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Jun 2013 · 446
mhizz ashanti Jun 2013
Love in the air harted on earth without life its jus not worth love is not what u can see ur self with but its a person u can't see ur self without love is kind but it can also blow ur mind but it can also be dangerous so be careful and take love one step at a time and u“ll see ur self smiling in the beautiful sun shine
Jun 2013 · 481
love birds
mhizz ashanti Jun 2013
Love in the air harted on earth without life its jus not worth love is not what u can see ur self with but its a person u can't see ur self without love is kind but it can also blow ur mind but it can also be dangerous so be careful and take love one step at a time and u“ll see ur self smiling in the beautiful sun shine
Jun 2013 · 2.0k
mhizz ashanti Jun 2013
*** is nice *** is funny some people go and **** for money buy do u think *** is really dam funny here is my best advice **** ur self and save ur god dam money

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