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199 · Jul 2018
God's Love Test
Joseph Elward Jul 2018
We are all born innocent

Happy Boys and Girls

But then one day

Our innocence is ripped away

We all learn how horrible life can be

We then fall to our knees

Begging our God

Don’t take the one I love

Don’t let them die

I can’t say goodbye

But if you must

Let me join them today in Heavenly above

We ask, “How could a Loving Creator be a Divine Traitor!”

Love lost can be a parent Mom or Dad

Son or Daughter

Brother or Sister

The loss felt can drive one mad

We ask The Holy Divinity

“Make sense of this loss?”

Only silence no explanation

For this horrible emotional cost

Then one day we come to realize

The joyous gift of life

Is paid for by all of us

By experiencing Death’s Strife

God’s Gift of Love in this life and the next

Comes at a price

Which we all have to pay

To pass God’s Love Test
152 · Jul 2018
Joseph Elward Jul 2018
Hot boring day
Don’t got much to say
How can I get High?
I need my Soul, Mind, Body to Fly

I tried ***** and Jack
Boy the Buzz is Wack
I wrote some real cool things
But destroying my liver would sting

I should try to take drugs
Where can I learn how to take pills?
I need to get my mind to chill
With my luck I would probably OD
If I do bury me beneath
The Manchineel Tree

Maybe I should go to the Internet and hire a *****
I hear these girls Love Money from Male Bores
Gee I hope they don’t have too many sores
Writing poems is nice
But I yearn for a safe vice

I use to listen to music
Beatles, Stones, Billy Idol
Today I need a sound that is Vital

Rap is Great
There is no debate
But I need a Lady to take me to another level
My ears, eyes and mind she must bedevil

To soar I must feel the Beat
I have to feel the Heat
She has to be a Visual Treat
Her soul I would eat

I don’t care what color she is
But I must be able to taste her Audio ****

So I go to my search engine and type in trance
All the Ladies are Super Hot
But will I find Aural Romance

I can’t decide between Milk and Dark Chocolate
Wow Black Latex Skin Tight Suit
Her stance, her dance, her prance, her trance
I found the Trance Queen

Nadia Ali is her name
Her sound and beat have brought me to life
She will become my Video Wife

Her performance can bring and man or woman to their knees
You can see on her face
She has style and grace
She loves to entertain
And take away the boredom pain

What an Angel sent to Earth
To spread Trance’s Birth

Thank you Miss Ali
You got me Audio High
I bet even the Devil if he heard you would cry

Please if you read this poem check her out
You owe it to yourself to find what Trance is all about
145 · Jul 2018
Afternoon with The Ducks
Joseph Elward Jul 2018
I sat down on a old wooden bench
In the park one scorching, sizzling summer day
It was hot It was humid
I decided to write anyway

Angry thoughts in my mind
Feelings of frustration
I needed to unwind

As I worked on a scene from my imaginary play
The intensity of my thoughts drifted away

I looked up from my yellow notebook
A pair of Ducks approached me
I had to take a second look

What an odd pair of Mallards
Bobbing green beaks flapping gray wings
Quacking  in unison
Sounded like they were trying to sing

This fowl twosome were quite entertaining
I no longer felt the need for complaining
So if you feel your life is in flux
Spend an afternoon with the Ducks
145 · Jul 2018
Joseph Elward Jul 2018
One day I fell asleep in my chair
I awoke and a room full of smiling women
Looked at me
With Death’s Stare

I asked myself
Am I dreaming?
What are these women scheming?
I fear my mind these women soon will be reaming

What made me dream this way?
My boss yelled at me today
Too much work stress
My brain abscess
Heart and soul in distress

I heard on TV there are more men than women
Women dying and killed in record numbers
Female Final Slumber

Male Violence
Men creating
Female Silence

I looked back at the Cabal of Ladies
I fear I have a room at
The Hotel Hades

Their smiles gone
The room suddenly burst into flames
The women screamed out in pain
Their anguished cries driving me insane

