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Jul 2012 · 956
on va encore s'aimer?
Melodie McInnis Jul 2012
Après nos bons coups,
ca se rend a un fin,
on se rend a la fin de la route,
le temps on a eu ensemble te dits rien,

je me demande si on pourrait s'aimer,
maintenant que je suis des miliers de km de toi,
maintenant on n'a que se demander,
c'est tu encore toi et moi?

Je sais que j'ai pas pris avantage
de notre temps emsemble,
je sais que je dois être sages,
pour attendre a la prochaine fois,
suis je capable?
ou trouvera tout quel qu'un d'autre?

Un jour on va s'aimer encore,
et non maintenant
il faut juste avoir un peu d'espoir
Jul 2012 · 467
What Happened?
Melodie McInnis Jul 2012
You sit here awake,
wondering what went wrong,
and this is to much pain to take,
It's not a physical scar,
Melodie McInnis Jun 2012
If you'd ever ask me about his eyes,
I'd tell you that the first time i met him i was mesmerized.

If you'd ever ask me about his lips,
I'd tell you that you'd fell the sparks down to your fingertips.

If you'd ever ask me about his smile,
I'd tell you that you'd want to stay longer than a while.

If you'd ask me about the way he makes love,
I'd tell you that there is no sweeter thing.

If you'd ask me how well i knew him,
I'd tell you that he makes me feel comfortable in my own skin,

If you'd ask me about the way he makes me feel,
I probably couldn't explain it in words,

If you'd ever ask me if he thought about me,
i would be as puzzled as one could be,
when they are in love.
May 2012 · 2.6k
The Scorpion and the Frog
Melodie McInnis May 2012
"It is better we should both perish than that my enemy should live"

the scorpion; lethal
the frog; delicate

1st times a accident
2nd times a mistake
3rd time shoud've never happened.

but you were right it was inevitable for it to happen again.
With your kindness so dear and delicate,
your genuineness so rare
and your heart so pure
and my nature so continuous,
it wasn't a mistake or an accident,
you cannot break the cycle of nature,
just like the changing  seasons.

it's like harming someone you care about,
and harming one at one's disadvantage,
with recklessness .

they aren't worth loving, or being affectionate towards,
Oct 2011 · 1.4k
I told myself
Melodie McInnis Oct 2011
I told my self i'd never write a love song,
nor a love poem,
nor try to express it in any way,
Because at the time i never knew how to explicitly express it,
I still feel bitter expressing feelings that I could not have before,
Time has passed and were further apart then we ever were,

We don't say words we usually would say,
We don't talk like we used to,
We only talk every so often and when were alone we walk in silence
We don't love like we used to,
We don't look at each other like we used to,

Seven years will have passed and we still won't be together,
It's not easy moving on after you said you loved me,
But were still young are we not?
How could we have ever known what it's like?
I'm telling you seven years of devotion,
Seven years of pain, seven years of wanting to be with an *******,
Seven years of loving someone who could only love his smokes & ****,
To give them up  for me,
You didn't keep that promise you made,
I can't believe I loved someone who hurt my best friends,
Who critized everyone he met,
Who poked and prodded at everyone's weak side,
Who as if stripped me naked and laughed at my most feared insecurity,
Who told me he finally manned up to tell me how he felt,
And then changed his mind constantly,
Which will it be?

Time's running out, don't you see?
We have dont'have time anymore, to give this a shot,
So let's go at this with every fibre of our being we've got
better to face your fears,
Then to later regret in our older years.
I'm tired of fighting these tears,
One day will be early or to late,
I'll be gone before you can think straight,
Should've never done those drugs,

You ask me why?
Why i'd fall for someone like that?

Because I believed that there is good in everyone,
even if their past and future have never changed for the better,
Sep 2011 · 587
'Weather' it be
Melodie McInnis Sep 2011
When it rains you complain about wishing it could be sunny,
but when it's hot you wish it could be stormy,
and when it's windy, you shy away from the breeze

Nature can't bend to your every whim,
It's climate and reasons are only within,

whether it be rain or shine,
i hope you know that in my eyes you will always be divine,
and your reasons will you be yours and yours only

whether it be love and passion,
that forms this world,

I hope you know that it will be beautiful either way,
Sep 2011 · 1.6k
Melodie McInnis Sep 2011
Beauty is like a Bonsai tree,
The beholder must have a strong structure,
to lift it's own weight,
but beauty doesn't have to be perfect,
the bonsai tree has it's own imperfections,
it's has botches and marks,
but it's those imperfections that make it so peaceful and beautiful <3
Sep 2011 · 1.0k
like a party cracker
Melodie McInnis Sep 2011
Ever feel like a party *******?
stuck in the middle of two attackers?

One relying on the party crakcer to get the information across?
stuck in the middle of everything, like your being tossed?

Both sides fighting constantly while the one in the middle gets hurt,
and has to bear with the pain and the pass a long information,

why do you have to fight?
Why can't you make amends?

it's not like you've ever known what it's like to be a party *******,
tearing as you put more  pressure on both sides,
won't i break to?
I hope you know i won't be able to last forever.
Sep 2011 · 1.2k
Growing up
Melodie McInnis Sep 2011
so you think you had it hard?

when you were five years old,
you were given hasbro toys,
when i was five,
I learned how to fold,
and help mom do the laundry,
and tuck my little brother and sister in ,

when you were seven?
you were spoiled beyond your wildest dreams,
when i was seven,
I learned to help make lunches,
and stick up for my little sister at school

when you were ten?
you had the best birthday party,
when i was ten,
I helped mom save up for my sisters birthday present,
that year she wanted a doll house,
and that year she got it, finally

When you were 12,
you went to your first sleepover,
when I was 12,
my daddy lost his job,

When you were 16?
You got your first car,
I bet that was the best part,
when i was 16,
I helped my parents pay the bills,
with my first job,
Are we sitll equals?

the difference between you and me?
some people have to grow up faster than others,
some get to be free, some have a responsibility.

— The End —