts away
the heat from our passion
melts away the walls of this room
leaving us into a paradise of our love
where we let our passion free
absorbed in the pleasures of our affections
within this secret liaisons.
Michael Czech Mar 2012
The warmth of the sun upon my brow
while around me life is reborn once again
the garden bursting with such vibrant colors
as the sound the bluebirds
serenade high within the cherry blossom tree.
Just to walk within this garden
brings a sense of new life to me,
within the stillness
as the air is filled with the fragrance
of flowers in bloom.

Ahead a see the gazebo we once met at,
remembering how I met you there my Lady
as we would laugh and talk
I recite such verses from my soul to you
touching your heart so
that it would soar on the wings of a dove
and together we felt something so strong
remembering you say that you would be there forever.

But that was two springs ago
and time has a way of changing everything
I do not blame you for leaving.... nor do I blame myself
but I still come back to this garden
for it is here that I was reborn
and you, My Lady....were the one who made it happen.
I find myself surrounded by the memories of us
which fills my heart with joy....rather than pain and anguish...
as the spring day surrounds me
Mother Nature cradling me in her arms
and I know where ever you are my Lady
you still think of me.

I come back to this garden
not just to remember you my Lady
but to feel the sensation of being reborn
just like all the life around me now.
I come back to this garden....our garden....
every first day of spring
to remind myself I am reborn
in the heart....the mind ....and the spirit. forever.
Michael Czech Aug 2012
All I ask of you, my be here with me
to gaze into the beauty of your eyes
and hold you in my arms forever
as we speak the words of heart's true affections....
dreams of a million tomorrows...and cherish the joy of today....
oh yes....let us walk down the path of life....hand in hand...
together making all our dreams come true...
and never believe that anything is impossible...
let us open up the gates to paradise ......
letting our hearts create a world of its own design....
away from the eyes of the let our love be free...
and our passion burn like an eternal flame....
sharing all our desires without inhibitions or fear....
with trust and love....journeying to the borders of our passion.

Come lay with me up this bed....cotton, thin sheet covering us....
feeling your back against my chest....arms wrapped around you....
hands clasped underneath your *******....holding you through the night
listening to your soft breathing.....enchanting me like a sweet serenade
as the bliss of your body brings such entrancement to me....
never wanting to let go of break this connection....
my eyes do not want to close....just watching your silhouette....
the soft shimmers of candlelight I am in such silent bliss...
always to remember this others....
etched in my so many other memories we shared.

Oh my Lady, when I lie alone in my bed...awakening in the morning....
how I long to find you lying next to such silent beauty....
to feel your body in the morning....the rays of sunlight....softly shining into the room....
and onto your angelic, naked body....astounded by the sight of it.....
not just the lustful desire which naturally is felt....but the amazement in my heart
to see you asleep there next to me....the woman I love...
and for me to lean over to lips kiss yours so gently....
your brown eyes open I whisper so soft and lovingly....
Good Morning my love....I love you.
Dedicated to a special woman who has won my heart.
Michael Czech Feb 2012
Such longing comes from seeing her there
the heart cries out for what it hungers for
and yet fear keeps the body still.
She looks with eyes that seem to say come hither
as my will is weakened.....and I am at her command.
We move to each other from across the room
not noticing the others around
for right now there is only us here together
while the slow melody of a love song
plays from the band.

Oh how I long for my Lady
to feel her touch....the taste of her lips
to whisper the sweet sonnets
my heart does long to bring forth.
Just to let this ravishing maiden know
how I adore thee
and with all my soul shall I give to thee.

She stands so close to me
as we sway to the music
staring into her heavenly eyes
I find myself enchanted by her beauty.
My words wish to speak
such serenades of passion and love to her,
yet remain silent in the amazement
of her feminine ways.
Longing to kiss her
and taste her love through those lips.
Before i could utter a word
her lips softly meet mine,
and  my heart is freed to rejoice
that which is felt right now.

Within that brief moment
time stands still....the world melts away
and here we stand
in the garden of our own paradise
discovering a love so strong and true
that will last beyond a lifetime.
Michael Czech Feb 2012
Let me whisper softly in your ear
that of which my heart longs to say to you
of passion unbridled and eternal devotion
that this soul does hold for you.
My darling,
I have search many years
for that special woman to be with in my life
and God has brought you to me,
the mere sound of your voice
awakens such affections
that I thought I would never feel again.
But here we are
hold each other so close and tight
while I gaze into your eyes
and feel my heart become reborn.
So many things I wish to tell you,
so many words to describe what I feel for you
but I find myself only able to say three simple words to you
which seems to be so powerful and everlasting.....
I Love You.
To a special woman who has come into my life and touched my heart.

— The End —