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1.1k · Dec 2013
Mercedes A Dec 2013
I go, as I lay restless amongst the soothing sheets
8:00..9:00..10:00..the hours pass by
My eyelids grow heavy, suddenly they are closed
Then there it goes, the shock which steals my confidence, like
a thief in the night
I can't breath, the air..the pressure, it's overwhelming
I can't see, my eyes are moving rapidly nonstop
I can't move, I can't move, I can't move
My very lips can't fix to scream or say the word help
I'm in fear, the witch had come
My heart is pounding, the beads of sweat glistens
Oh But Wait
I can hear something, footsteps, sharp against the wooden floor
I'm paralyzed, I'm mute, I'm scared
I break loose, out of my body
My eyes suddenly open
I breath heavily
paralysis is over
834 · Dec 2013
The Haze
Mercedes A Dec 2013
His mind is a sudden haze, the details are a blur,
the smiles fade to frowns
He trembles in fear as he doesn't know when the monster is coming home..
The spirit which consumes the holy being of a home
of a child, of a sister, of a husband, of a wife, of love.
The spirit which is evil in itself that left the  everlasting marks
of terror and pain engraved in the mind of the pure
The white mind of the boy which marked innocence slowly fades to gray
The haze, the sudden haze slowly focuses in,
Becomes clearer and clearer within each stride
The haze turns into a person, a familiar sight..
The haze is a tall figure, fragile, skinny, abnormal and misshaped
The  monster...the spirit...evil... had consumed his mother
and left the pain..the agony..the hurt
the haze.. a sudden haze, was his mother.
808 · Dec 2013
Mercedes A Dec 2013
There she walks down the hall
A girl with a defined bun
There she walks
As the people stare..Laugh..Taunt..Snicker
Her anxiety gets worse, she wants to cry
As the stares devour her every being
She loses her breath, her stance suddenly gets weak
From the fact that her thighs slightly rub together and there's no space
From the fact that she feels like an idiot amongst a school who holds the brightest
She feels alone in an environment with a huge population
She feels empty, all because of the stares, the laughs, the snickers
666 · Feb 2015
Mercedes A Feb 2015
You ever felt bliss?
Bliss in regards to
The simple miss of a kiss
That made you wish to feel
That bliss once more?
I do.. Only that bliss that I missed
From that kiss made me realize that
It was on the top of my list,
Of things to Deny from the lies
That you hid from my side.
Thus that kiss is nothing but a bliss
To never miss again..
502 · Feb 2015
Mercedes A Feb 2015
Man, my mind is so cold
I pray to God it thaws out and to replenish my soul.
The Devils lurking and consuming my thoughts
Showing me different ways to **** and ways to never get caught
Haha you thought I meant another person ?
Nah I meant the death of my mind
Don't have the evil to see another man's blood on my time
The time id get for the act in committing such crime but trust I'm living a life sentence
Just for murderin these rhymes
I'm not a poet I'm just a regular person
Trying to recover all my thoughts sprinkling a little bit of earth in it
I pray to God that my thoughts can unfold
So it can help maintain the youth and give the world a little of my
363 · Feb 2015
The Truth
Mercedes A Feb 2015
The eyes, speak to my heart, the depths of their meaning convey so much more than their purpose. The eyes are meant to see, provide vision amongst those who wish to avoid the risk of being blinded by the truth. The truth, some say it hurts, but does it really? The pain from hearing such bliss can be seen as cruel, why? I too was once a women who neglected to see the truth, from the very eyes that stared within mine. I say within, because these eye didn't look at me, ,but within. Within the volumes of my soul, the boldness of my spirit. These eyes, the iris, beautifully brown, spoke words to my being. A barrier formed during the connection of our eyes, from the pain that they'd endured prior to seeing these eyes. Past eyes have looked into mine, with lust , almost like wearing contacts as if to say that these eyes were fake, they spoke at me, but not within me. But your eyes, your eyes speak love to me, your eyes speak words that your heart cannot express. Your eyes are strong, powerful, distinct. " The truth hurts," yet does it really? Cause the truth I see, stared right at me. I guess the truth hurts after all, I hurt when I look into those beautiful eyes, because I couldn't see past the hurt of the contacts to envision that the truth had finally stared within this whole time, you. You are the truth, and the only reason it hurts , is because I couldn't see your eyes sooner.
325 · Feb 2015
Mercedes A Feb 2015
Do you ever dream of me?
I dream of you..
Do you ever see the things
I see in you..
The potential, the strength, the complexity of your mind.
Don't let it go to waste, don't have much time.
Baby girl your anxious ways must cease someday
See its guarded the access to the various ways
Directions, & positions of your intelligence.
So that dream that I dreamt of you,
I only wish that you could see it too
Cause you think this verse is written for another person
Look in the mirror and see the person in you.
201 · Dec 2017
Mercedes A Dec 2017
Nothing more than a shock
A mental block
Violent waves
And a broken clock
The traffic in my head is deep
It’s heavy
It’s congested
There’s a crash up ahead
Signs flickering, bright lights
“ Stop” “ Wrong way” “trouble ahead”
The traffic is clearing
It’s nearing the end of rush hour
It still feels stuffy
Tight, it’s foggy
I’m losing sight of this glowing sign ahead now
“ I’m goi-“
It’s all I’m able to read
Horns are blowing, I’m distracted
Can’t see where I’m going anymore
The rains pooring,
The roads slippery
The windshield wipers are loud
They screech
I want to turn around, but I can’t
I’m on a highway
It’s so congested
Foggy high beams
I can’t see the cars
I’m trapped , but I can see a little more of the sign “ I’m going to-“ that’s It i  can’t see
It’s cut off, what does it mean
I can’t do this Iis too hard, it’s too heavy
I can’t see, I can’t see
It’s foggy as hell, but the signs clear
I can read it, “ I’m going to bless you, but you have to do you’re part and steer clear of the devil’s obstacles “
I’m going to keep going and have faith that the traffic of my thoughts clear up with the presence of my God here

— The End —