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Michael Chandler Feb 2016
If i was a plane I would fly across your skies just enough so one day you look up at the clouds and see me and dream
If i was a bird I sit at a tree and watch you walk back and forth, not rest at your shoulder because you may swat me away, I'll be too close
If i was a magician I'll trust you with my secrets and know you still believe in magic
If i was your lover...wait to real. If i was an option I'll love you till you can't reply
Michael Chandler Dec 2015
Stuck between staring at my own reflection or looking in to your eyes
Behins mine youll see a doubtful man, a lover and sensual soul with flaws and cracks that are kept together by only rusted nails and thim lines.

I hope to find clarity in you, an incentive to be better, may be behind your eyes lays God
But what if your eyes never focus on me?
What if I find the same things that kept me in this bed alone?
A reality I rather feel sooner than later
Dreams Im not sure I want to bloom true
And now I'm back to being stuck between my reflection and you
Michael Chandler Dec 2015
First time I saw you
You were sprinting into the wind
And I laid back on the grass
Under the sun, lost in mind
Why was it so hard for me to say the truth?
That I chose a girl that lived closer and another because she opened her mouth and legs and heart to me

Sorry I rather give you a poem you may not care for
Than money to drink and eat though I have no regrets in providing
This life has turned my heart into stone
Unsure if youre the angel I believe you are or
If another man has you in his bed when I left room for you in my own
Nervous if your sweet text are sarcastic words you show to your pretty friends and they laugh at the joy of being women
Understand Love has broken me and I put myself together into a man my mother cannot even recognize

I feel so distant from the seventeen year old athlete you first met and felt attraction for
That placed his heart on the track to keep it away from home
Who tired his body so he can sleep through the chaos outside his bedroom door

Now, rocking from side to side as I eat, trying to find balance in my body and in my desire for your hand in marriage
A salty sailor with unpublished dreams and a desire to make average to a little above salary, almost mid twenty without a car

Im afraid you want that lost athlete and not the chain smoking sailor though we wear the same face and love you more than anything this world can offer

After taps, during watch, out in the rippling sea, surronded by stars from east to west, I think of you and how beautiful we can be but for the rest of the day I try to find peace that what we speak maybe fantasy
Michael Chandler Jan 2015
Why are you the only one that can make me laugh?

I call on to you when my vision is blurry and my heart is placed in the wrong hands.
I'm soaking up the California sun,

alone with my feet in the sand,

laying under a palm tree wishing I was back in the deadly cold,

can't feel my face and bones,

looking at Chicago's skyline with you.
Michael Chandler Jan 2015
It's been three years since the last time
Now you have long braids that touches
The perfect curve of your back and sometimes I imagine that God used his sharpest tool when he made you

The biggest mystery is that you understand me, and I you, our spirits or our past lives are somehow connected. Past loves that were sweer never measured, made love with them then thought about calling you

That nose ring and the gold on the sweet blackberries of your chest makes you royalty.
but why do I see you beside me in my dreams?
Forget it, let's just enjoy this new years eve
Michael Chandler Dec 2014
The sun on my wrist
Tells me time is for consideration
you can chop it up, display it
Be here, be there, till it matters

When my Movado shines
in her eyes like a dream
Does she care about the time?
Or the gold and sliver around it
Michael Chandler Nov 2014
I gave you a ruby for your eyes
And diamonds to brush against your skin
I had the people bow down to you
They fed you roses, showered you with respect, And prayed for your health before going to sleep

But I can only shown you the throne
In your mind and heart must you sit and share this wealth.
In my mind you left nothing but dust
And dirt in which I cannot grow from

In my mind I can only hold your memory
And the promises that sounded so sweet to my ears But was only vibrations in reality

As king I cannot promise you that my walls will never crumble.
That my armour is made of gold
And that thyself is just as pure
i asked of you to feel the rhythm of your heart but all you could feel was the shine from my movado.
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