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3.8k · Aug 2013
How Not To Be Like Hamlet
Michael Chandler Aug 2013
How many times will I say, write, or perform a mistake?
Everlong it seems, because no matter how far I travel
someone's there telling me I'm wrong or that I'm just not ready.
I thought it would die like a flower buried in snow

What the hell was I thinking? What the hell was I reading?
Believing family could act accordingly when they saw a new lion
,but like they said I will always be a cub. There is no other place for me.
To explore! To leave the nest even if the farthest I go is to the nearest branch

And to be look upon as a bird with just a few miles in his wings
To explore! to indulge with peers, to embrace society, and to be mistreated.
Oh! what a treat it is to be mistreated, to feel alive and unaccepted in the same breath
If only I could get past the unaccepted part maybe it be easier to love myself.

To love another, but first I must love thy self. To love one self and to take reminders
of my flaws and look upon them as compliments. To humble my strengths and listen
clearly to my loud mistakes. In the end of this poem I decided to be than not to be. And to live rather than to sleep.Oh Hamlet how could you ever be so indecisive, now you will forever be remembered as just a prince.
2.5k · Feb 2013
Alexandria Sanchez's sestina
Michael Chandler Feb 2013
Beams directing traffic on Belmont
Paintings of St.Mary in each house
A blessing is in the home of Sanchez
Yelling at the top of my lungs, Alexandria!
Her lips the color of a summer rose
She might meet my girlfriend

Tired of the flat girlfriend
I ride the 70 down Belmont
In a garden I pluck a rose
And wait outside her house
Oh how I love the name Alexandria
The finest gem from Mrs. Sanchez

I love the sound of an Sanchez
It brings shame to my girlfriend
That fiery accent calls me to Alexandria
No matter the distance between me and Belmont
She can look in front of her house
Im on her sidewalk, holding a rose

I will always hand her roses
Predjuice eyes from a concern Sanchez
Oh if they ever found me in that house
So she walks to my girlfriend's
Away from the curious eyes on Belmont
They've ask where is my Alexandria?

Don't worry my Alexandria
Soft like the pedal of a rose
Let me kiss you outside of Belmont
Where nobody is named Sanchez
Show you where I lay next to my girlfriend
We can make love all over this house

Just get comfortable in this house
Spray that majestic spirit, Alexandria
Maybe I pass this flavor to my girlfriend
If willing, she can even get a rose
Call it the night she tasted a Sanchez
What we can share with the Latina on Belmont,

A girlfriend is snow on a dying rose
Warm in a house with a gem called Alexandria
Kissing the skin of an Sanchez, on Belmont
Michael Chandler Dec 2012
I'm in land influenced by smoke
Lakes of *****
I see mermaids
They only talk
When they take their midnight swim

I am not invincible
Not like Perseus
Who found a love
That made him defy the gods

Dante found a love
He jumped into hell
To find her
I don't feel love
Not even strong enough for
Me to send a text

Maybe I am invincible
Not like Perseus
But like Ralph Ellison
Maybe she can find my footsteps
Imprinted on the dirt
Maybe after her swim
She can grow legs and
influence me to begin
My journey
1.3k · Dec 2012
Swagin' down dark hills
Michael Chandler Dec 2012
Their were plenty of times i tripped over my own feet
Falling behind the more fluent riders
Waving my hands, pointing to the sky
My knees bent, the longboard beneath
my feet is trembling, wind smashing against my face
Swerving lane to lane in a figure eight
On a long asphalt hill
We called it swagin'

We cruise through school buildings walk ways
Campus lights over our heads
Brightening the smooth brick paths
We traveled across
Sliding around cars, curving on to the sidewalks

We met at the top of the steepest street
Formed a circle, and revealed our deepest thoughts
In a bond we agree to keep the words we said to ourselves
No  holding back we pushed off the ground with our feet
no fear in our hearts
Our yells and laughs echoed through the midnight trees
we lit the empty street with our smiles
climbing the peak of a roller coaster
Time stood still as gravity took its toil

At the end of the hill, The boards calmed down
and the wheels rolled to a halt
My heart jumping out of my chest
Skin soaked of warm air
Tears in my eyes
I was victorious
1.2k · Jun 2013
How do they know?
Michael Chandler Jun 2013
Night is always still and being alone is reasonable
stuck on a couch with hands in my pants like Al Bundy
I enjoy the old animations to rekindle my youth
At first I just knew it to be late night programming
but now its a laughing fit for the bald and the lonely
callers longing for that flirtatious, accepting voice

