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Mi Dec 2013
Silence of the night is where it all begins
After my cover of being fine is torn to shreds
It's pretty easy to look okay once you're used to it
But just never believe you ever were
Morning filled with I'm fine and thank yous
Nights filled with sweet dreams and sleep tight
No one ever knew those things were never true
Loudest sound of silence
When I can hear my blood rushing in my veins
Or was it my heart beating even though
I wanted it to stop
Maybe they were the voices in my mind telling me
"Go to sleep and never wake
Nobody cares and
Someday you're gonna die anyways
Make it quick ,make it fast
You won't feel a thing
Just glide that blade against your wrist
You won't feel pain
And past is past"
It's rather tempting,it really is
But id never accept that offer
No matter how good the deal is
The silence of the night is a good persuader
But I'm not a buyer
And I have better things to look for anways.
Mi Dec 2013
I get confused when
People discuss love as if
It's a vague word
But no it's so much more
Love was portrayed wrong
In fairytales because they introduced
Love at first sight
But didn't emphasize that love isn't about looks
Sometimes the evil villain
Could be the one with the pretty face
Or the one with the white horse
Whereas Prince Charming
Could be a pauper
Who has to work for a living and perspires a lot
He could be clad in not-so-fancy clothings
Then again,that's only one aspect of love
There could be siblings love
There could be passion
Also faith .
I witness love first hand,
when people pray
when a person gobbles up their food
Without showing off on social media
When a pair of old couple uses sign language to
Understand each other.
Love isn't so simple
It's weird and complicated but
One day, I want to have my own love story,
A little but less than a Fairytale.
Mi Dec 2013
Dear King ,I used to call
You were never the bravest of them all
You left without a word
And with no gift in return
Remember your little princess?
You said you loved and never let go
Well,after you got a new one
She's only bear with pain and sorrow
What about your precious prince
That one day is going to take your position?
Well he sure is going to be a better King
By leaving him,he was only strong and determined
The old queen,she didn't know what to do
Her heartache continues
for she worked for the both of them
Well King?How is your life with the better wife?
Is it nice , is it wonderful?
Is it like the Fairytale you want to come true?
Is it worth letting your old family go?
Is it worth the scars on your little princess?
Is it worth the burden the old queen had?
Is it worth making the Prince a knight?
For all we know it wasn't his fight .
It was yours my king, you left
It rains everyday in my kingdom
No more sunshine and daisies
It's not your problem anymore though
Because you left my king
I hope you're doing alright
Because everytime I look at the other princesses
They look up to their king
They say that once they found their true love
They won't ever forget who was their first hero
However for me, dad
You may be my first hero
But that title was snatched away from you
The moment you let us go.
Mi Dec 2013
I'm in love with the sight of you
The radiance that emits from your bodice
Your smile that somehow could reach up to your eyes
I'm in love with every single piece of you
I love how your hair is perfectly messy
I can see you spend a lot of time
To style it just to look that way
You don't have to though because
You're already perfect in everyway
I smile when I see your silhouette
Because I think about when I can have you
In my embrace
I love your scent, so strong yet sweet
I see the way you are with children
Besides all that , you're still awkward
You'd laugh that deep laughter of yours
Just because I tell a lame joke
I love the way you eat and
Don't care about what anybody thinks
Well you don't need to anyways
Because I love you and
There's no other ways to put it
If you were the sea
Id take every chance I get to kiss you
For I will be the Sun.
Mi Dec 2013
I say I'm happy
Can't you see
Maybe you're blinded
By the frowns you're making
I say I'm sad
My eyes are watery
But your rage is blazing
So as my heart is bleeding
Mi Dec 2013
You can't fix me
Not with make up
Not with therapy
I'm blessed
With many things
But good things ,
They don't come easy

They say you're not broken
You're just lost
"Let me help you"
Do they really care
Curious,that's what they are
They didn't care then so,
Why now when I'm already broken

Merde happens all the time
Make us
break us
It's tough,makes us strong
It's painful,
I can't take it all
Mi Dec 2013
The sounds of the night
They like to scream
How lonely you are
But now it seems
That you've found a lover
Your heart is not alone
So it's starting to recover
But have you considered
About how I'm feeling
Have you seen me
Down and breaking?
But you used me
Only for your sole purposes
You 'cared'
Only for your selfish reasons
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