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To wait for you
is like being in a drought

The dry cracked lands
on the surface of the earth
await just a drop of rain
that will moisten up the soil

To nourish
and to stimulate
the life beneath.

The rain falls now
but only a light sprinkle

Is this an indication
that rain will soon come?

A downpour  
to revive my soul?

That after long anticipation
the sun will shine?

Part II

Tell me you love me
You want to be with me

And the most beautiful flower
will arise from the soil
to blossom before you

Tell me you are ready
You want to go steady

Rose petals spiralling out
bestowing a gentle and loving nature
on her part

Come to me she says
And you will find the nectar of bliss
at the centre of my heart

I look into your eyes, and I see nothing.
This will be the last time I see you.
You’re going to take your own life next week.
Your parents divorced through no fault of your own.
But, you blame yourself.
If I knew, I would stop and talk to you.
I would love you and help you.
But I can’t see, so I don’t.

I look into your eyes and I see nothing.
If I knew, I would be mortified.
You’re going to **** your girlfriend after your date tomorrow.
You’ll regret your decision for the rest of your life.
It will ruin you; it will ruin her.
If I knew, I’d stop you.
I would do something; I would keep you from ruining your life.
But I can’t see, so I don’t.

I look into your eyes, and I see nothing.
There will be accident: a bad one.
You will lose who you love most.
If I knew, I would be your friend.
I would comfort you, so you wouldn’t have to go through this alone.
There is a light at the end of the tunnel.
And I could help you share this burden.
But I can’t see, so I don’t.

I look into your eyes, and I see nothing.
Your heart so depressed and your joy gone.
Nobody wants you; nobody accepts you.
Soon, you’ll fall into drink and drugs to fill the void.
You tried to talk to me once, but I didn’t listen; you tried to reach out, but I didn’t hear.
Too busy was I, that I pretended not to notice.
If I knew, I would stop, listen, and love you.
But I can’t see, so I don’t.

I look into your eyes, and I see nothing.
A decision you’ll make to start selling yourself.
You’ve never loved yourself after your father did what he did.
And every man since has treated you the same.
In no way is this your fault, but you don’t understand; you blame yourself.
If I knew, I would show you that there are good men.
I would show you that your worth lies in your heart.
But I can’t see, so I don’t.

I look into your eyes, and I see nothing.
Picked on and beat up almost every day, you can’t handle it anymore.
You’ll show them; you’ll show the world who you are.
When they beg for mercy, you’ll have your revenge.
In that moment they’ll be sorry, but you’ll show them no mercy.
If I knew, I would calm you. I would keep you from becoming a monster.
All you ever wanted was a best friend, and that’s what I would be.
But I can’t see, so I don’t.

I look into your eyes, and I see nothing.
Joyous your life has been, until now, but soon, your world will be turned upside down.
You’ll look at yourself and wonder what you did wrong.
You’ll question your beauty, your love, and your personality.
What made him leave for her? You’ll never know; you’ll just question.
If I knew, I’d tell you that it was his fault not yours.
I’d tell you that you’re most precious, and that he didn’t deserve you.
But I can’t see, so I don’t.

I look into your eyes, and I see nothing.
There are so many faces: countless of which going through such pain.
I know I can’t help all of them; there are too many for one person to heal.
But I could help some, so shouldn’t I try?
The lives I could touch would be forever changed, if only I would reach out.
The help and love I could bring, though not much, could change a destiny.
My life could be worth something if I only I knew!
But I can’t see, so I don’t.
disbelief as the words come out
the world starts to move in slow motion
your thoughts turn like gears in a clock
as you try to comprehend the news
finally, you put meaning to words being said

numbess at first
denial follows close behind
the possibility was always there
but thoughts were never suppose to turn into reality

then it hits you all at once
you crack like an egg under pressure
the questions running through your mind

anger now races through your veins
a feeling of betrayal and abandonment

now all there is left to feel is sadness

— The End —