How do they know the lonely are with the late night?
When did the early hour become the time to persuade
love, lust, and empowerment of oneself?
the laughing stops and I wonder how much
insecurity there must be under the distant stars
How many of us wish we could go to sleep? maybe
its that unbearable coldness on the other side of the bed
1.2k · Dec 2012
Steve Trevor's night cap
Michael Chandler Dec 2012
I woke up in your eyes
found myself on your skin
with each of my finger tips
I softly touch your red lips
admiring  them like rubies

Anxiety have u lying on my carpet
I grab the gold bracelets on your wrist
Stretching your arms to their peak
whisper in your ear a love
that can keep you warm at night
Satisfied in the morning

The sun rays beam through my windows
natural  heat touching our moist skin
You tossed your red boots,
to place your bare feet in
a comfortable place
i  feel your lasso
tied around my waist
I'm  giving you the truth

I lick your navel
spread your legs
Your eyes closed, heart racing
I recognize you
from the star on your  tiara,
to your  jet black hair,
to your American flag  hips
kisses on a superheroine's ****
My hands gripping your thighs
Your strong back arch ,
fingers clinching my carpet.
moaning to the ceiling
biting your lips; soft
legs tied around my neck

Sooner or later you'll leave
To the save the world
I could encourage you to stay
But I know love with Wonder Woman
Can't be real, that's the emotion
I only see in comic books
So I wipe my mouth
Helped you into your chariot
watch you fly into the sky
Michael Chandler May 2013
Painted American woman stands strong
on every corner weeks after
bombs landed on Pearl Harbor
How can I hold her in my arms
if the ground beneath us is trembling?

This proud country is filled with oppression
misunderstandings, injustice, and hate
But isn't their still love?
The blue on our flag reminds me
of her lovely eyes, and the red is the blood
I would spill for her fair skin. Isn't this love?

I will fight for the painted American woman
I see her everyday on my lonely walks
with her long hair wrapped up,
staring into the clouds of the sky
praying that every bullet that
is fired towards me will perish and fade away

I'll fight and **** so I can sit next to her,
Share wine with her, share everything with her
I **** to hold her hand in a free american world
while this country is unfair, I'll die for
her and a new tomorrow.
1.1k · May 2013
The Devil Walks Barefooted
Michael Chandler May 2013
I love it when you walk barefooted
its not the fairness of your skin
or the scarlet of your nails
I touch the ground you grace
I feel the flames on my face
Sometimes I think you are the devil
and how easy you tempt me like sin

And if you are the devil
your words are ideal persuasion
your kiss is addictive as ******
a snake slithering under my sheets
So I shall let nothing extinguish this heat
for its the love I have for your barefeet
Michael Chandler Feb 2013
When flyin high in the friendly sky
Come join in a circle and ease your mind
What I share with you,slows down time

Weather determines the stillness of nature
Snow like stone, an orange sun sails
When flyin high in the friendly sky

Voices of the soul, stories of unique past
Listen to the vibrations tremble your skin
What I share with you,slows down time

We can also share the thick clouds
And, relax under the glowing moon
When flyin high in the friendly sky

The stream of a flowing breeze from
A beautiful girl, always wear a smile
What I share with you, slows down time

When the soul of friendship is at your finger tips
A brotherhood is created, solidify with lips
When flyin high in the friendly sky
What I share with you, slows down time
993 · Mar 2013
Uncle Frank's funeral
Michael Chandler Mar 2013
An army of people
circled my father
He turned to me
and I witness tears
for the first time
fall from his eyes.
They were the color of
a crimson rose,
and then
I knew he truly
loved this man
900 · Jul 2013
The sport of young men
Michael Chandler Jul 2013
I sat on one side of the hardwood floor with young men
Both sides had urban boys with their own urban flares
The scholars that hanged out in classrooms are with the ones
That hanged out on the street corners and skate parks.
We all sat together on that hardwood floor for Pe class