I fell to my knees
I begged them for a Quick Death
They said after I listen to how they all died
Maybe then I could take my last breath

One was ******
One was beheaded
One was burnt alive
One was strangled
One was led to a cliff and forced to dive
She did not survive

There is no Honor in killing

All the women committed the same sin
Wanting to be free
Male driven Female Genocide for centuries

Still going on
Way too long

All the men swore to love and protect these women
Fathers, Husbands, Brothers, Sons, Friends and Lovers all lied
Allah Cried
Love Denied

Evil dark music filled the room
Flames Rising
Tribal Trance Treat
Tantric Drum Beat
The women danced
I was entranced

Satan and Jesus
Came in the room
They approached the women
And both told The Flock they are
The One
Follow me to Eternal Fun

All the women laughed and turned away
From their Saviour
These women no longer crave
Male Behaviour

Then out of the Flames
I was approached by
The Head Dame
My Dead Mother aflame
Smoldering in front of me

My Beloved Mother said to me
Son you don’t have much time
It’s true you never committed female crime
You never got out of line
Why don’t you write a rhyme

Tell all men of future women yet to come
They need to be free
And will not be Men’s Property

These unborn women will demand to experience life
Free from Male Strife
And be warned
If Male Violence continues against women
And Men refuse to change

Then one day all the women will be gone
They will refuse to be born
Men will no longer be turned on
This will signal
Man’s Final Dawn
136 · Jul 2018
Joseph Elward Jul 2018
Once I stood witness

In a place before time

I passed through a Golden Door

Into a room that was sublime

There was GOD

And his only Begotten Son

Two Angels Lucifer and Michael

Their battle had just begun

I saw a passionate fight

Lasting all through the night

A fierce struggle of wits and will

Lucifer fled to avoid Michael's ****

The Warrior Angel told Lucifer

He will never take Jesus's place

For your sin of Envy

You will spend Eternity in disgrace

Into The Lake of Fire

The bones of Fallen Angels

Fuel this evil bonfire

To this day The Dark Angel lives in his

Den of Decay

Planning for his return to wage The Final War

On Judgement Day
130 · Jul 2018
Joseph Elward Jul 2018
One day I fell into a well of despair
Why God does no one care
Well I am finally at the end of my rope
For me there is no hope

My only sin was looking at the pretty girl
Her face more beautiful than a pearl
Want, Desire, Lust
If only I could have won her trust

I asked her to release me
She smiled and stared
But refused to set me free

Obsessive thoughts way to deep
Mind and soul heartbreak weep
But I now know I will never have her
I fear soon I will be dancing with cadavers

I long for death eternal peace
Only then will this female obsession cease
I was taught it is wrong to take a life
The priest told me to find a wife

So this is the end
The damage I will soon do will never mend
Should I die by gun, noose, bottle or pill
Or take a leap from a high hill

Maybe God will send me a sign
Maybe a Heavenly Angel will throw me a line
Soon my suicide will fill Satan with pride
My Soul in the Lake of Fire will hide
Did Jesus ever Love me I cried

I can't go on like this
This Blonde Temptress
Robbed me of all bliss
Her beauty tormenting my soul my mind
Unholy woman kind

So I slowly put the gun to my head
Soon I will be dead
Good-Bye God
Now I am really going to blow my ***

But wait a voice said
Putting lead in your head will turn your rug red
The only thing that can save your mind and soul
Is to write your way out of this Obsession Hell Hole

God why did you put me down here
At the bottom living in fear
Why must I write of these evil thoughts
The Devil tried but my soul can not be bought

I will not let the demons win
I shall not **** myself it is a sin
So now I will become a writer
Keep writing mental fighter

Even if my written words make no sense
Writing makes the mind less tense

Someday my obsession will be lighter
With Heavenly Help
My future will become brighter

