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 May 2017 mera
Lørd Slayer
While you weren't here
I cried every night.
A million tears fell,
Still my heart wasn't right.

While you weren't here
I did what I could,
Hoping against hope
My decisions were good.

While you weren't here
I gained some in age.
Things just went on
And life turned a page.

While you weren't here
I just tried to go on,
Knowing what didn't **** me
Would only make me strong.

While you weren't here
A whole lot got changed.
My life became different,
My world rearranged.

While you weren't here
I had to learn to be alone,
To stand on my two feet,
To make my own home

So that's where I am now,
At this stage of my life,
Still scared and alone,
Still coping with strife.

And oh how I wish that
Things could be different,
That I could go back
To a time in the past,

To a time before
You weren't here.
 May 2017 mera
 May 2017 mera
The first poem I had ever written
hangs in a frame in the den.
My father shows it off proudly,
I just think it's lousy.
Did you read it?
It wasn't for you.
I was a junior,
he filled my life with humor.
Could it have been about you?
Would I still roll my eyes
and constantly ask my dad why
he has to show it around?
Now I write mostly about you
and this constant feeling
of heartbreak that I go through.
They say life isn't fair.
Looking back at your stare,
I can now only agree.
it's about parking cars in garages.
 May 2017 mera
Olivia A Keaton
 May 2017 mera
Olivia A Keaton
i was fighting
im tired of hiding
my love for smoke
im quickly smiling
really trying
to be myself
im quietly screaming
loudly dreaming
i wish i would have spoke.
my mouth closed
my mind open.
am i supposed to feel alone?
cant i walk away,
even as i choke?
 May 2017 mera
you wish to sell me roses
my pocket tells me queen annes lace

you dream for something delicate
my hands accustomed for rough

you ache with quiet longing
but i hear your untold groans

your desires are not unique
not a rose within the weeds

your plight is universal
unwanted in our garden

be gentle with our hearts
that attempt to ease your woes

flowers and weeds both grow by the roadside
each bloom in spring from sun

you are not unique within this life
roots, stems, pollen, pedals, blossoms.
There’s a woman that I know
Who’s smile and grace cause me to stop in my tracks
There’s a woman that I fancy
Who fills my every sense with her being
There’s a woman that I admire
Who I dream of our fingers intertwined
There’s a woman I desire
Who’s lips beg to be kissed gently, with passion
There’s a woman that I crave
Who i would relish every moment just to be in her presence
There’s a woman that I love
But I can’t buy her flowers.
@2017 Christopher A. Michaels
 May 2017 mera
Diána Bósa
 May 2017 mera
Diána Bósa
With you, I gladly
dance the sleepwalkers' waltz, yet
still, while on my way

to descend, picking
up the thread by following
Ariadne's line,

like vigilant ones,
I would rather desire to
be on the watch by your side.
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