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1.4k · Nov 2013
leather boots,
Michael Nov 2013
its cold outside,
like Minnesota snow.
i'm swimming in white,
and drowning in the darkness of the night sky.
all i have on is my leather boots.
892 · Oct 2013
My Love
Michael Oct 2013
i noticed you back in the 6th grade,
your blue eyes,
your light brown hair,
your shy smile.
you don't think of me as i think of you,
you never will.
when i see you in the hallways i fell bliss,
i feel warmth,
i feel lust,
i feel lighted up.
you make me happy.
652 · Oct 2013
your lust
Michael Oct 2013
your lust,
your body,
your lips,
your hair,
your eyes,
your smile,
your lust.
565 · Oct 2013
bad day,
Michael Oct 2013
im laying on the floor,
gazing at my laptop,
dreading that this day ever happened.

i don't want tomorrow to happen,
i want to stay in my bed all day,
where nothing can hurt me or make me fell the way i do right now.
540 · Oct 2013
all i see is you,
Michael Oct 2013
east to west,
north to south.

New York to Paris,
San Francisco to Tokyo.

mountains to valleys,
forests to deserts.

all i see is you.
443 · Oct 2013
Michael Oct 2013
we are the youth,
we are the depressed ones,
we are the lonely ones,
we are the heartbroken ones,
we are the confused ones,
we are the youth.
410 · Oct 2013
Michael Oct 2013
falling more and more into a dark hole,
i find myself in complete sadness.

no escape.
no hope.
just darkness.

theres nobody here,
just myself.

there are no paths leading to light,
theres nothing.
408 · Oct 2013
Dear Friend
Michael Oct 2013
we have been close for 2 years,
we've been through fights,
break ups,
good times.

i don't want to end us,
but i'm thinking we have to depart.

you don't treat me with any respect,
you never have.

i just don't want you to go away just yet,
out of my life.
326 · Oct 2013
Michael Oct 2013
i dread you,
i hate you,
i  loathe you so,
with 7 whole hours of hell,
why go?
all i know is,
that at 20 after 2,
i'll be as far away from you like the sun and the moon.
281 · Oct 2013
Michael Oct 2013
im sitting here in my bed,
thinking of all the mistakes i've made.
i am no longer happy,
i am someone i don't want to be anymore.
i live in fear,
i live in sadness.
i miss my childhood,
i miss my not being lonely.
i just want to be happy again.

— The End —