So Dam the Demons
I’m through screaming
God thank you for finally making my mental suffering go away
So I can stay here a little longer and play

And if no one ever reads my words
At least writing has made my mind
As free as a bird
116 · Jul 2018
Joseph Elward Jul 2018
I live in a drywall box
Sitting alone staring at my clocks
With landscape art hanging all around me
It’s no wonder inspiration has finally found me

One day my mind forced my hand to start writing
About my parents in Heaven still fighting
Knowing their bodies lie beneath the ground
But believing that is not where there to be found

One night I dreamt of a beautiful house
It was on a sunny hill where I saw cat’s playing cards with a mouse
There was a young woman sitting on a porch rail
She turned to me and asked why I looked so pale

She told me she did not die
She told me I no longer have to cry
Then all of a sudden I awoke
Asking myself... “Was Mom's death some kind of horrible Joke”

The Wake…The Funeral…
The Burial Mass…The Grave
Mom's dream message proved to me
She had risen from her Coffin in the Cave

Sometimes I wonder if Mom and Dad are really dead
Or are they living in my head
Can our parents be more alive than we think
Could they be some kind of Supernatural Link

Some say this life is a trial
With certain emotions recorded in our Spiritual File
We all experience wonder, joy, sorrow and pain
Some days… it’s a challenge just to stay sane

I pray our parents watch over us from a far
I swear sometimes… Their sitting in my car
Maybe when we experience life’s emotions
Our Parents are there recording the commotion

I bet Mom sews all day
She probably still has no time to play
I bet Dad writes all day
Will my sons ever find their way

Someday I will tell everyone
That Heaven maybe closer than the Sun
And even though our parents may not be here
When we take our last breath there is nothing to fear

Because what seems like a very dark day
Is really a small price to pay
So the next time you hear a familiar voice in your head
It could be your parents telling you they are not really dead

And I thank… GOD… I no longer have to write
Because my parents have finally found Peace in the Light
And some day when it’s my turn to go home
I will show my parents this poem
112 · Jul 2018
Joseph Elward Jul 2018
Woke up this morning
Grey rainy day
Turned on the TV watched Talking Heads
They didn't have much to say

I got all kind of *****
But no one wants to play

I think I will try writing a poem
About people who are all alone
About souls far from home

How we all came to this place
Which we soon learn is not very safe

Wondering what came before
Dreading the day
We walk through Death's Door

I think I will take another sip
Boy...Vanilla ***** is a trip
Makes love to my lip

So this is how life goes
For a Poet knows
Loneliness inspires prose
103 · Jul 2018
Joseph Elward Jul 2018
Biggie and Tupac
Heavens Dance Angels Prance
Rap’s Eternal Lyrical Romance

I awoke one morning with little warning
God’s Rapticans took me for a ride
To the other side where are loved ones hide

California Love I climbed on
Deep into the Light...What a Sight
Beyond the video to Heavens Studio

We headed to a place above the Sun
Follow the beat  move your feet feel the heat
My soul My mind My unwind

We stopped and came to a place
Where Angel’s climbed Heavenly Vine
At the top there was a door had to see more

Inside Biggie and Tupac
What a shock
Teaching all future Rappers yet to come

All colors and creeds planting Peace Seeds
Finally an End to terror will come beat the Drum
Boys and Girls yet to be born

End to hate there will be no debate
Big and Tupac will see to that
Future plan for Man

Learning to write about ideas
Share knowledgeable have compassion
Heavens true fashion

No more Mideast No more Midwest no more whose the best
Someday all the realities will unite
The Dead, The Living, The yet to be born sound the Horn

Finally and end to Global Fight
Through Rap’s Musical Delight
God’s Audio Lift Musical Gift

A new beginning
The Creators Plan
For the Family of Man
100 · Jul 2018
Joseph Elward Jul 2018
I am jealous of my fellow poets
They get comments, favorites and votes
Yes it's true...I am no Truman Capote