It's healthy for males to interact in sports and games.
As you challenge your opponent, you learn more about yourself
The natural  potential and the natural limitations
It can either hit you like a wave of beautiful inspiration
Or hurt like a boxers right hook, it makes you see other ways
We are all scorers, we are all winners, we play on different fields.
845 · Sep 2013
Graceful Morning
Michael Chandler Sep 2013
Sunbathing next
To you on a ship whose sole
Purpose is to destroy the world.
Oh Well.
701 · Mar 2013
Abandon city
Michael Chandler Mar 2013
What an
abandon city.
Though its not

I see women
walking their dogs
I wonder what
They have plan
For tonight

To see a soul
Walk up
Your street
Is truly
Under appreciated

What to do
But live
No one cares

I shall  reject
The times
I figure
I need to be
Until the man
Upstairs calls
My number

I will  be
We,us, and
Michael Chandler Jan 2015
Why are you the only one that can make me laugh?

I call on to you when my vision is blurry and my heart is placed in the wrong hands.
I'm soaking up the California sun,

alone with my feet in the sand,

laying under a palm tree wishing I was back in the deadly cold,

can't feel my face and bones,

looking at Chicago's skyline with you.
681 · Feb 2013
interrupted girl
Michael Chandler Feb 2013
This sonnet should be about love
not about a girl who loves fiction.
wrote her story after the head institution,
melancholy eyes with an sort of
Angelic face, she must be  made of
The midnight sky, should I show ambition?
even if *** is my only intention
The arrows of love have not fallen from above
But, she must be a king's treasure
how long can those lips be ignored?
A revered beauty, if she was to
Rank a man, I could never measure
it's a fantasy and nothing more
when an interrupted girl is loving you
659 · Aug 2013
Shakespeare XII Remixed
Michael Chandler Aug 2013
Rather than count, I stare at the hands of time,
And I watched the courageous day die before the hideous night;
Which I saw one hold his lady like a violet past its prime,
And play with her black hair along with the grey and white;
He watched the lofty trees and how they swayed in the breeze,
Staring as if they were gods with their heads stuck in the sky,
His lips pressed softly on her skin to put her at ease,
the violet turns weary and tears fall from her eyes,
Then of her beauty did she discover in itself,
She must watch it fly among the waste of time, slowly it goes,
Since lovelies and beauties abandon themselves
And die as fast as they see other's grow;
     Know there is no such thing against time called defense
So save his love, for he is a brave man to enjoy the consequence.
651 · Dec 2012
Dear Chicago
Michael Chandler Dec 2012
As I stare under Marilyn Monroe's dress
I think about you my love
Raised on your Native American streets
Your skies were the only thing I knew
I see people of all kinds
And hope to meet more

At fourteen, I became strong enough
To travel through your towns
I learned how to survive in the slums
Where men gather in corners
They commit crimes as an act of survival
Their minds are possessed on treasures
Because their hands are filled with dirt

On this magnificent mile
I walk around tall castles of stone
Embracing the wind from the lake shore
I notice the outsiders
To them your an elaborate pier
Your the reflections on the Cloud Gate

You are none of these things
For you are the beautiful women that
Are raised under your urban lights
You are the sand on Oak street
You are a different pronunciation of the letter"A"
You are the skyline, not the expensive stores underneath it
You are the heavy cold air that pinches my face
Reminding me who you really are
You are not deep dish pizza

Don't you worry
My eyes are looking west
Where I heard dreams fly over palm trees
And the sidewalks are skies filled with stars
I will take a piece of your soul with me
And leave my heart under Canal street
591 · Jan 2015
New years eve
Michael Chandler Jan 2015
It's been three years since the last time
Now you have long braids that touches
The perfect curve of your back and sometimes I imagine that God used his sharpest tool when he made you

The biggest mystery is that you understand me, and I you, our spirits or our past lives are somehow connected. Past loves that were sweer never measured, made love with them then thought about calling you

That nose ring and the gold on the sweet blackberries of your chest makes you royalty.
but why do I see you beside me in my dreams?
Forget it, let's just enjoy this new years eve
Michael Chandler Apr 2013
To the dog I found in the rain
You were easy to love
But hard to own

When I handed you to your owner
Her eyes red like a dying rose
I forgot to tell her I wanted
You to be mine

Now you can eat, now you can
drink out of plastic rather than tap
I imagine you next to me rather
Than this reward
513 · Jan 2014
Mind over everything
Michael Chandler Jan 2014
She's whispering history in my ear
I think it's meant to inspire
To reveal light or
To make me succumb with fear

