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 Sep 2015 Meredith Springer
I always miss people.

I miss the first boy I ever had a crush on:
The butterflies in my stomach as he walked down elementary school halls toward me.  

I miss feeling alive.

I miss my childhood bestfriend;
the one who stabbed me in the back. I miss sneaking into the kitchen for a midnight snack and laughing with the floors creeking under our feet.

I miss the innocence.

I miss my high school friends.
The ones who said they'd never leave, "best friends forever". I miss the realness and the togetherness of them.

I miss the simplicity

But most of all I miss having a favorite song, a go-to dance move, and being able to sing carelessly in my pajamas.

*I miss me.
 Jun 2015 Meredith Springer
angel kisses
and holding hands tight
as if the world's end was in sight.

late night chats
mixed with early morning tears
as i poured my heart out to your soul-filled ears.

each day i awoke
i knew that you cared
but as the days passed your attention grew bare.

now the morning comes
and i reach to my phone
hopeful that one day you'll soon return
so maybe, just maybe
I wont be alone.
 Jun 2015 Meredith Springer
oh darling, why do you run when you're defenseless? like a child hiding in the comfort of your quilt from the monsters beneath the bed; you cry out to be saved. yet when your rescue comes you retreat and hide your eyes. my darling, your fear isn't shameful. it's human. stop hiding behind the mask of despair. face the monsters under your bed, come out from under the sheets into the cold world. yes, people will hurt you. but that pain will make you beautiful.
 Jun 2015 Meredith Springer
From across the grungy school cafeteria my gaze met yours. Repeatedly. And each time, an uncontrollable grin couldn't be hid and I couldn't help but think that you must feel this too. During my speech my eyes tried to avoid yours for the sake keeping my breath, but during your own I couldn't help but stare.  At dinner, did your hand intentionally come together with mine so many times over the chips, or was your mind lost on the thought of our fingers being intertwined? I look at you and can't help but wonder... what do you feel when you look at me?
lol i'm pretty sure i'm an idiot for writing this
 Jun 2015 Meredith Springer
Her lonley heart was so tired of being broken so she shed tears to fill the cracks and slowly she began to rebuild her temple.
 Jun 2015 Meredith Springer
as children we feared the monsters under our beds or the ones in the closet hiding along side our clothes, but as adults we could never imagine that the monsters would live inside of our heads. these tormentors never letting us rest, never giving us peace, never letting us live. instead, wanting us to be miserable in the depths of our thoughts that drown us while others are fast asleep. these monsters, like the ones from childhood, are invisible to the outside world; yet they continue to cause nightmares.

— The End —