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Jun 2016 · 189
Merry Swain Jun 2016
My mother once said she didn't understand how anyone could drink straight *****,
She asked me what I tasted when I poured it into myself,
Most people will tell you it tastes like nail varnish remover or gasoline,
But when that liquid burns me from the inside out,
All I can taste is
2:14am and I still ******* miss you
Jun 2016 · 170
Merry Swain Jun 2016
You are not here but your fingerprints have not washed off,
but one day I'll wake up and it won't hurt anymore.
I don't think you realise that I want you more than anyone else,
And I don't think my feelings will ever change.
I need you to tell me you love me just so I can sleep at night.
I guess I found my home in the wrong person
Apr 2016 · 315
Merry Swain Apr 2016
Recently I have learnt that you should never watch the sun set with the one you love,
Because when it's gone, and the sun is going down,
It will feel like a million stabs,
In a million different places,
And you will finally understand why storms are named after nouns,
And not adjectives
"Don't bother"
Merry Swain Apr 2016
The words I write on this page won't even matter,
Because you're my number one but to you I'm just the latter,
I don't know if it's a phase or if we're wasting each others time,
Or it's become a stupid show you can no longer mime,
But you stopped telling me how you're feeling,
And ever since I haven't been ******* breathing
I don't want you to forget me

— The End —