I have written about loss, love and depression
Writing has lead to my mental decompression
I have poured out my soul in rhyme
Tried to avoid poetic crime

But no matter how hard I try
Writing poems that would make the Devil Cry
The response I get would make a Happy Clown Sigh

I work hard at rhyming words
Trying hard not to create poetic turds
The votes I get wouldn't even feed a bird

Maybe I should change my name to Josephine
Upload a photo of a Hot **** Beauty Queen
The boys and girls would read my poems and cream
Maybe I should cut off an ear
Come out as Queer

My hope is someday my readers will see me as a poetic seer
When I am finally lying on my Funeral Bier
93 · Jul 2018
Joseph Elward Jul 2018
Sound no bound

I have to write a Tribute to my
Favorite Electronic Group
Her voice from an Angelic Dimension
His Electronic Sampling from a Seraphic Extension
Dark Moonlight Musical Distension

Aural Audio
Moaning Groaning
My soul flying

Rainbow Sparkle to my ears
This Duo has mastered their Entertainment Fears
Their Lyrics put one in a
Psychedelic Trance

I hear Vivid Colors and Bizarre Patterns
True Audience Romance
Her voice embalming my mind
Unholy woman kind

How can I pay tribute to the
King and Queen of 3D Pop

Death seems to be a driving theme
The loss of a Loved One can drive you insane
Why does God inflict unbearable emotional pain
With only Nightmarish Wisdom our Gain

Please keep entertaining the Dead
We all really just live in our head
Then one day when we will be born into our new life
We all will attend
The Eternal Concert
When we are lying
Beneath the dirt
91 · Jul 2018
Finally Famous
Joseph Elward Jul 2018
After all the years
After all the beers
After all the tears
I finally am famous
Two of my poems
Have been chosen to be published
The Poetry Selection Committee determined
My writing was not *******
They were checked for grammatical goof
Then I cheerfully approved
“The Artist's Proof”
Maybe I should publish a book
Poems about Death, Depression
The Afterlife
How the Priest told me to find a wife
I should write how poetry helped me
Battle Mental Strife
Now all I have to do is mail the check
I wonder if I will become as famous as Shrek
Yes...I am famous...In my own mind
My Internet Publisher has been more than kind
Their poetic approval has fed my ego
My Poems, My Friends, My Amigos
89 · Jul 2018
Joseph Elward Jul 2018
My buddy told me to take a chance
Internet Dating…You will find Romance
So I joined a Website and to my delight
A girl emailed me… Would you be my Knight

She wrote her username is eab 53
She was searching for a Good Man
She hoped it was me
She longed for a Male Fan

I like Good Conversation, Fine Dining and Champagne
But first you should know I am not into playing games
I won’t let just anyone into my nest
Now I will see if you can pass my test

I emailed her back… Maybe we could meet
I will start by making love to your feet
She must have sensed I was in heat
Her reply was let’s take it slow
Prove to me why you should receive my treat

She attached her photo… I slowly opened her file
To my surprise this woman had beauty, grace and style
She was truly an Elegant Visual Feast
Her Photo awakened my ****** Beast

The next day in the mail a letter came
At last…My poem was to be published
I’m finally in the writing game
The selection committee determined my words were not *******

I celebrated alone all afternoon
Trouble is Orange Juice and ***** turns me into a writing goon
I sent my Amour a loving email
About my desire for her tail

She wrote back Get Lost…Your not worth the cost
That’s the trouble with drink it makes one yearn for the pink
Now my love is lost Goodbye eab53
I felt the Heat now Loves Frost
85 · Jul 2018
The Garden of Lilith
Joseph Elward Jul 2018
I look at the painting on the wall
The winter blue scene early morning light
The altar-shaped forest evergreens casting shadows
There on the frozen white snow horrible sight

Stands Lilith all alone
The Mother of the Devil
This is her Garden at Dante's lowest level
The ground covered with skull and bones