I never listen to history talkers
I assume they are all liars
Because their are the only voice
In the room

Ill give their words my heart
It's been kicked, stabbed, dosed
With a fifth of kerosene and lit
By the flame of a fresh match

Torn, beat, spat on, shattered
And built back up again

They can do whatever they desire to my heart
It's seen, heard, and felt it all before
But they will never recognize my mind
My mind will never falter
485 · Jan 2014
Space camp
Michael Chandler Jan 2014
Our eyes were lost within ourselves
And there were no thoughts of what was to be gained
But just memories of civilian liberty

in a silent room
With our heads shaven and our mouths full
Rediscovering ourselves with each batted eye
We sat and chewed and stared deeper into space

we sat against sanitized walls
And talked of someone that seemed so familiar
And under red lights we wrote to those who
Controlled our minds and dreams.

feel the sponge scrubbing our brains
And as we held our tired eyes and stared into space
We wondered what it meant to be sane.
465 · Dec 2015
Underway Blues
Michael Chandler Dec 2015
First time I saw you
You were sprinting into the wind
And I laid back on the grass
Under the sun, lost in mind
Why was it so hard for me to say the truth?
That I chose a girl that lived closer and another because she opened her mouth and legs and heart to me

Sorry I rather give you a poem you may not care for
Than money to drink and eat though I have no regrets in providing
This life has turned my heart into stone
Unsure if youre the angel I believe you are or
If another man has you in his bed when I left room for you in my own
Nervous if your sweet text are sarcastic words you show to your pretty friends and they laugh at the joy of being women
Understand Love has broken me and I put myself together into a man my mother cannot even recognize

I feel so distant from the seventeen year old athlete you first met and felt attraction for
That placed his heart on the track to keep it away from home
Who tired his body so he can sleep through the chaos outside his bedroom door

Now, rocking from side to side as I eat, trying to find balance in my body and in my desire for your hand in marriage
A salty sailor with unpublished dreams and a desire to make average to a little above salary, almost mid twenty without a car

Im afraid you want that lost athlete and not the chain smoking sailor though we wear the same face and love you more than anything this world can offer

After taps, during watch, out in the rippling sea, surronded by stars from east to west, I think of you and how beautiful we can be but for the rest of the day I try to find peace that what we speak maybe fantasy
417 · Nov 2014
Michael Chandler Nov 2014
I gave you a ruby for your eyes
And diamonds to brush against your skin
I had the people bow down to you
They fed you roses, showered you with respect, And prayed for your health before going to sleep

But I can only shown you the throne
In your mind and heart must you sit and share this wealth.
In my mind you left nothing but dust
And dirt in which I cannot grow from

In my mind I can only hold your memory
And the promises that sounded so sweet to my ears But was only vibrations in reality

As king I cannot promise you that my walls will never crumble.
That my armour is made of gold
And that thyself is just as pure
i asked of you to feel the rhythm of your heart but all you could feel was the shine from my movado.
356 · Dec 2014
Michael Chandler Dec 2014
The sun on my wrist
Tells me time is for consideration
you can chop it up, display it
Be here, be there, till it matters

When my Movado shines
in her eyes like a dream
Does she care about the time?
Or the gold and sliver around it
351 · Dec 2015
Michael Chandler Dec 2015
Stuck between staring at my own reflection or looking in to your eyes
Behins mine youll see a doubtful man, a lover and sensual soul with flaws and cracks that are kept together by only rusted nails and thim lines.

I hope to find clarity in you, an incentive to be better, may be behind your eyes lays God
But what if your eyes never focus on me?
What if I find the same things that kept me in this bed alone?
A reality I rather feel sooner than later
Dreams Im not sure I want to bloom true
And now I'm back to being stuck between my reflection and you
350 · Feb 2016
If i was
Michael Chandler Feb 2016
If i was a plane I would fly across your skies just enough so one day you look up at the clouds and see me and dream
If i was a bird I sit at a tree and watch you walk back and forth, not rest at your shoulder because you may swat me away, I'll be too close
If i was a magician I'll trust you with my secrets and know you still believe in magic
If i was your lover...wait to real. If i was an option I'll love you till you can't reply

— The End —