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Feb 2013 · 578
Mercury Slo Feb 2013
Soul brother
Somewhere in forever
You are tangled
In my depths
Mercury Slo Feb 2013
The itch in my temples
The fear down my spine
My stomach dances up and down
Leaving Peace behind
A Dark Horse gallops through my brain
"There's a party in her soul!"
Death invites the God of War
His army makes my skin grow cold
I dance to keep them satisfied
To keep their swords at bay

My face is calm
My face is calm
Wild eyes grow wilder wilder
    eyes grow wilder
Super-human confidence
Swaying back and forth
          side to side


Dance the dance of War
The Party never stops
Feb 2013 · 962
Mercury Slo Feb 2013
A polar bear
Its claws, like needles of fire
Bury into her skull
Her skull
It cracks
Jumping out of place
It leaves behind only a puddle
Red staining white
Bloodied snow
Flowing through their severed veins
She cries
The bear, golden crowned
Cannot stop
Bound by law
Stricken with sadness
Blinded passion
He devours
His love splits
Her eyes die
Slowly, the bear turns
He turns upon himself
Tearing methodically
At his own flesh
Limb from limb
He starts to fall apart
As he eats
Eats his own heart.
Jan 2013 · 1.6k
Mercury Slo Jan 2013
Agressie kook in my siel
Dit brand soos warm olie
Ek is kwaad.
So fokken kwaad.
Alles is kak
En ek is vasgevang
In 'n eindelose storm
Van sweet en rooi
My wese donder en brul
Liewe Wereld,
Jou ma se poes.
Jan 2013 · 1.7k
Beautiful Fungi
Mercury Slo Jan 2013
Shrooming in the last light
Gold ignites the trees
My gaze is the eternal compass
Of broken Time
Truth grapples with my mind
As I photosynthesize in the residues,
The residues of the last light.
Jan 2013 · 926
Mercury Slo Jan 2013
The lifeless nights
The fog-filled days
I miss my step
You are my crutch

But to trust in you
Is to trust in Satan
The healing you offer
Is vile and tainted

Yet in my eagerness,
In my haste
I gave way to your seduction
And I became sedated.
Jan 2013 · 952
A Ballade
Mercury Slo Jan 2013
Stricken, our lives teeter on the edge
Of our minds.
Like the ocean, caught in a hurricane,
I burst.
A fury of passion, blood and beauty
Strings around me tighten
In a hurry to see themselves snap
As I am pulled undauntingly closer
To the eye of the storm
The calm in which
The core of our love resides
The fire that burns within our soul
Keeps the peace that creates the chaos
Around us and in our heart
Here is where you begin
The angel in the shepherd's dream
The nightmare above his bed
Lost in your open eyes of wonder
We rise to greatness
Our love takes flight
It fights for a purpose
But the fire scorches all
That is left in its path
The cracks in the walls tear open
They shatter and fall to dust on the ground
We cry out as we fade away
Into each other's arms again
Your wings, they flutter and open my heart
Your skin, still unborn in the cracks in my skull
I fly towards you, my beak and claws
Colliding with yours
A force breaks out of our chests
And unites and slaughters our dreams
We share a power that none can conquer
It forms a universe we cannot grasp
It builds and empowers the storm that we are.

You are the gold dripping through my veins
With your armour and without,
Your heart spins within my palms
For the love of my life.
Jan 2013 · 542
Mercury Slo Jan 2013



Oct 2012 · 780
The Stink
Mercury Slo Oct 2012
You smell like bad coffee
When you wake up in the evening
To brush your hair

My blood is in your hands
Your blood's on my eyes
To live inside your hating guts

She was too attractive
So we just got over it
And stabbed each other blind

Let your heart seep
Through the nails in your arms
And carry me
Oct 2012 · 942
Hammer in my Eyes
Mercury Slo Oct 2012
Within the silence of the Earth
My sleep is suddenly, relentlessly *****
By the squawking of a newborn hammer

I arise to look into my eyes of scorn
My life's reflection sees ahead of me

If I could but read its mind
I would know this person
Staring through my soul
Oct 2012 · 698
The Clouds
Mercury Slo Oct 2012
I grieve too far
As you give what's left
The Earth crunches
Beneath the gracious falls
Of clouds to the ground
As I melancholiously wipe
The eyes of the Sun
In me it resides
In power we collide
Behind the wailing sounds
Of the water that gives
Us light
In flames we glow
A bright depth in our eyes
From which the trees
Spring forth
It guides us
Laughing as we grow cold.
Oct 2012 · 1.4k
Mercury Slo Oct 2012
Tending the flames
A lonesome wolf
Rises to decay
He speaks of loss
A dead moon
In his way
Oct 2012 · 4.3k
Mercury Slo Oct 2012
The ecstasy
The ecstasy only you know

The only life you have
Take it
Dwell in it
Let it consume
Wooden metaphors
You are infected
It spreads like

The ecstasy
The ecstasy only you know

Save it for the ones
Who live to execute
Give them this
Let self-love sweep
The floors of

The ecstasy
The ecstasy only you know
Oct 2012 · 710
The Eyes that Count
Mercury Slo Oct 2012
Flowing grace
Greedy love
Too many eyes
On the horizon of the mind
A gray horse
The emperor
Of a sea of moons
Glowing mountains
Grieving slowly
The death
Of a flower
The birth
Of ashes
The fish cry their dreams
To golden hearts
Sep 2012 · 2.2k
Broken Throne
Mercury Slo Sep 2012
There is a grotesque violence in our hearts
That throb as one
I had you by the hair
Now my blood is in your arms.
Seeping through your pores
We become divine
The king I see in you
Is the queen I used to be.
Flat on my back,
You'd make me roar
The grizzly desert-sun in your eyes
Your child-like honour
Your demeanor
A simple fix to a broken spell
We air our secrets
To a serpent fiend.
Caught in the blaze
Of its shiny heart,
The Empire is destroyed.
Sep 2012 · 825
Golden Grave
Mercury Slo Sep 2012
The search for riches continues
It flies and soars
Searching out a victim to devour
It grows and destroys
Conquering all it passes
The grave its fire
The Earth its grave

— The End —