Adam's first wife
She would not submit
Fled heaven for the Evil Life
She disobeyed God she did admit

Long flowing crimson hair
Strong naked body beyond compare
Ruby red lips
Swaying  hips

Female Devil Demon
Seducing innocent men stealing their *****
Birthing Devil Spawn
Since the beginning of Man's dawn

So pray at the Hour of your death
Your soul is pure
Because if it is not
Lilith will own it for sure
84 · Jul 2018
A Mother's Embrace
Joseph Elward Jul 2018
One night I had an uneasy dream
I was at  Mother's Wake
A woman entered the viewing room
I wanted to scream

It was my Deceased Mother
Followed by her Dead Sister Stella
A third woman without a face
Carried a black violin and an umbrella

The trio approached the coffin
Mother was lying in
The Blond woman with no face
Started to play a weeping violin

My brother suddenly grabbed me
And threw me against the wall
I fell to the floor then slowly got up
I realized I was now wearing a Black Pall

Mom looked at her corpse
Then approached me and said
I am not dead
Then she slapped my face and embraced my head

I awoke rolled out of bed turned on the light
Looked in the mirror with terrible fright
Saw a red mark on my face what a horrible sight
Did Mom return from the Grave to visit me this night

The mark was proof of Mom's Death Embrace
I hope writing this poem
Will keep me from ever going
Back to this dark place
82 · Jul 2018
Apartment Fleas
Joseph Elward Jul 2018
What happens to a Poet
Who has nothing left to say
I sit and watch
The World Slowly Decay

Global Warming
Robots replacing Man
Was this God’s Plan

I see Movie and Rock Stars dying everyday
I am sad but don’t know what to say
I can’t stop wondering when it will be my turn
To sleep with the worms

I did the best I could by avoiding life
To afraid to find a wife
Sometimes I feel like a castrated male lapin
Just another lost **** Sapien

I try to write poems that make sense to me
But deep down I know
My words are only read by my
Apartment Fleas

I wanted to write something important
I wanted to move my fellow man
I wanted to answer the Big Questions
But now I finally realize

I don’t know anything more
Than the day I was born
Just another Male Bore
Searching for The Answer Store

So I thank God everyday
He keeps the Coroner at bay
Just another ageing Poet
With not much to say
77 · Jul 2018
Joseph Elward Jul 2018
I want to thank
Mel, Charlie, Michael and Nick
For their Eternal Bad Boy Persona
And by continuing to **** Hollywood’s ****

Now it is true our Hollywood Heroes are ageing rapidly
Before our eyes
Makes a true fan cry

But this quartet’s private and public behavior
Fueled by solipsist ***, ***** and drugs
Have propelled them to the top of the Hollywood game
We are so grateful their vices and need for constant reward and pleasure
Haven’t driven them completely insane

They have all slowed down a bit
But through their hard work
They have all achieved the honor of being crowned
The Top Hollywood Celebrity Twit

I want to be clear
I write this with the utmost respect
I am just another
Frustrated and Jealous poetic insect
Observing from afar
From inside my jar

All the Hell-Raising Activity
Rants and Chants
Have far eclipsed their
Great Cinematic Art

The Devil is proud of his Disciple’s
One day he prays to collect their souls
When they finally fall
And we see their name on the
Entertainment Tonight  Obit Crawl

If it wasn’t for these brave men achieving their PHD in Abuse
Physical, Emotional, Psychological, Romantic, Financial and Verbal
Their Lives and Art would be quite obtuse

These unbalanced Alpha Males
Have delighted us for years
We all Love to read and see their Lives, Mind and Souls torn apart
Please Guys more tears

So the next time you see a Celebrity
Being exposed as a Fool
Think about what these creative angels
Are willing to go through
To entertain us all

The Adoring Fans
All Floating in
Hollywood’s Cesspool

— The End —